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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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17 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

That's nothing mathematically/statistically.

And that "certain level of immunity" is commonly called 'herd immunity'. 

Johns Hopkins says herd immunity happens at 70-90%, not 2%. 

Think about it, 2% testing positive: that's 2% of the small percent of population that has been tested. 

What "2%" says to me is this is much more prolific in the general population than anyone acknowledges. 

I never claimed herd immunity at 2% of a state's population but there's is some evidence that cases start dropping at that level of overall postive case percentage.

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The mud-slinging. The outlandish claims. The blatant lies about the opposition. 
It's the same as ever with the caveat that it's amplified (geometrically) in a social media world. 


But I do believe when the curtain closes (or is that when the envelope needs to be sealed?) people vote based on the following in order:
1. Wallet
2. Feeling safe (notice I say feeling, not actually being) 

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3 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

I never claimed herd immunity at 2% of a state's population but there's is some evidence that cases start dropping at that level of overall postive case percentage.

Wouldn't one indication (cases start dropping) tend to point to the other (herd immunity in play)? 

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4 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

Wouldn't one indication (cases start dropping) tend to point to the other (herd immunity in play)? 

That's for Osterholm to answer..........

Same for the 6' rule and goggles.

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Trumptards live in their own little world.

His support won't fall much before the election, but it won't rise either.


Why nothing matters to Trump voters

The stability of American attitudes toward Trump provides one of the most remarkable aspects of his presidency. His support has a very low ceiling: Alone among American presidents since the era of mass polling began more than eight decades ago, he has never received approval from a majority.

His backing also has a very solid floor — never dropping below the high 30s.

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52 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

Hayduke is simply a product of today's internet culture. He thinks posting a meme and name calling is an actual argument/discussion point. I see it all the time and it is the opposite of what is necessary to further an important conversation.

49 minutes ago, Goon said:

What did you expect from a 26-year-old unemployed dweeb that lives in his mother's basement wearing his snuggie spitting out memes and one liners. 

Goon, please read what Bison06 wrote and then think about how it applies to your post.

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Contact your local waiters to get an update on Covid-19.



Trump fumbles during tough encounter with undecided voters

(CNN)President Donald Trump faced life outside his own political bubble on Tuesday, where his self-congratulation, buck passing and audacious falsehoods conspicuously failed to meet the moment when he was confronted by undecided voters.

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16 minutes ago, Goon said:

From the racing world. This would be great news. 


as much as i understand the money he will earn in nascar is gonna be unreal, i am also a bit saddened to not see him running on the dirt tracks all over the country.  he is an incredible talent that comes along once in a lifetime. was  truly great to see him run in both Grand Forks and fargo in person.  memories for a lifetime.  what he has done for short track racing this year is wonderful.  a bright spot in a very trying year, for me.

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