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NORTH DAKOTA vs. Air Force - Saturday Gameday


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Hell yeah 5th shorty of year leads the nation what a fn finish wow


Let me rephrase this. They had four shorthanded goals all of last season. Tonight, @UNDSID said they need to get 13 more to tie the record for the season. Obviously, they will need to get 14 to break it.

Edited by Goon
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Just a bad call seems like refs are going more off players reactions than the actual hit nowadays.

Someone should ask Hakstol, but it seemed weird that they didn't call contact to the head, elbow or charging instead of roughing, because it makes it seem like they thought it was a good check but just too dang hard. I don't want refs determining if a clean check is too hard! Unless they just didn't announce it was roughing, "contact to the head".

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Someone should ask Hakstol, but it seemed weird that they didn't call contact to the head, elbow or charging instead of roughing, because it makes it seemlike they thought it was a good check but just too dang hard. I don't want refs determining if a clean check is too hard! Unless they just didn't announce it was roughing, "contact to the head".

That's why the video review needs to happen like in football on the ejectable fouls.

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I hope this is the end of the Murphy experience. As long as St. Clair is healthy he is in. If not St. Clair then try Panzarella up at forward like last year. Just no more Murphy. Schmaltz and Caggiula both struggled with Murphy out there and then once Parks replaced him that line was awesome.

I guess I might be in the minority here, but I'm not willing to give up on players as fast as some. Guys like Jeff McClean and Kevin McKinnon started out barely noticeable and came back being major players. Chyzyk's first year wasn't great either, including off ice. Guess there always has to be that player fans love to hate. I like St.Clair in the lineup as well, but think Murphy might have a bigger offensive upside.

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Can any tell me why Olson got that roughing penalty, it looked like a clean check to me, unless he got his hands up high

Trevor Olson appears to have replaced Andrew McWilliam as the player who will draw at least one penalty per game for what is in essence "hitting too hard".  Tonight they called it roughing, last week they called it "contact to the head elbowing" and for McWilliam it was almost always "elbowing".  Apparently a player is allowed to make contact with another player, but not if the contact is too violent.

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Trevor Olson appears to have replaced Andrew McWilliam as the player who will draw at least one penalty per game for what is in essence "hitting too hard". Tonight they called it roughing, last week they called it "contact to the head elbowing" and for McWilliam it was almost always "elbowing". Apparently a player is allowed to make contact with another player, but not if the contact is too violent.

Hak should tell these guys not to hit so hard other wise they're not going to get they're after school snack after the game. They should just replace these refs with NHL refs who knows keep your head up otherwise you're going to get blown up. Caggiula got nailed that one game and there was no penalty called and i was fine with that cuz he wasnt looking. Needless to say the refs need to be more consistent and not be blowing these guys noses during the game!!!!

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The boys always seem to take at least one penalty for "finishing" to late or too high or both. I like that this year they seem more focused on staying on the puck than getting a hit. They're not playing soft, but they are on the puck this year.

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Agreed. You can't keep Stecher and Aumus out of the lineup. It is a pretty nice situation - a great d corp that any team would like to have.

I think this has been our best pairing all year. I know LaDue and Schmaltz have more talent but Stecher and Ausmus have been really consistent. Stecher has just been flat-out terrific. I think if there is a chance for anyone sitting it may be Ausmus after last night. He got caught up ice giving up odd man rushes quite a few times last night. I really like him in the lineup but last night was definitely his worst game of the year.

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This team needs grit and energy guys in the lineup and the more the better. You know what Colton gives you every night. Murphy is a supposed "finisher" who can not score at this level. Panz would be a welcomed addition too.

Panz Olson Gaarder...nasty to play against. If OD continues to play... OD w Bryn Colton. Then Drake Nick Parks with General LJ Pogs together. I know that takes Simomson out...who I do like.

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This team needs grit and energy guys in the lineup and the more the better. You know what Colton gives you every night. Murphy is a supposed "finisher" who can not score at this level. Panz would be a welcomed addition too.

Panz Olson Gaarder...nasty to play against. If OD continues to play... OD w Bryn Colton. Then Drake Nick Parks with General LJ Pogs together. I know that takes Simomson out...who I do like.

Simonson does not come out of the lineup.  He's better than St. Clair, hands down.  I think Murphy was getting a tryout to see if he could play a top six role.  I honestly don't think he played bad.  He obviously didn't look as good as Parks on that line but that should be obvious.  Bryn stays in the lineup obviously.  Although he works hard he is more of a skill guy to me.  He was a top 6 player in junior and is showing us that he'll probably be there by the end of the season or next year.  


I think some people need to realize Murphy hasn't played much hockey recently.  He may take awhile to round into form.  I'm sure Hak doesn't want to write the kid off this early in his career, we need him for the next 2 years.


Did you include Panz?!?

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Simonson does not come out of the lineup. He's better than St. Clair, hands down. I think Murphy was getting a tryout to see if he could play a top six role. I honestly don't think he played bad. He obviously didn't look as good as Parks on that line but that should be obvious. Bryn stays in the lineup obviously. Although he works hard he is more of a skill guy to me. He was a top 6 player in junior and is showing us that he'll probably be there by the end of the season or next year.

I think some people need to realize Murphy hasn't played much hockey recently. He may take awhile to round into form. I'm sure Hak doesn't want to write the kid off this early in his career, we need him for the next 2 years.

Agree. He has flashes of using his speed and stick handling, but looks a little anxious at times trying to finish with a shot or a pass. Reminds me of O'Donnell on the Kristo, Knight line. Hopefully he finds a comfort level somewhere. I'm really good with St. Clair getting back in the lineup too, but like you said they'll probably need both players next year when there will be that same adjustment level for the freshmen and some may take a while. Excited on how good our lineup can be this year when Poganski, Olson and Simonson get more comfortable and confident at what they can do at this level.
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Ugly performance but good to still find a way to get the win. Not sure what the penalty on Olson was for as it looked like a good clean hit and the OD penalty in OT was dumb but I'm not sure it was a 5 it looked like he eased up and didn't even extend his arms. Really hope this was Murphy's last shot unless it is because of injury he looked really bad on the Schmaltz line and really hurt the spacing and timing on that line early. Zane was good again tonight and really kept us in the game for a while. The Air Force goalie had pretty bad numbers and we made him look great for most of the game and I think a big part of that was missing the net so much and really not going hard to the net until later in the game. Really seemed like a lot of guys were trying to make the pretty play early and some of those guys just aren't those types of players and need to realize that.

 I only watched on TV but I thought Murphy did some nice things last night, including some very nice passes.  I know he was expected to be a scorer, but I thought he looked ok last night.  I haven't watched too many games so am not sure how last night compared to his body of work.   He's not played a ton, so maybe he just needs a little time to catch up.

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Simonson does not come out of the lineup. He's better than St. Clair, hands down. I think Murphy was getting a tryout to see if he could play a top six role. I honestly don't think he played bad. He obviously didn't look as good as Parks on that line but that should be obvious. Bryn stays in the lineup obviously. Although he works hard he is more of a skill guy to me. He was a top 6 player in junior and is showing us that he'll probably be there by the end of the season or next year.

I think some people need to realize Murphy hasn't played much hockey recently. He may take awhile to round into form. I'm sure Hak doesn't want to write the kid off this early in his career, we need him for the next 2 years.

Did you include Panz?!?

I did include Panz. He knows his role and does good job at it when in the lineup. Colton knows his role and does it well too. After 3+ years what is OD's role? He has played on all 4 lines at some point and I still have no clue what his role is. Murphy is a "finisher" so that makes him a top 6 guy yet he hasn't scored a single regular season goal to date. This team needs role guys who do their job not guys that are continuing search to find a role because they came in with a label as a such and such type player.

Just my opinion though.......

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UND trying to win this game by only playing the third period...  it would be nice if they played all sixty.

During the third my wife commented that it was like Hak told them to spot AF 2 and then play the third period like it was the playoffs and their season was on the line. Judging by his demeanor in the post game with Katie this was not in fact the game plan.

Made for a very entertaining finish though! It sure seems like when this team turns the effort dial up all the way they're unstoppable.

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