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What type of team will USA take with Donny running the show? Most all college with a few MJ guys? No UND players this year, that will change more than likely next year for team USA. This is always a great tourney to watch! High end players world wide

I saw that Lucia is holding camp at mariucci this week. I think they play Mankato on if these nights


Malmo, Sweden

Can USA repeat?

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This is an old article, but it seems like the details should still apply:


I'm always excited for this tournament. I make sure to save enough vacation days so that I can stay home and watch as many games as I can.

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I always used to cheer on Canada but after observing them boo the United States at the WJ's in Grand Forks, I stopped. And this wasn't friendly good-natured booing by the fans either....and the US wasn't even playing Canada!

No kidding, many Canadians are pretty douchey when it comes to hockey, it's their game and everyone else should suck at it...or not even play it. Maybe if they were good at anything else besides curling it wouldn't be so bad.

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I never discount the US, but in looking at the roster, I have a hard time seeing us coming home winners. (But I'm hoping for it!) Let's just hope it's my unfamiliarity with some of the players on the roster. I love a good Canadian meltdown. :D

There are some pretty nice players on this team, their top line with Erne and Hartman should be nice. Barber is solid. Pretty blue collar (besides Eichel) if you ask me, but that is how US teams always are.

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I'm anxious to see what goaltender becomes the guy. Last year Gibson just stole the show. He put the fellas on his back and they just followed him to the gold medal.

I think Gilles might be the guy. Demko looked okay the only time I saw him this year against the gophers, but isn't he like 12 years old?

Last year I ripped on the coach and he proved me wrong and they won the gold. So I'll go ahead and throw Don under the bus now. Can't believe he's the coach. He's terrible. Awful...... GET RID OF HIM!!!!!

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I'm always surprised by the anti-US venom our friends to the north spew in this tourney. It is so bad it is clearly a complex. They also always have the talent, it's just a matter of whether or not they can pull it together.

Canada should win it every year with the talent they produce. I'll take a Don Cherry quote, "Canada could make three teams, and they'd all medal".

They show up like the big kid on the block, they get all the media attention, the entire nation is watching every move the team makes. Go to TSN.com during the tournament and you've got at least five stories daily on team Canada. Where as in the United States, its just us amateur hockey lovers that know whats going on wherever the tourney is held. I think its good for the sport when a country not named Canada wins. Probably like when the U.S. men's basketball team doesn't win gold at the olympics.

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Canada should win it every year with the talent they produce. I'll take a Don Cherry quote, "Canada could make three teams, and they'd all medal".

I think he said that before the 2006 winter games in Turin, Italy. Canada finished 7th and the United States finished 8th. They probably had to use the jaws of life to get his foot out of his mouth. :silly:

The United States is producing more players from more places and there is so much upside to the game south of the 49th parallel. I have seen several articles from Canadian sportswriters who think the United States will continue getting better and better at hockey and will challenge Canada more and more in international competition.

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