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Mollberg or Bartels?


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  1. 1. Moll erg or Bartels

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Often times quarterbacks have the tangible attributes (arm strength, height, weight, etc.) but they can't make the correct decisions (intangibles). I think we may have a case of this with Joe Mollberg; he has the potential, but he's not the type of decision-maker required of quarterbacks. 


Both last year and last game, Bartels was the better decision-maker. I think that is huge for the way Bubba wants to play football, especially this year with how the defense is playing. Bartels deserves a shot because there is evidence to suggest he is the better decision-maker. 

I remember Braden Hanson having a fairly week arm as well, but he made up for it with his accuracy and mental game. I am by no means saying Bartels will ever be anything close to that, just the same type of thing. I am just sick of seeing bad snaps and missed open receivers or overthrown passes. We aren't good enough to keep helping out the other team with that kind of crap.

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7/8 and marching down the field. Pretty damn good. Joe should start because Ryan can't make certain throws which will limit the offense. I'm a big Bartels supporter but Joe was in complete control yeaterday.



Body of work for Joe...'nuf said.  "Complete control" with out producing a TD...no thanks. Joe hasn't been "pretty damn good" all season...you of all people should have the sense to recognize that.  He has been a TO machine all season.  And to your 2nd sentence...#buttpractice...Ryan made plenty of good throws yesterday.  Joe might practice well per some insiders but definitely has a tough time translating it games.

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Body of work for Joe...'nuf said. "Complete control" with out producing a TD...no thanks. Joe hasn't been "pretty damn good" all season...you of all people should have the sense to recognize that. He has been a TO machine all season. And to your 2nd sentence...#butpractice...Ryan made plenty of good throws yesterday. Joe might practice well per some insiders but definitely has a tough time translating it games.

But...but...but...he was 7-8 yesterday before he got hurt!

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Well it begs the question, what would Joe have done on the day had he not been knocked out of the game? Was it that the Portland defense was inferior to just about anything we'd seen so far this year? Would Bartels still have produced against the likes of Montana? 

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Well it begs the question, what would Joe have done on the day had he not been knocked out of the game? Was it that the Portland defense was inferior to just about anything we'd seen so far this year? Would Bartels still have produced against the likes of Montana? 



Joe has a body of work thru 6+ games.  If you have watched him play multiple games, you know the answer to your initial question.  I don't deal in hypotheticals............and I doubt Bubba does either.

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I get the fact that you really don't like Mollberg as the starter, but you keep citing this body of work business. My hypothetical has a pretty valid point of concern, i.e. competition level. How does Portland State's defense compare to Montana? Montana State? 


Let's add in the fact that this is still a new offense and the offensive line has been a sieve for the majority of the season. The coaches seem to think that Bartels would have done worse than Mollberg in all those games, so who's to say they weren't right? Against Portland State he was 7 of 8 and had lead the longest UND offensive drive of the year to that point. There's no evidence to show that he wouldn't have been able to keep up that kind of performance throughout the game had he stayed healthy. 


I agree with other posters saying that Mollberg needs to trim down. When he was brought in, I was expecting an athletic, dual-threat capable quarterback but haven't really seen any of that from him. 

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Regardless of who the QB is, the most glaring hole on this team is still the offensive line, particularly their run blocking.  If they can't start opening some holes consistently to establish a run game, the opposing defense is going to be able to pin their ears back and harrass either QB all game long making whoever it is back there look pretty bad...........

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I get the fact that you really don't like Mollberg as the starter, but you keep citing this body of work business. My hypothetical has a pretty valid point of concern, i.e. competition level. How does Portland State's defense compare to Montana? Montana State? 


Let's add in the fact that this is still a new offense and the offensive line has been a sieve for the majority of the season. The coaches seem to think that Bartels would have done worse than Mollberg in all those games, so who's to say they weren't right? Against Portland State he was 7 of 8 and had lead the longest UND offensive drive of the year to that point. There's no evidence to show that he wouldn't have been able to keep up that kind of performance throughout the game had he stayed healthy. 


I agree with other posters saying that Mollberg needs to trim down. When he was brought in, I was expecting an athletic, dual-threat capable quarterback but haven't really seen any of that from him. 

As many have said Bartels 2nd half of play was better than ANY half Joe has played this season to date.  Do I dislike Joe...no but this isn't Instagram or Facebook.  He turns the ball over too much, takes too many unneccessay sacks and misses too many open throws.  Was Bartels perfect?  Far from it but a QBs job is to protect the ball and produce TD drives...he did both of those things.

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Regardless of who the QB is, the most glaring hole on this team is still the offensive line, particularly their run blocking.  If they can't start opening some holes consistently to establish a run game, the opposing defense is going to be able to pin their ears back and harrass either QB all game long making whoever it is back there look pretty bad...........



Totally agree.

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Mollberg will be QB next game. He has played well last couple of games and there was nothing exceptional from Bartles that would lead one to believe he will do better. He did a good job. Interesting that some of the experts don't point out the missed guy in end zone that could have been TD or missed open receivers or the possible pick 6 Portland could have had on the out pattern Young dove for and caught. These are always brought up when Mollberg makes same mistake. That stuff happens and is part of the game for both of these guys. What too many seem to miss is that there were no dropped balls yesterday and at least four diving catches. The same guys who wanted to toss Garmin under the bus should have seen the potential he has if you give him some seems to run in. Oline is maybe the most important factor for either of these guys. They both are a lot better when receivers catch the ball. Receivers did great job yesterday.

Bottom line is that Mollberg has played well the last two games and other than the pick 6 did decent job against Montana State. Bartels came in and played well yesterday. The problems on offense aren't necessarily the QB. Don't see coaches pulling Mollberg now after he has been playing well. They won't pull him until they know he won't be their QB then he will likely be done.

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Mollberg will be QB next game. He has played well last couple of games and there was nothing exceptional from Bartles that would lead one to believe he will do better. He did a good job. Interesting that some of the experts don't point out the missed guy in end zone that could have been TD or missed open receivers or the possible pick 6 Portland could have had on the out pattern Young dove for and caught. These are always brought up when Mollberg makes same mistake. That stuff happens and is part of the game for both of these guys. What too many seem to miss is that there were no dropped balls yesterday and at least four diving catches. The same guys who wanted to toss Garmin under the bus should have seen the potential he has if you give him some seems to run in. Oline is maybe the most important factor for either of these guys. They both are a lot better when receivers catch the ball. Receivers did great job yesterday.

Bottom line is that Mollberg has played well the last two games and other than the pick 6 did decent job against Montana State. Bartels came in and played well yesterday. The problems on offense aren't necessarily the QB. Don't see coaches pulling Mollberg now after he has been playing well. They won't pull him until they know he won't be their QB then he will likely be done.

Agree with everything you said about our QB situation. I agree that given room to move Garman is effective. Unfortunately he can't break tackles. He goes down way to easy. When Shaugs gets back he needs to play. I wasn't very impressed with Simmons either. Our Oline is what it is. They played better this week and hopefully it continues. For the second week in a row a WR comes out of nowhere to be a number one target. Also, we're continuing to utilize our TE's. Nice to see some recieving depth. All in all our offense is showing improvement and I believe it continues with either Mollberg.
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Seems like everyone forgot how clutch Joe was against montana late in the game.

Joe did fairly well at the end of that game.   I don't think anyone would argue that.   The first half of the Montana game, was horrendous.  If I recall... a throw into the ground, overthrew an open receiver by 10 yards, nearly threw a pick six, followed up by the fumble debacle play.  



We've seen one half of Bartels play this year.  Comes in stone cold, not seeing real game action for a year, gets his composure after a couple of possessions, and marches the team down the field twice, spreading the ball around, for touchdown drives.   


I doubt Joe will lose his starting job in this way.   But I hope his leash got a lot shorter after we have seen we have a backup capable of running this system.   

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I wouldn't overstate that 7 of 8. Almost All were short swing passes and everything good came on a rollout. It's not like he was picking apart the PSU seconday. In three possessions, only one could be considered marching down the field. The others were a three and out that included a sack when Mollberg didn't get rid of the ball and another was a drive where his lone incompletion came on a third down that killed that drive and hadn't got past midfield. Hardly what one could call "complete control".

Mollberg just doesn't look comfortable in the pocket and seems to have no sense of when pressure is coming and he needs to avoid a sack. Bartels appeared much more confident once he got rolling despite what one would assume has been minimal practice time with the 1s. I think Bartels has to be the choice going forward.

And for those saying that Bartels was only successful against a weak Portland State defense, remember that UND didn't exactly light it up offensively against Stony Brook or Robert Morris.


Bartels should be the guy moving forward.

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This is going to be a tough one for Bubba, he'll be damn if he does and damned if he doesn't.   I think Bartels deserves a shot, but I think they will stick with Joe because he was designated their 'starter'.   It's kind of funny how people hate when the head coach can't make a decision and stick with one guy and flip flops, but many are now hoping he does lol. Joe has been playing better lately, and I'd feel bad for him if he had to ride the bench now when he was driving the team down the field when he got hurt.  That said, like the one poster said......we are not making a deep playoff run this year.....and it would be nice to know what Bartels can do with this offense.  Joe has been playing better, but it is a fact that our offense has been poor at best up to this point.  Definitely not all Joes fault, but if Ryan can move the team with a poor line and make the plays to overcome it and get us in the end zone..........he should get a chance.

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Per Tim and Swyg on 1440 AM, Bubba says Mollberg will remain starting quarterback.

Bubba cited the good start for Mollberg before the injury. Also, Bubba believes Mollberg is recovering well and likely will be the starter in a couple weeks vs. SUU.

Bubba announced it before the gobc meeting???

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Per Tim and Swyg on 1440 AM, Bubba says Mollberg will remain starting quarterback.

Bubba cited the good start for Mollberg before the injury. Also, Bubba believes Mollberg is recovering well and likely will be the starter in a couple weeks vs. SUU.



Well...OK then...will see what happens vs. SUU I guess. 


What if Joe gets off to a "good start" like Saturday but doesn't lead the team into the endzone in the first half and UND is behind at half....................................

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