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Countdown begins! UND vs. NDSU


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Your players didn't play like this game was bigger for us. They played with emotion and had a reaction after every big shot they hit. Saul didn't act like this game was bigger for UND. Its a lame excuse. NDSU has some good big guys inside and #3 or #4 can shoot it, can't remember his name but kid can shoot. It was a great win for UND and I was proud to be there to watch. Nice work fellas!!!! First volleyball, now mens hoops.

#3 (Felt). Heck of a shooter, responded to a couple of our big 3's with one of his own. Also flops around, saw him on the ground 3-4 times without much contact. He did draw a foul on one of them so I guess it worked.

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#3 (Felt). Heck of a shooter, responded to a couple of our big 3's with one of his own. Also flops around, saw him on the ground 3-4 times without much contact. He did draw a foul on one of them so I guess it worked.

Anderson kind of did the same though... although maybe his getting knocked around was legitimate since he's kind of small and NDSU was playing pretty "intensely." :glare:

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Dom Izzo kept saying stuff like "What's it like to finally get a win against the Bison", and it's the first win over the Bison since 2004. They only played once since 2004, so it was very deceptive and kind of odd he would even bring that up when he knows last year was the first time they've met since then.

LOL.....and on Bisonville most are pissed that Izzo sounded like a UND tool. Is no one happy tonight?

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A look at the mood in the REA

“I told the team beforehand to play for two things — our seniors and for our student body, for actually showing up,” coach Brian Jones said. “We want them coming back for more.”

UND has a core of loyal fans, but the majority of them have been fans for 40-plus years, if you get my drift. Nice to have, but not spirited enough to motivate scoring streaks or intimidate opponents. The team got a rare taste of that Tuesday at The Ralph, where the hockey team regularly feeds off the electricity.

Maybe this is a wake-up call for the student body and they will hit more games.

Thanks to those who came and made noise.

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Tough pill to swallow. Watching the UND students rush the court was a bit odd but hey, shows the rivalry is alive and well which is nice. Both teams looked atrocious the entire game. Congrats to UND on winning, and shame on my guys for not performing well enough to get the job done. Hopefully it wakes them up that they aren't talented enough to sleepwalk through games. Couple things I noticed (too lazy to read through all the posts, sorry for any repeats).

1. NDSU let UND control the pace of the game it seemed like to me. NDSU is generally a more fast-paced team and allowed UND to slow the game way down.

2. The officials were terrible. Tons of obvious fouls went uncalled, a couple of no-fouls were called, the foul late was ruled flagrant or intentional?(couldn't see the ref well), and a time or two I think they should have called a jump ball for UND and instead called a foul on UND.

3. Both teams looked bad. No exceptions. Woof. Maybe it was the environment, cause it kinda happened in the dome last year too. If that is what is going to result of having the game in a strange venue for both teams, just play it in the normal arenas. Not a fun or smooth game at all to watch.

4. I don't think UND guy or Braun deserved technicals on that play in the first half. No one did anything TOO terrible. Rivalry. Let them play.

5. A cenile, old, UND fan got yelled at by his wife for telling me I'm a bad loser(among other things) while I shook a UND buddy's hand. Old people....gotta love 'em!

See you guys in Fargo next year. Go Bison!

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Tough pill to swallow. Watching the UND students rush the court was a bit odd but hey, shows the rivalry is alive and well which is nice. Both teams looked atrocious the entire game. Congrats to UND on winning, and shame on my guys for not performing well enough to get the job done. Hopefully it wakes them up that they aren't talented enough to sleepwalk through games. Couple things I noticed (too lazy to read through all the posts, sorry for any repeats).

A group of ndsu students was sitting in the row in front of us in the upperdeck and they went down to the lower level with a couple minutes left to as the put it "take the court after we win". There would have been ndsu students on the floor if you could have pulled it out, would that have been as odd to you?

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A group of ndsu students was sitting in the row in front of us in the upperdeck and they went down to the lower level with a couple minutes left to as the put it "take the court after we win". There would have been ndsu students on the floor if you could have pulled it out, would that have been as odd to you?

That too would have been odd. If one fanbase rushes the court following a W, it'd be equally odd for the other fanbase to rush the court if their team won instead....even moreso considering NDSU was the road team.

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That too would have been odd. If one fanbase rushes the court following a W, it'd be equally odd for the other fanbase to rush the court if their team won instead....even moreso considering NDSU was the road team.

NDSU fans doing something inappropriate? Never - next they'll be chanting racial slurs - but of course they can justify their actions.
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That was alot of fun. NDSU's Bjorkland is pretty good. Hopefully last night was a coming out party for Brekke going the rest of the way. Got alot of quality contributions from reserves when Huff and Webb were held in check. Aaron Anderson is the best guard in the state of North Dakota, not even close. Schuler was clutch on a couple key possessions and down the stretch at the line. He is such an under-rated asset to this team. Only 10 turnovers by the Sioux, and they outrebounded NDSU by 1. Foul shooting continues to be atrocious.

Crowd was good, hopefully this sparks some interest in the program, especially among students.

Now we need to stay focused and play well this weekend at Utah Valley. This Jeckyl & Hyde stuff of playing so well at home and poorly on the road needs to stop.

The team is talented enough to win the majority of its GWC games. They just need to be consistent.

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Great game to be at last night. Who said this isn't a rivalry??!! I hope they schedule this game every year! First half was ugly for both teams but our boys came through in the end. Ending on a 14-4 run to close out the game it was great!! Great to see all the students there last night!! Must have been close to 500 there!! Hopefully this will spark some interest in the student body and everyone else in GF so we can get the Betty rocking the rest of the year!!

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That was alot of fun. NDSU's Bjorkland is pretty good. Hopefully last night was a coming out party for Brekke going the rest of the way. Got alot of quality contributions from reserves when Huff and Webb were held in check. Aaron Anderson is the best guard in the state of North Dakota, not even close. Schuler was clutch on a couple key possessions and down the stretch at the line. He is such an under-rated asset to this team. Only 10 turnovers by the Sioux, and they outrebounded NDSU by 1. Foul shooting continues to be atrocious.

Crowd was good, hopefully this sparks some interest in the program, especially among students.

Now we need to stay focused and play well this weekend at Utah Valley. This Jeckyl & Hyde stuff of playing so well at home and poorly on the road needs to stop.

The team is talented enough to win the majority of its GWC games. They just need to be consistent.

Agree with you 100%. I thought we took a huge step forward last night in alot of areas. Anderson continues to shoot great and stays under control, Schuler is always under control and never seems to make a bad decision with either his shots or passes, Brekke was a man the first 10 minutes of the game and totally dominated in the paint. I really like the fact that we basically stayed with 6 players the entire game. I mentioned in a post somewhere back that we needed to cut our roster down to 7-8 players max and the coaches did that with basically 6 last night. We had a much more TEAM concept last night and played that way for 40 minutes. It seemed like our defensive switches last night worked so much better and forced alot of so so shots by NDSU. Alot of people thought the game was ugly but it was a tough physical game that the officials allowed which caused alot of the misses. It was a GREAT game and both teams played hard and with alot of passion in front of a very good crowd for a Tuesday night. Go Sioux and lets get a road win this Saturday.

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Agree completely, last night UND played team basketball. I wonder if that is not part of the inconsistency where when we start to play a little to much indivdual, one on one we don't play well. Last night we moved the ball, gave the guys with the hot hand the ball and everyone contributed on defense. It was fun to watch. It was a great win for the program and being on statewide TV it gave each program a chance to show how they match up head to head.

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While we did not play well on offense, I was very impressed with the defense and defensive rebounding. I was also impressed with Hoff. He certainly was shut down offensively but he contained himself well, did not try to create something that wasn't available to him and he played excellent defense.

As has been stated, hopefully, the win will result in more students (and other fans) attending our home games.

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Wow! what a night for North Dakota. In order for this to be to really have the old rivalry feel to it, I felt that it was important for us to win either this one or one in the very near future, as it serves notice to fans on both sides that in game between the schools anything can and usually does happen.

I've seen this game played many times and for those who say the game was not well played- maybe so, but that often happens in rivalry games. Players are so amped up, so determined to stop the other team that it often evolves down to survival. This wasn't the first UND-NDSU game like that and it certainly won't be the last.

Player wise- obviously Brekke had the most points and was simply awesome- but I really hope we as fans don't overlook some things here. Huff, before being going out with what I believe to be cramps was tremendous on the defensive end in the first half. They matched him up on NDSU's leading score Braun and let him go to work and by goodness- he did a heck of a job & In fact I believe that the incident between Braun & Mitchell was in part frustration by Braun, because he was their leading scorer and he for the entire first half was shut down...due in large part to Huff's effort.

Jamal Webb, 3 points oh well, he just found ways to do it other ways didn't he? Early he made some absolute great deliveries to get Brekket the ball. He finished 5 assists to 1 turnover- 3 steals and 5 rebounds. You want to talk about a player that is never worried about how many points he has, but only looks at what he has to do to get the win...put up his picture. He is that guy. Plus when he had to guard Alexander who is a very good ball player- he made that guy work for everything. Overall just really well done.

Now onto other observations.

Officiating, really NDSU fans really want to go there. I'll give you that North Dakota won the foul disparity battle in the first half like something 9 to 5 but at one point in the 2nd half it was 7 fouls against UND and 2 against NDSU. In fact with about a minute to play- NDSU still had fouls to give just to get UND to the bonus. Let it go.

Our students. Yes Basketball can be fun can't it? Thanks for being there. Hopefully you discovered something and will continue to come out to more games. Hey it's ok to boo the other team when they take the court. Maybe I missed it, but every time our team came out of the tunnel last year and onto the floor of the FargoDome it rained down boos upon them. I didn't hear much when they came onto the court, it's almost as if our student body doesn't know what to do at times because they never have come out in mass to a game recently- meaning the the last 5 to 9 years. Keep coming develop your traditions. Loved the Ron Burgandy Head- how does it relate to Sioux basketball- doesn't matter- hilarious. :lol:

When leaving the Ralph I flipped between the Post-Game Shows on the radio-on the other guys post-game, needless to say I was a little disappointed. Scott Miller was fine- in fact he does a good job. But the guy with him was going on and on about how this game has to mean more to UND-this is their Super Bowl blah blah blah. "Their fans ran onto the floor" kind of tongue in cheek way of not giving credit basically. Same excuses that many of the fans at mooville dot com are using. Don't you realize that just makes you look small? So I flip over to our guy- and he's certainly having a great time with the win, can't deny that- but at the same time he pauses and says, NDSU battled and played hard- and will most likely do very well going forward. Didn't diminish anything at all I guess it's easy to be gracious in victory, but at the same time I remember last year after the loss, he went onto say afterwards what a good team they were, and how they made good adjustments etc... To me it's just night and day how they handle their tough times compared to us- even their color guy can't even just man up and tip his cap. Just... come on man

All in all just a great night. The wife said this morning I slept all night with a smile on my face. :0 Hey Hey...I know where you guys are going to go with that phrase-but just remember--- I'm married. ;) That means that only happens on birthday's and anniversaries and that's only if I've been good that year. It's Utah Valley next- and their not messing around. They are a good team. Should be a great match up Saturday.

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As usual with kids, I didn't get to see the entire game, but have it recorded, so will be able to watch over the next few days.

I agree with your take on Huff. He was everywhere defensively it seemed and did a great job. The put back by Mitchell late in the game on his third attempt, was a knife in the back of the bison with a little twist. Great second and third efforts.

Truly a team victory. Everyone seemed to contribute in one way or another.

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Greenteam, I know where you are coming from on your last paragraph and feel your pain. I have to agree with the last several posters about Huff. He played excellent defense and when his shots weren't falling he did not force the issue like he has in the past and instead worked the ball until someone on the team got an open shot. We do need Huff to score in the future games but hopefully after these last two games he understands more about what is a good shot and if his shot is not there find someone that is open. It was a total Team effort with everyone contributing in different ways. A player does not have to score alot in order to help a team win basketball games. Everyone brings different strenghs to the game and hopefully everyone is starting to understand this.

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I think its great how all these Bison fans were talking up Trayvon Wright and how he can "jump out of the gym" and kept talking about his dunk against USD and that there was no way UND was going to stop him. Well, I would say 8 points and 4 rebounds is pretty much shutting him down!! Sure he can make some dunks, but he got absolutely worked on the boards. All 5 starters for UND had more rebounds than Trayvon....even 5'10" Aaron Anderson out rebounded and even outscored him!!

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I think its great how all these Bison fans were talking up Trayvon Wright and how he can "jump out of the gym" and kept talking about his dunk against USD and that there was no way UND was going to stop him. Well, I would say 8 points and 4 rebounds is pretty much shutting him down!! Sure he can make some dunks, but he got absolutely worked on the boards. All 5 starters for UND had more rebounds than Trayvon....even 5'10" Aaron Anderson out rebounded and even outscored him!!

Trayvonn is really hot and cold. He can jump out of the gym but...as we saw last night, and several other nights, he has some very quiet nights too.

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NDSU fans doing something inappropriate? Never - next they'll be chanting racial slurs - but of course they can justify their actions.

Really? Are we really going to go there? Yelling Sioux Suck is no different than people yelling things about any other team. Is it appropriate for UND fans to throw dead gophers on the ice? Sure, I don't know anyone with a logical mind who is against it, other than the fact it is kinda gross...still funny though.

If UND's name was the....Jaguars or Vikings or anything else.....people would still yell something against them. Part of sports...get over it. Nothing wrong with it. Now if they are yelling what we yelled at Belcourt in high school "WE PAY TAXES!" that can be argued is going too far...

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Really? Are we really going to go there? Yelling Sioux Suck is no different than people yelling things about any other team. Is it appropriate for UND fans to throw dead gophers on the ice? Sure, I don't know anyone with a logical mind who is against it, other than the fact it is kinda gross...still funny though.

If UND's name was the....Jaguars or Vikings or anything else.....people would still yell something against them. Part of sports...get over it. Nothing wrong with it. Now if they are yelling what we yelled at Belcourt in high school "WE PAY TAXES!" that can be argued is going too far...

Welcome to dealing with the backlash created by the NCAA. Either get over it or get used to it. Its not going away. The only amusing thing about the whole nickname situation might be watching NDSU and other fans continuously getting nailed in the media for the use of so-called racist chants.

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