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Eight Bison football players charged


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It's time for me to leave this hallowed blog. All of the responses are Sioux-like. Decades upon decades of the same chatter, whether it be online or word of mouth. I had to come here to test the waters to see if it was still around. Ya'll can't see how tainted your motivations are. I've seen enough. Bye

Thanks for answering the question. Bye.

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It's time for me to leave this hallowed blog. All of the responses are Sioux-like. Decades upon decades of the same chatter, whether it be online or word of mouth. I had to come here to test the waters to see if it was still around. Ya'll can't see how tainted your motivations are. I've seen enough. Bye

Gee, I miss him already.


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McFeeley: " ... 'Silent' Dean Bresciani ... "

McFeeley just pointed out that Bresciani got involved with changing sideline reporters for football but not involved with the voter fraud decisions.

And now McFeeley just used the name "Jose Mohler" ... ouch.

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Since when did so many different crimes become "not big deals" ???? They are crimes for a reason. Good grief.

Edit: Its like all of a sudden its ok and supposed to be the norm to participate in criminal activity.

It's only a big deal when they're not starters. Can't wait until Bohl benches some guy for missing practice or a team meeting since he's set such a low standard of conduct going forward.

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Typical response from a Sioux fan. We're clean, and they're not.

Where out of my post did I say UND was clean??

snapback.pngdarell1976, on 10 September 2012 - 02:57 PM, said:

Have you been on Bisonville? There are hundreds of threads all about UND, and Grand Forks. They bash UND every day there is no love on either side. We hate them, and they hate us. The whole Danny Kristo frozen foot incident was all over Bisonville. Yes UND athletics isn't clean as a whistle but we are nowhere near the level NDSU is at.

Obviously you failed english in grade school. Goodbye troll.

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Moving forward - for the future.

The part of love is how their own radio station, KFGO, is all over them and spearheading the investigation into why nothing is happening. Seems like just yesterday Joel H. and Geno were falling all over each other at the press conference announcing their new deal.

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Al Jaeger just stated they are going to try and get this type of fraud changed from a Misdemeanor to a Felony. Its that serious to them.

Someone is taking offense to all the 'SU grandstanding and is pushing his stack all in! This is really going to get interesting if this is true.

Right somewhere GT is loosening this neck tie!

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FARGO – North Dakota State head football coach Craig Bohl said Monday the players charged with voter fraud will face some type of discipline, just not suspension.

“But that does not mean there’s not going to be some type of discipline,” he said, “either through our football office – and there will be – but moreover, the fact that they’re students. There’s a whole process they have to go through from a university standpoint.”


FARGO – North Dakota State starting outside linebacker Travis Beck will plead guilty Tuesday in Fargo Municipal Court to minor consuming alcohol, his attorney said.

A second charge of resisting a police officer will be dismissed as part of a plea agreement with the prosecution, defense attorney Bruce Quick said.

Beck, 20, was charged with the two Class B misdemeanors on July 23, two days after he allegedly ran from a police officer in the 1100 block of 16th Street North and entered a building, according to court documents. The incident happened at about 3:45 a.m.

No love for NDSU on Valley News Live's FB page:


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That's where you are wrong, the school will deal with the specific legal results . . . not message board speculation or media article suggestions about what might have happened. I suppose you think that Montana should assume that JJ is a convicted rapist? That is what you are suggesting here, you are assuming that they have been convicted of a Class A Mis, and they have not . . .they have been charged only.

In JJ's case, you remove him from the team pending the legal actions, but he is not a convicted rapist. In the bison situation, the charges are significnantly less serious, and you could argue that punishment should wait until the legal process has played out. But, you don't punish at the level of charges, you would open yourself up to potenial legal action on the other side of the issue. Charges vs. conviction . . . big difference.

The last part of your argument sailed a long time ago. How many times has Bohl suspended players before they went to court? Multiple times. That is a large part of the problem. He has developed a pattern, and now he has deviated from that pattern when he had multiple players involved in season. It appears suspicious.

A penalty given right now doesn't have to match the crime. Like tSic said, a 1 game suspension early for breaking team rules would have stop much of the turmoil, and a more serious penalty could be applied at a later date if it is needed. But someone charged with a crime at a certain level should be dealt with at that level and something public should have been done. Another part of the problem with this issue is that Taylor has basically said that this is not an important crime. Voters in North Dakota believe that interfering with a North Dakota election is rather important.

The entire higher education system is under a microscope right now. Al Carlson and some of his minions would love nothing more than to take over higher education and "fix the problems" that they see. Football players committing crimes is just another red flag. In the past couple of months NDSU has had 1 player arrested for MIP and resisting arrest, another for indecent exposure, 10 current players charged with voter fraud, and 3 former players also arrested for voter fraud. The football team removed 1 player from the team, the rest were not even suspended for a single game. I'm sorry that you can't see the PR hit that NDSU football and NDSU as an institution are taking because of this issue. Carlson and his kind are going to claim that this shows the State Board of Higher Education is not in control of the individual schools and that the Legislature should take control of higher education. Taylor just dug the hole deeper with his comments on Saturday.

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Considering that it was his 2nd offense in just a few months, he still deserves to be in the discussion. It shows a pattern in the program.

The first one was in May, 2011. I believe I saw somewhere that he might be suspsended for the Prairie View game, which is in line with past punishments, but again, why the third game in the season for something that happened in July? Or is it back to the "day in court (sometimes)" thing again?

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