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You can't go into the 3rd with a lead and start playing "not to lose" instead of aggressively, haven't we learned anything from watching the "prevent" defense in football?

There's no reason we should feel worried when we have a 2 goal lead going into the 3rd.

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Screw the reviews. You don't need reviews and complaints to the refs if you put your opponents away, and don't let them linger. I'm surprised he isn't blaming the ice, wrong tape on the blades, curvature of the Earth, or whatever. Typical. ???

you couldn't have said it better, score a goal or two in the third period and this crap is irrelevant.

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Add the puck in the netting to a list of odd things that have happened to the Sioux so far this year. Hopefully some of those breaks come back the other way later this season.

Ever hear about creating your own breaks!! You don't give it up like this team does if you are playing smart, disciplined hockey.

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It sounds like the refs could not see the icing the whole bench seen, nor could they see the puck hit the netting that everyone on the bench seen.

Maybe having 4 on the refing crew, allows themselves to justify the missed calls by thinking one of the other refs would of / should of have made those calls.

I usually don't rip on refs, but the refs decided the ending of this game, it gets really hard to swallow the reffing errors at the end of the game.

A spilt on the road, is still good. Just bites the way the end of this game was called.

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There are no excuses for losing this game. !@#$ing ridiculous.

However that call on MacWilliam was definitely bull****.

This should've been a sweep not a split.


The call on MacWilliam was a good call, but unlucky. He lined his guy up for a legal hip check, but the puck was intercepted so he hip checked a guy who never got the puck.

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We could have moved into third place with a win tonight, which is where I would like us to finish the first half of the season. And we were minutes away from doing that. The sooner these young guys learn how to put teams away in the third period, the sooner we can start to make a run at keeping the MacNaughton Cup in Grand Forks. The Denver Post thinks "the stars are aligned" for the Pios; I would like to see this team show them exactly where they can stick that comment! ??? If this team can get it together in time, they can be title contenders. But if they don't, it will be "wait until next year" again.

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Ever here about creating your own breaks!! You don't give it like this team does if you are playing smart, disciplined hockey.

You and many here seem to think there's only one good team on the ice, and anything bad that happens to UND is obviously due to a Sioux screwup. News flash: sometimes the other guys are pretty good and the breaks make a difference in the outcome of the game. In this case, how the hell are you supposed to "create" a break like the puck going out of play but the refs not seeing it, with 30 seconds left, just before you score? Let Hak know, so he can pull that one out when he needs it next game.

Also, going back a few weeks, how do you "create" a break like the refs calling a penalty on the opponent and inadvertently putting the Sioux down a man? Because it happened, and the league admitted it privately.

When two good teams like Denver and UND, or Duluth and UND, go at it, sometimes those breaks will make a difference, and some of them you can't create.

Not to worry, though, when the Sioux are doing well in the Spring, you'll be there as though you had been the whole way -- In Hak We Trust -- and in fact the Sioux will be better because everyone here bitched about them after they got jobbed.

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You and many here seem to think there's only one good team on the ice, and anything bad that happens to UND is obviously due to a Sioux screwup. News flash: sometimes the other guys are pretty good and the breaks make a difference in the outcome of the game. In this case, how the hell are you supposed to "create" a break like the puck going out of play but the refs not seeing it, with 30 seconds left, just before you score? Let Hak know, so he can pull that one out when he needs it next game.

Also, going back a few weeks, how do you "create" a break like the refs calling a penalty on the opponent and inadvertently putting the Sioux down a man? Because it happened, and the league admitted it privately.

When two good teams like Denver and UND, or Duluth and UND, go at it, sometimes those breaks will make a difference, and some of them you can't create.

Not to worry, though, when the Sioux are doing well in the Spring, you'll be there as though you had been the whole way -- In Hak We Trust -- and in fact the Sioux will be better because everyone here bitched about them after they got jobbed.

So your saying that anything bad that happens to UND is obviously due to the Refs? ???;) ;)

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boy we just lost two huge points and have a red hot wisconsin team coming in next weekend and anything more than a split there will be hard to come by.

Agree. They have had UND's number lately and I think it will be a very tough weekend.

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I don't know what's worse, losing to the 'dawgs or reading the last two pages of this thread. ???

Not sure either, but I know what is way way way way worse than either of them;

Watching the Sioux play a simply pathetic style of hockey when they have a LEAD, thereby letting a significantly inferior team beat them after having significantly outplaying the team prior to aquiring said lead. oh and watching this over and over again.

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Tough loss. It's a young team though and it will certainly learn from this. Too much whining on the forums.... suck it up.

Pointing out the obvious is not "whining", it's telling the truth no matter how bad it tastes. Would you rather have a fan base that doesn't care if the team wins or loses or a fan base that is rabid, passionate and has high standards? I know what I would rather have. This has happened too many times this season, young team or not. I just hope by the time Denver rolls into town at the end of January that this problem is a thing of the past.

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I get back to the FACT that UND has been the team to first gain a 2 goal lead in 9...NINE games so far this year and in NONE...zero of those games have they been able to push the lead to 3 goals...they have lost the 2 goal lead EVERY time. These are facts laid out by this team's play with a 2 goal lead. Not smoke and mirrors. This is not a nine game "coincidence", but a very strong trend! Not one time after establishing an early 2 goal lead has this team increased that lead...not once! So you can come with they're young, they're getting bent over by the refs, yadda yadda yadda. Not once!

Time for my warm milk and "Leave it to Beaver" re-runs.

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I get back to the FACT that UND has been the team to first gain a 2 goal lead in 9...NINE games so far this year and in NONE...zero of those games have they been able to push the lead to 3 goals...they have lost the 2 goal lead EVERY time. These are facts laid out by this team's play with a 2 goal lead. Not smoke and mirrors. This is not a nine game "coincidence", but a very strong trend! Not one time after establishing an early 2 goal lead has this team increased that lead...not once! So you can come with they're young, they're getting bent over by the refs, yadda yadda yadda. Not once!

Time for my warm milk and "Leave it to Beaver" re-runs.


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Tough loss and unfortuately I think the boys on the ice got gassed on the possesion where Duluth tied it. Would like to see Sioux finish off some of these leads, but more importantly I'd like to see them get healthy. Injuries are a part of the season, but the Sioux have certainly had some big ones this year so far. Hopefully we at least get VV back for next weekend because Sconnie is toughest team no one is talking about and they could certainly punch the sioux square in the mouth next weekend if they are not ready.

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To the team and coaches:

A two goal lead is not enough. Ever. Period.

Winning 3-1 might be good enough, but guess what: Winning 8-2 is way more fun. Try it some time.

To the league:

Why have four officials on the ice if none of them can control the game or see what is happening, like a puck in the netting.

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