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The next coach of UND football is....


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I would have a hard time counting DeBoer out in a hypothetical two-horse race. First, he comes across as somebody who would be very polished in an interview. Second, Faison was in attendance when DeBoer got his signature win as a head coach. Plus, Faison allegedly asked him to apply. I'm not anti-Bubba by any means, but objectively speaking I could easily see Faison choosing DeBoer.

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Bubba ran a successful DII defense within a successful DII program and now runs an average DI defense within an average DI program. Add two years of 500 coaching at a DII school and apparently you have the frontrunner for our head coaching opening. Unbelievable.

I agree...a "national search" with Faison's "vast network", as some have called it, gives us 1) Bubba and 1A) DoBoer as contenders to become the new HC of this FB program.

And Pflu was sent out to sea by the HR dept................

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I agree...a "national search" with Faison's "vast network", as some have called it, gives us 1) Bubba and 1A) DoBoer as contenders to become the new HC of this FB program.

And Pflu was sent out to sea by the HR dept................

If this is true as reported in May 2012 by the Missoulian then he should have been sent away by the HR department. How do you defend his non-action? Or do you think it isn't true?

But in January, UM President Royce Engstrom wrote in a draft of planned public remarks that then-Grizzlies football coach Robin Pflugrad had disciplined some football players accused of raping a woman, but did not report the incident to his supervisors.

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I agree...a "national search" with Faison's "vast network", as some have called it, gives us 1) Bubba and 1A) DoBoer as contenders to become the new HC of this FB program.

And Pflu was sent out to sea by the HR dept................

I agree either DeBoer or Schweigert would be somewhat disappointing hires given the title "national" search, but we have to deal with what we can get I suppose. The biggest factor could really be the increase in assistant's salaries - that could allow for experienced assistants to be hired, not just former players.

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To post #2255......

The 4 football players accused in the gang rape were never charged, according to DOJ blaming poor handling by the UM OPS and the police department. Pflugrad is named in the investigation for not reporting it in a timely manner...which seems unusual because the victim reported it to police immediately and they were on campus investigating the next day and interviewing the players. The players were disciplined even though they were never charged, and that effectively became the end of it. He may have made an error in judgement by not contacting Engstrom immediately, but it's not like it was being covered up, everybody knew what was going on. Had they been arrested the situation would have been completely different, at that point it was an investigation with nobody arrested.

His quote after the incident:

“With the information I had at that particular moment in time – I did the right thing with the information I had,” he said. “And that was told to me by the Missoula Police Department. I was told I did an admirable job not only with my discussion with all those players, but my disciplinary process.”

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According to http://dailyegyptian...iu-salary-data/

Schweigert makes approximately $87,000 a year at SIU. Would be smart to only offer him around a $150,000 base salary with incentives that could potentially take him over $200,000. Let the saved value be distributed to the assistants, so we can hire quality DI offensive assistants to accompany Schweigert and presumably Schmidt.

Also, considering Kalen DeBoer makes approximately $68,500 a year, is it possible he could be hired as offensive coordinator for Schweigert? Pay $150k for Schweigert and somehow get $80k for DoBoer? Maybe a slight possibility…

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I guess the main disappointments I would have if Bubba or DeBoer (my gut says Deboer by the way) is that they should have been hired on December 11th if it was going to be one of those two. Neither would really be sexy hires, but sometimes the non-sexy ones are the ones that surprise you and get the job done.

I do have to wonder, with the potential salaries we could pay our assistants, if DeBoer would potentially be able to bring Bubba along as D Coordinator (or vice versa). I still like the potential of having Todd Hoffner as a potential OC though. Wonder if we would have DeBoer as HC, Bubba as DC and Hoffner as OC? Thoughts on that lineup?

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I do have to wonder, with the potential salaries we could pay our assistants, if DeBoer would potentially be able to bring Bubba along as D Coordinator (or vice versa). I still like the potential of having Todd Hoffner as a potential OC though. Wonder if we would have DeBoer as HC, Bubba as DC and Hoffner as OC? Thoughts on that lineup?

Who knows. We don't know what the job postings will look like for the coordinator positions and whether they would make it through the all-powerful HR Department. :silly:

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According to http://dailyegyptian...iu-salary-data/

Schweigert makes approximately $87,000 a year at SIU. Would be smart to only offer him around a $150,000 base salary with incentives that could potentially take him over $200,000. Let the saved value be distributed to the assistants, so we can hire quality DI offensive assistants to accompany Schweigert and presumably Schmidt.

Also, considering Kalen DeBoer makes approximately $68,500 a year, is it possible he could be hired as offensive coordinator for Schweigert? Pay $150k for Schweigert and somehow get $80k for DoBoer? Maybe a slight possibility…

From Hambone:

I do have to wonder, with the potential salaries we could pay our assistants, if DeBoer would potentially be able to bring Bubba along as D Coordinator (or vice versa). I still like the potential of having Todd Hoffner as a potential OC though. Wonder if we would have DeBoer as HC, Bubba as DC and Hoffner as OC? Thoughts on that lineup?

Given their current salaries, more likely Schweigert gets head job and DeBoer gets offensive coordinator if you want them both.

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The good Lord knows I'm not the smartest guy when it comes to football nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I am really disappointed with this whole process and the glaring fact that our AD didn't really have a solid short list for our football team's open coaching position. To pour some more gas on it, 3 games into the last season we are getting destroyed by the normal, year in-year out competition of the Big Sky and our AD only has Bubba and DeBoer on his list at the end of the season??? Seriously, if this doesn't scare the hell out of you, then I'm not sure you have a heartbeat..."Why could we have not gotten some real coaching talent from this ridiculous hiring process?" should be the $64k question in my mind. :crazy: Cue up the laughter in FUville.

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The good Lord knows I'm not the smartest guy when it comes to football nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I am really disappointed with this whole process and the glaring fact that our AD didn't really have a solid short list for our football team's open coaching position. To pour some more gas on it, 3 games into the last season we are getting destroyed by the normal, year in-year out competition of the Big Sky and our AD only has Bubba and DeBoer on his list at the end of the season??? Seriously, if this doesn't scare the hell out of you, then I'm not sure you have a heartbeat..."Why could we have not gotten some real coaching talent from this ridiculous hiring process?" should be the $64k question in my mind. :crazy: Cue up the laughter in FUville.

This hire with assess Faison's competence as AD in my opinion.

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So in regards to Pflu, a coach gets credit for wins with players he didn't recruit but isn't accountable for those same players troubles cause he didn't recruit them.

Makes sense.

I assume you're referencing my comments, I was only trying to say there has never been any problems with Pflugrad's recruits then or in the 2 classes he recruited after that year, and that he put more stock in recruiting character than Hauck did, and that's it. Obviously those incidents did happen on his watch and he is responsible for all his players, I don't think anyone has denied that.

I just have a hard time when people keep implying that he sponsored a rape culture on the team, there was the Donaldson incident right after school started and he is currently in prison, and 3 months later the other incident and investigation which Pflugrad cooperated with and disciplined the players for before they were even charged, I don't really know why some people think he didn't do anything about it or wasn't concerned by it...I'm sure the coaching staff was floored by it, especially when it happened a second time. It wasn't like either incident wasn't taken seriously or they tried to hide it, both times the police were involved immediately and were on campus the next day. There's only so much a coach can do regarding off-campus incidents, they're not with them 24/7, talking only does so much. I mean really, how many alcohol problems have there been on the hockey team under Hak's watch, let's say between Frattin and Chyzyk? I don't think anyone is saying Hak is promoting an alcohol culture on his teams, the kids know right and wrong and what is expected but then they end up out drinking with their friends and things happen...some things are beyond the coaches control in the end.

I understand if people hold those incidents against him, but saying he didn't do anything or wasn't concerned is really untrue.

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The good Lord knows I'm not the smartest guy when it comes to football nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I am really disappointed with this whole process and the glaring fact that our AD didn't really have a solid short list for our football team's open coaching position. To pour some more gas on it, 3 games into the last season we are getting destroyed by the normal, year in-year out competition of the Big Sky and our AD only has Bubba and DeBoer on his list at the end of the season??? Seriously, if this doesn't scare the hell out of you, then I'm not sure you have a heartbeat..."Why could we have not gotten some real coaching talent from this ridiculous hiring process?" should be the $64k question in my mind. :crazy: Cue up the laughter in FUville.

Just because they were on Faison's short list doesn't mean he could convince them to apply, especially with the open records process. The Herald guys know of a handful of coaches that didn't apply specifically because of it. Now if Faison couldn't talk with them and give some reassurance on where they would end up after applying, that is disappointing on a few different levels. I wonder if there have been any more open record requests to see if anyone has applied since the deadline?

All that being said, both DoBoer and Bubba were on most people's short list here and ending up with one of them seemed somewhat likely from the beginning. Seems a little anticlimactic with how long this has taken, but if they weren't able to do the interviews until the deadline date and had to interview 9 candidates, then it is what it is unfortunately.

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All that being said, both DoBoer and Bubba were on most people's short list here and ending up with one of them seemed somewhat likely from the beginning.

Exactly. It's much easier to say no than to say be happy it might be someone that was on a lot of people's minds before the process started.

I don't think Brian Jones was on anyone's short list before he was hired.

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