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University of North Dakota Hockey 2014-15 season


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I always attributed it to new guys coming into the pro style game UND played, been completely different than anything they have played in before.

However, I did like hearing Hakstol acknowledge that they are putting a concerted effort towards starting the season better in his interview with Hammer. I think he's sick of answering questions of why they always start slow and finish strong.

And as a fan, it would be a much less stressful season if we didn't have to depend on a great run to the make the tourney.

UND's style of play is not that drastically different than what teams in juniors.  Dump and chase is dump and chase.  Playing the walls is not drastically different.

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I think Schmaltz will be 40+ points. Super high skills in his bag!! Elite forward! I look forward to seeing Olson and pagonski as well. Sound like strong forwards. What type of game does Simonson bring? Only player not that familiar with. Thanks

D core is rock solid. Deep! Jschmaltz is best d man to come through GF in a long time. Smooth, reliable both ends and can jump up and create big chances as he's done

My top 6 would be.









Zane's net it is....is Johnson looked upon as a future top end guy or will they be adding someone soon to the recruiting class between the pipes?

Hell yeah sioux hockey is back!!

8oston bound!

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Scoring could be an issue this year - or not. I can see Cagguila, Parks, Mark Mac, Gaarder having big years, and maybe ySchmaltz, and maybe OD. I think it's well within reach to average 3.5 goals/game, and if that happens, see you in Boston! Speaking of Boston, I have my hotel room booked and get tickets on Monday. Pretty pumped up for this season!!

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Yes from what I heard they didn't even sell out of season tickets for students so I would expect more seats available to the public

Wow. I always thought there was more student demand than supply for the seats and that's why they put limits on freshmen getting them? Or was that only making upper bowl available to be newer students? Either way, why would student attendance drop?

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Yes from what I heard they didn't even sell out of season tickets for students so I would expect more seats available to the public


Last season, someone mentioned that one of the reasons students didn't want to come to game because they were getting sited for Minor in Possession. Is that true?

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I've been out of the student ticket loop for a few years, but they must have less than when I went. I was just able to secure first row section 310 for the Friday Providence game going through Ticketmaster. That section used to be students.

They had the same amount as last year but didn't sell them all so they took the section away from students.  Why have no completely filled sections when you can have some almost full ones in the other ones.

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Last season, someone mentioned that one of the reasons students didn't want to come to game because they were getting sited for Minor in Possession. Is that true?

There is alot of people on campus that are underage and choose to drink rather than watch the game. Many sneak booze into the students section and a lot do get caught and get minors. I think this is only part of the problem, like gfhockey said I think there is a perception of UND Hockey on campus people like to cheer for winners. When we go through spells of ties and losses many students think there are better things to do with there time and a lot of time it is drink.
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If REA ever abolishes the student section entirely, I will be finished going to games there.  It would turn into a cheesy minor league atmosphere without the students, but that is what the suits want and that is what they have been trying to establish since the place opened in 2001.  I'll just watch the games at home and they can give my seats to Amazon.com or whomever else wants to buy them up for corporate schmoozing purposes.  Hopefully, this never happens.

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If REA ever abolishes the student section entirely, I will be finished going to games there.  It would turn into a cheesy minor league atmosphere without the students, but that is what the suits want and that is what they have been trying to establish since the place opened in 2001.  I'll just watch the games at home and they can give my seats to Amazon.com or whomever else wants to buy them up for corporate schmoozing purposes.  Hopefully, this never happens.

Huh?  Where would you even get an idea as asinine as this?

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