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Fire Muss


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Think of it this way. EWU won by enough to make them happy.

Screw that. No moral victories. UND lost by three TDs. Fourth straight homecoming loss. Get rid of Muss at the end of the year. Clean house. Start fresh. Pay for a real coach or expect mediocrity.

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Yeah!! We only lost by 3 TD's today!! Pretty sad that is something to cheer about these days. 6700 people at the game today....I would expect no more than 6000 next week. It cannot get any worse right now for our football program. Someone has to be held accountable. Can't replace the players. Have to get rid of Muss. Is it fair, maybe not. But the buck has to stop with someone.

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I liked what I saw on the field today, which is the first time I can say that this season. The defense played well with the exception giving up some big pass plays. the offense was moving the ball well but turnovers killed us. I hope I am seeing the start of a turnaround for this team.

I don't think player talent is an issue on this team, but getting the talent out of the players on a consistent basis is. I think Muss has his fate in his own hands...motivate the players, work harder at showing leadership, raising expectations,playing disciplined, and win out and he keeps his job another year. I hope the AD dept recognizes that there shouldn't be any excuses for anything less that this for the rest of the season. And I hope muss realizes setting high standards and getting the best out of his players isn't something he is inherently good at and he needs to improve in this aspect.

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Think of it this way. EWU won by enough to make them happy.

Screw that. No moral victories. UND lost by three TDs. Fourth straight homecoming loss. Get rid of Muss at the end of the year. Clean house. Start fresh. Pay for a real coach or expect mediocrity.


As I exited the game I heard several fans talk like a 3 touchdown loss is a moral victory - how the mighty have fallen - how have we come to this?

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It like this team doesn't know at all how to win - you could sit at home and write out the worst case scenerios and they will somehow stumble into them - chop block to take us out of FG range followed by a pick 6 - you can hardly make this stuff up - Not to mention the personal foul that we are known for. - Even though this is the type of play we expected from the start of the year, the absolute lack of discipline has once again done us in.

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1 penalty in the first half I believe. That is awesome. The second half had 5 which is still to many but it is a small step in the right direction when compared to other games. If you look at the stats the only difference between the two teams were the turnovers. Those fumbles and the int were backbreakers. Guys need to hold onto the ball.

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Honestly I didn't see Mussman or any coaching lose this game. He moved the fr to the stands and had the team ready to play and they played hard today. Mussman didn't fumble or throw an int tonight.

So losing by less than usual is grounds to jump back on the Mussman bandwagon? This is what we have come to with this program? This is beyond pathetic. :angry:

Mussman owns this program lock, stock and barrel. All of these players are his guys (all of Lennon's kids are long gone). You can say "transition" and "nickname" over and over again while sticking your fingers in your ears, but that doesn't change the fact that this program is a shell of its former self. Eastern Washington didn't look as explosive as I expected them to be and their defense was much softer than Montana or Montana State. And we still lost by 21 points! Moral victories don't cut it anymore. I think we have to run the table the rest of the season to save Mussman's job and I don't see that happening.

This is how mediocrity seeps into the culture of a program. People become apathetic and they begin to accept losing as "just the way it is". And a close loss is looked at as a "moral victory". This is what Gopher football has been like for 50+ years. I never thought it would happen to our program. Something has to change soon or it will take years to clean up the mess.

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I agree. I don't know what it was, but there was a different UND team out there today. There were mistakes which turned out to be costly, but the big defensive problems (for the most part) and the lack of offense weren't issues. It was turnovers and a few big plays. Stop those and UND wins this game easily. Gives you hope for the rest of the season.

Across college football, that is the difference. We know that penalties that keep drives alive kill momentum. Yet this team still has a penchant for all of these things. The players are the one's making the mistakes, but continuing to throw those same players out on the field that make some of these mistakes enables some of this behavior, especially concerning the penalties. Even after Mackey's personal foul today, there was a circumstance where he started to jaw with an EWU player and the ref was glaring at him like he was getting ready to flag him. UND may have no backup that is better, but by allowing that kind of behavior to continue week in and week out sends a message to the rest of the team. Nobody should be bigger than the team, and consequence is the only ammunition coaches have against a continued behavior. To be one of the very worst in FCS in turnover ratio when that was clearly a point that needed focus coming into the season is hard to believe.

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So losing by less than usual is grounds to jump back on the Mussman bandwagon? This is what we have come to with this program? This is beyond pathetic. :angry:

Mussman owns this program lock, stock and barrel. All of these players are his guys (all of Lennon's kids are long gone). You can say "transition" and "nickname" over and over again while sticking your fingers in your ears, but that doesn't change the fact that this program is a shell of its former self. Eastern Washington didn't look as explosive as I expected them to be and their defense was much softer than Montana or Montana State. And we still lost by 21 points! Moral victories don't cut it anymore. I think we have to run the table the rest of the season to save Mussman's job and I don't see that happening.

This is how mediocrity seeps into the culture of a program. People become apathetic and they begin to accept losing as "just the way it is". And a close loss is looked at as a "moral victory". This is what Gopher football has been like for 50+ years. I never thought it would happen to our program. Something has to change soon or it will take years to clean up the mess.

Never said any of that. I just pointed out that the team was well coached and ready this week. If Mussman deserves to get !@#$ on when things go terribly doesn't he deserve some credit when something is improved? He still needs to do a hell of a lot to keep his job though.

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Never said any of that. I just pointed out that the team was well coached and ready this week. If Mussman deserves to get !@#$ on when things go terribly doesn't he deserve some credit when something is improved? He still needs to do a hell of a lot to keep his job though.

Agree with this, too.

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Never said any of that. I just pointed out that the team was well coached and ready this week. If Mussman deserves to get !@#$ on when things go terribly doesn't he deserve some credit when something is improved? He still needs to do a hell of a lot to keep his job though.

You are right, you didn't say that. I posted that in response to people that still point to "transition" and "nickname" as excuses for why we are still struggling. And I will give Muss some credit when we win these games and not just keep it close.

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You are right, you didn't say that. I posted that in response to people that still point to "transition" and "nickname" as excuses for why we are still struggling. And I will give Muss some credit when we win these games and not just keep it close.

I have yet to see the nickname or transition brought up.

Also, not directed at you, I've read this thread and no one has mentioned anything about a moral victory. It keeps getting brought up yet no one was happy we only lost by three Tds.

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I have had enuf...next Saturday I'm not going to carve out time to drive up and watch this mess. Too frustrated...

Will be hunting during NC game.

Bottomline... got 4 tickets in 205 to both games and they are yours if you want them. Just PM me an address and they go in mail tomorrow.

Gonna have to give some serious thought about re- upping my season tickets if Muss is brought back next year.

A 3 TD loss at home is not a step forward on any level in my book.

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I posted in this thread a month ago that homecoming attendance was going to be in the 7000's, and sadly I was correct. It's quickly getting to the point financially where Faison's hand will be forced. I shudder to even think about what will happen to season ticket sales next year if nothing changes.

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The fact that losing by "only" 3 touchdowns is being looked at as a positive is a pretty good sign that a change should've been made to this program years ago.

No one is saying that and no one is saying muss should keep his job.

The team was in the game until the wheels came off later in the game with three consecutive turnovers. This is better than anyone expected given the way the past three games went. Just trying to give credit where credit is due.

We have the talent to play in this conference and the expectation should be that we see that talent on a consistent basis. If we don't, there should be a change in the personnel responsible for the product we see. This includes players and coaches.

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...It was turnovers and a few big plays. Stop those and UND wins this game easily.

I think any losing football team at any level could point to turnovers and a few big plays as the reason for an L.

I've got to think that EWU, after watching UND get raked over the coals in the past several weeks, maybe wasn't as motivated for this game as much as it might have been had this been week 1.

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The fact we competed until late in the game just points to the concept that we have talented players but we don't utilize them correctly. The turnovers and penalties kill this team. If this team didn't turn the ball over consistently, they probably would've beat South Dakota State and/or Eastern Washington. When you have talent but can't win with it cause of a lack of discipline and motivation, it directly comes back to the coaching.

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