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SIOUX vs. DU - 3:30 Gameday


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It could all be a great conspiracy.  If I am Quinnipiac, what video do I want to see?  I want to see the two tournament games from this past weekend to learn how SCSU and DU beat UND.  The UND team I saw at the Target Center was not the same team that I have been watching the past few weeks.  The breakouts were different and the zone entry was completely different.  It could be a plan that the opponent will use these videos for preparation and will face an entirely different UND strategy.  Could be!

Pass me some of that green Kool-Aid please.
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I can't believe no-one has mentioned the brilliant strategy by Hak that got us this bracket at the west regional. Had we beat St. Cloud on Fri. and they then went on to lose again Sat. they would not have made the NCAA tournament. If we would have won both games and retained our #1 overall ranking we would be playing RIT. St. Cloud would not be in the tournament, therefore another 3 seed would have to play here, perhaps Minny or BC. If we had beat Miami they may not have been a one seed, further upsetting the apple cart. Fargo may have been the Region of Death. 


Dave Hakstol, evil genius.     200px-Drevil_million_dollars.jpg


Lots of odd conspiracies running around this site.


Just sayin. :whistling:

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Then why play him Saturday with nothing on the line?

Very true, these conspiracy theories are laughable at best.  The boys played bad...that's all.  Did they end up in a more friendy bracket?  It would appear so however who knows in the grand scheme of things.  Parks, Caggs, all the other playmakers have been in a offensive slump for a while.  Mac and Parks were even struggling against WMU.  We need Parks to put the team on his back and go out with a bang.  I think he'll be a solid third liner in the show if he can keep his consistency up.  Still shocked we don't have a PPG guy on this team. 

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I think it may be smoldering somewhere nearby...

If they burned the ships to conquer the land or die, they sure as hell did not seem to want to live last weekend.  Honestly, I'm still fuming about what I saw.  No sense of urgency or focus.  They should have let CC go to the tourney - at least CC would have given a damn.


Now all we can do is hope that they somehow miraculously pull their @#($*%&  together.  Not likely, but we'll see.

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If they burned the ships to conquer the land or die, they sure as hell did not seem to want to live last weekend. Honestly, I'm still fuming about what I saw. No sense of urgency or focus. They should have let CC go to the tourney - at least CC would have given a damn.

Now all we can do is hope that they somehow miraculously pull their @#($*%& together. Not likely, but we'll see.

We played like garbage, we all know this... Now it's time to move on, man.

It's time for the big dance.

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Please...please stop the burn the ships thing. Pretty cheesy.



I disagree and evidently so does at least some of the team.


Burn the ships.  Fine.

Burn the sails.  Committment.

Burn the oars.  Total committment.


Now please let go of the doggoned anchor! 

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Please...please stop the burn the ships thing. Pretty cheesy.

Good thing the locker room speech wasn't meant for you!

Have you read the story? It was obviously inspiring by what they accomplished!

I think I read Mario tweeted it to the seniors again this year...

Cool story!

Burn the ships!!

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Good thing the locker room speech wasn't meant for you!

Have you read the story? It was obviously inspiring by what they accomplished!

I think I read Mario tweeted it to the seniors again this year...

Cool story!

Burn the ships!!

Cool story about the ships and all but wish it would have remained a team thing as it loses something when it gets in the hand of the masses. Just as likely to be fuel for the competition at this point. Sort of like the over the hill ladies with the .06 shirts, didn't look so awesome when Union was trying to skate around on the confetti

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Cool story about the ships and all but wish it would have remained a team thing as it loses something when it gets in the hand of the masses. Just as likely to be fuel for the competition at this point. Sort of like the over the hill ladies with the .06 shirts, didn't look so awesome when Union was trying to skate around on the confetti

That's what I was thinking.  Comes across cheesy now, just my personal opinion though.


Haha some of you guys are a hoot :)

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Cool story about the ships and all but wish it would have remained a team thing as it loses something when it gets in the hand of the masses. Just as likely to be fuel for the competition at this point. Sort of like the over the hill ladies with the .06 shirts, didn't look so awesome when Union was trying to skate around on the confetti

I agree about the shirts, but they were worn before their teams job was done, and in a very public place. This is being written about the Sioux team on a Sioux website... Just sayin

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Been a long time since I've been on this website, but I see the panic hasn't changed...lol

Great post above!

I watched a so called Sioux fan chew out these million dollar contracted players after they loss on Friday! He was hanging over the railing yelling, almost all of the players looked right at him! I was sitting right there, I felt sick witnessing it! Brought my young daughter for the first time, with that idiot and the woman behind us (which obviously has zero hockey knowledge) yelling "shoot it, Jesus Christ shoot the puck, you can't score if you don't shoot" or when Zane would stop a dump and chase behind the net she'd yell "Zane what the hell, stay in the net, what is wrong with you"! Felt like it wasn't the right place to bring my child! Something is wrong with that... These players don't owe us fans anything! They want to win more than we want them to win. I fell a majority of Sioux fans I sat around want them to win so they have verbal fighting ammo to other fan bases only! Not because they love this team! I guess I'm lucky to have the neighbors I do all season long at the REA, Go Sioux!

Hmmm it is so sad to hear people from our fan base act like this.  The loudest ones seem to be the most ignorant :angry:

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The problems this weekend did not involve coaching. The players never showed enough skill to where you could get to the coaching. They could not make a decent pass, they could not catch a pass, they could not cleanly shoot the puck. For whatever the reason, the players could not do the basic hockey functions to complete any kind of coaching strategy. Players had to stop to catch a pass and then start skating. By then the opponent was on them. I can't remember the last time I saw that many whiffed passes, whiffed shots, lazy passes that got intercepted. The mental errors were contagious. The Sioux had 4 mental errors in the first 1:15 of the game against Denver. For whatever reason the team (other than mostly Murphy and Poolman) did not want to play to win the tournament. There were times when they could dominate, and then just lose the focus. This was not the same team that just a few weeks ago was totally committed against St. Cloud.

Okay, I have to chime in here.


A team that is good enough to win the regular season title of a league that has sent 6 out of 8 teams to the NCAA tournament suddenly isn't good enough to at least show up for the conference tournament?  :silly:


At this time of the year, the differences in talent levels between teams gets narrower, which means you cannot "out-talent" teams.  That is where coaching and strategy (or lack thereof) become apparent.  If those things aren't the responsibility of the coaching staff, then what is, having Hak give the same tired old sound-bite laced interview he has for years ("work extremely hard, accountability up and down the lineup, blah, blah, blah")?  This is the time of year when coaches like Hakstol and his assistants really earn their money.  The idea that absolutely nothing is on them would suggest we are paying someone a six-figure salary to put together a line-up card and then sit and watch.  And that mentality has to stop around here.

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Okay, I have to chime in here.


A team that is good enough to win the regular season title of a league that has sent 6 out of 8 teams to the NCAA tournament suddenly isn't good enough to at least show up for the conference tournament?  :silly:


At this time of the year, the differences in talent levels between teams gets narrower, which means you cannot "out-talent" teams.  That is where coaching and strategy (or lack thereof) become apparent.  If those things aren't the responsibility of the coaching staff, then what is, having Hak give the same tired old sound-bite laced interview he has for years ("work extremely hard, accountability up and down the lineup, blah, blah, blah")?  This is the time of year when coaches like Hakstol and his assistants really earn their money.  The idea that absolutely nothing is on them would suggest we are paying someone a six-figure salary to put together a line-up card and then sit and watch.  And that mentality has to stop around here

My point wasn't that coaching and strategies don't matter.  My point was that the Sioux were not playing well enough for the coaching and strategies to matter.  It wasn't an issue of trying to out talent the other team.  It was simply that UND players did not appear to execute the basic fundamentals of handling, passing, and shooting the puck for the other things to matter.  It is all important, but if you cannot pass the puck to a teammate on his stick, if you have to stop to catch the puck rather than catch it on the move, if you whiff on the puck when you are trying to shoot, you can't even get to the point where the other things matter.  UND has the talent, they have shown they have the drive, and yes, they won the conference this year.  For whatever reason or reasons this past weekend, they had a difficult time successfully completing the basic hockey skills.  If you cannot do that, then strategies and coaching cannot bail you out. 

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