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Fire Muss


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As I have asked before, how many minors and resisting arrests does it take at NDSU before a player finally misses a snap?

That's a good question.... It's the win at all cost mentality. Punching someone out in the street at 02:30 in the morning is not considered good behavior. Fleeing the cops is still a misdemeanor. Beck just paid his fine too.

Defendant Beck, Travis Andrew Total Financial Assessment 300.00 Total Payments and Credits 300.00 Balance Due as of /27/2013 0.00 08/19/2013 Transaction Assessment 300.00 09/13/2013 Counter Payment Receipt # 09-2013-19821 Beck, Travis Andrew (300.00)

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That's a good question.... It's the win at all cost mentality. Punching someone out in the street at 02:30 in the morning is not considered good behavior. Fleeing the cops is still a misdemeanor. Beck just paid his fine too.

Defendant Beck, Travis Andrew Total Financial Assessment 300.00 Total Payments and Credits 300.00 Balance Due as of 10/27/2013 0.00 08/19/2013 Transaction Assessment 300.00 09/13/2013 Counter Payment Receipt # 09-2013-19821 Beck, Travis Andrew (300.00)

I'm sure someone with the internet avatar "Goon" would have just laid in the fetal position while two larger men beat the hell of out him.

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I'm sure someone with the internet avatar "Goon" would have just laid in the fetal position while two larger men beat the hell of out him.

Do we have to pull the video again.... Beck said - lets take it outside. He was a willing participant not the victim. He is very lucky that the guy did not sustain serious injuries.

PS - nice back pedal on your previous statements - you were only reacting to a Sioux fans post. Yeah, his first post... couldn't be another Bison fan posing as a Sioux fan that never happens around here...

Sorry about the grammar error - thanks for the assist.

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Okay, I have sat back and read this forum for well over a year. Time has come for my response and opinion. My nephew currently plays on the team. I have followed Sioux football for many, many years. I feel I have some pretty honest opinions to offer up. First, "geaux-sioux", I WILL NOT give you my nephew's name because I know you will ask.

First, addressing earlier comments about players actions.....yes, there have been several boys recently cited for MIP and no, there have been no repercussions. Yes, one player had to sit out a game this year because he basically quit during fall camp and went home. Upon his return he had his ass kissed and is treated with kid gloves. The players have not been drug tested once this season! My understanding is that a test without warning would most likely nail a few boys. It is shocking to me that the program hasn't randomly tested once all year.

Mussman is definitely not a motivator...period. He has not given an emotional speech in 5 years. Everything is a business approach. Emotion plays a huge part of the game and I can guarantee that every player would confirm that Mussman is absolutely NOT an emotional leader. He has also surrounded himself with a bunch of sub par coaches ( maybe to protect himself). Schluesner is awful! He seems to be so worried about getting the ball to Hardin and Jackson that he can't think outside of that box. I mean who doesn't know Jackson is running the ball when he lines up back there. How many times can you pound 150 pound Miller up the middle? Garmin must have a special place in Mussman's heart although his fumbling has finally minimized his play. I'm sure he's a great kid, but he's five foot nothing and goes down too easily. Sadly, you have a young, inexperienced O-coordinator leading two young QB's.

The defense is not much improved over last year. I still have not seen a team who tackles so poorly. It's embarrassing. And, I haven't seen a worse group of defensive backs on any one team. Yet as bad as they are, they act like they are all "all conference". Maybe part of their issue is not realizing that they are very bad. The defense is also very under-sized and it shows all too often.

Coaching in general needs to be improved. Too many wasted time outs (and many have come some to get Jackson set up to run his play), too many penalties, too many dropped passes, too many turnovers, and too many mental mistakes. If you watched today's game, you saw a punter who dropped a perfect snap, panicked, and took off running. He has ample time to kick the ball but instead was tackled short of the first down. He obviously has not been coached how to handle that situation. Coaching can't be blamed for everything, but you have to start somewhere. These are their recruits....

Personally, I do think its time to fire Muss and start fresh. He has proven nothing and is not the leader these boys need. His staff needs to be shown the door as well. It is nothing personal, the program needs new direction. They need a coach who demands discipline and accountability. They need assistants who are respected and aren't worried about being "one of the guys". They need to focus recruiting North Dakota hard. Mr. Faison, show some guts and find a proven leader.

Why do I have a feeling your nephew doesn't play and you think he should?

Anyway, UND suspended true freshman Cam Kuksa the first game of the year for a minor. Also, the University administers the drug testing and several players have been nabbed in the past. The UND Football staff has absolutely nothing to do with drug testing. They get a hold of the players and tell them where to be and when. Whenever you see a release about a suspended player, anywhere in the country, that says "violation of team rules" - you now know what probably happened.

As far as the defense, how you can say they are not improving is beyond me. PSU averaged 530 yds/game and were shutout for almost three full quarters until they blocked a punt and got setup on the UND 15. Are they even close to a "good" defense? No. But they have improved. Anybody who watched the first four games and then watched the last four would agree. RIght now, they are playing better than last year's defense.

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Do we have to pull the video again.... Beck said - lets take it outside. He was a willing participant not the victim. He is very lucky that the guy did not sustain serious injuries.

PS - nice back peddle on your previous statements - you were only reacting to a Sioux fans post. Yeah, his first post... couldn't be another Bison fan posing as a Sioux fan that never happens around here...

Back pedal? Not sure how my statement could be seen as back pedaling.

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I'm sure someone with the internet avatar "Goon" would have just laid in the fetal position while two larger men beat the hell of out him.

I am not out at 02:30 in the morning causing fights and asking people to take it outside. Unlike NDSU Football, I'd probably lose my job... My employer doesn't take a win at all cost mentality.

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I am not out at 02:30 in the morning causing fights and asking people to take it outside. Unlike NDSU Football, I'd probably lose my job... My employer doesn't take a win at all cost mentality.

Same for me, but we aren't 21.

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I am not out at 02:30 in the morning causing fights and asking people to take it outside. Unlike NDSU Football, I'd probably lose my job... My employer doesn't take a win at all cost mentality.

And hold on, a UND grad with a job. You mean to tell me you don't own a farm yet? They really need to change that brochure.

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And hold on, a UND grad with a job. You mean to tell me you don't own a farm yet? They really need to change that brochure.

We understand that you're confused. See, not all UND grads own farms. There are more UND grads than there are available farms. So not everyone can have one. But we know that facts like this might be difficult to comprehend. And the brochure says that NDSU grads work on the farms, UND grads own them, but it says nothing about ALL UND grads owning a farm. You need to read the brochure more carefully.
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We understand that you're confused. See, not all UND grads own farms. There are more UND grads than there are available farms. So not everyone can have one. But we know that facts like this might be difficult to comprehend. And the brochure says that NDSU grads work on the farms, UND grads own them, but it says nothing about ALL UND grads owning a farm. You need to read the brochure more carefully.

NDSU and reading doesn't go hand in hand.

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And hold on, a UND grad with a job. You mean to tell me you don't own a farm yet? They really need to change that brochure.

I thought they were all successful pilots? Oh wait...thats the Air Force and Naval Academy grads...UND gets the leftovers....

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I thought they were all successful pilots? Oh wait...thats the Air Force and Naval Academy grads...UND gets the leftovers....

Have you ever heard of commercial aviation, agricultural aviation, or air traffic control? The Air Force and Naval Academies train pilots for the military, not civilian-based aviation positions. The fact that you just stated UND gets military "left-overs" is absolutely appalling, largely due to the incompetence of it.

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Zero if he didn't have that contract extention now I think it's about 50%.

If it's a coin flip whether he is let go or not...those are odds I know Muss would put his chips all in at this stage!

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I thought they were all successful pilots? Oh wait...thats the Air Force and Naval Academy grads...UND gets the leftovers....

Well I have two very good friends who are UND grads and are jet pilots for the Navy and another who is a helicopter pilot for the Army. All 3 are under 25. I'd say that's relatively successful.

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