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NORTH DAKOTA FIGHTING SIOUX at UNO(UND wanna bes haha) Friday game thr

Emerald joker

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I know your opinion on this, but given the two handers Omaha doled out all game long, and Massa's slash to a player standing in the exact spot MacMillan's penalty was called, I can easily see how MacMillan could consider contact in the crease fair game. And that's not even considering the context, already shorthanded in overtime.

Sure, I get it, but the player has to be the one in control and not give an official the opportunity to make a bad call. Ortega was not even a threat to get the puck on that play. The puck was reversed softly to a vacant corner. Go get the damn puck Mac!
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I also blame gfhockey for going out and saying he will not start a game day thread because of his love affair for Dean Blais.


Fire Brad Berry for his piss poor power play he's in charge of.


While the PP did come through and score, it would be nice to see us put one in on a five minute major for a change.


When is the last time we pumped two in on a fiver?  Anyone? 



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I have 20 years....never


I was always coached that its law of the jungle when you're down a man late or in OT.  Tackle an opponent if there's a loose puck in your crease.  Use your stick "creatively" if a guy cant use his hands, he can't score...and they never call a second penalty in OT...oh wait...

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The other thing they could have done was killed the 5-on-3, which, actually, they did.  (Officially, it came one second after the first penalty expired.)  In fact, they held Omaha to no really good chances until the very end. 

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I was always coached that its law of the jungle when you're down a man late or in OT. Tackle an opponent if there's a loose puck in your crease. Use your stick "creatively" if a guy cant use his hands, he can't score...and they never call a second penalty in OT...oh wait...

Me too. The second one was never coming. I want to say I have seen this before in a regular season NHL game but it was total bloodshed. In a 25 game regular season, I can't believe this was called. Benefits of having deano I guess. Guy flipped a lid and the refs gave it back to him.

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I was always coached that its law of the jungle when you're down a man late or in OT. Tackle an opponent if there's a loose puck in your crease. Use your stick "creatively" if a guy cant use his hands, he can't score...and they never call a second penalty in OT...oh wait...

But there was no scramble on this particular play, and the puck was nowhere near the crease. The puck was slowly rolling to a vacant corner, and if Mac hustles over there instead of hitting Ortega he gets the puck and clears the zone.

Gotta be smarter than that.

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Macmillans rep for diving is catching him and it only started to be wild recently. His embellishment last weekend should have been a wakeup and instead cost us a skater at a key time after getting away with 2 in the game.

Lol Mac has a rep for diving?! Since when? Good lord.

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