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I understand what you are saying, but not buying it to the extent you are. Regardless, I think Muss needs to show us something and right soon. Not saying championship, but something we can get behind. So far, nothing.

He got me on board when he flipped the record from 2010 to 2011 with no quarterback on the roster.

There has been some ugly under his watch, but there has been some pretty too.

USD made a coaching change last year, and they didn't win a game this season.

The nickname issue was a cancer, that no other program in transition has had to deal with.

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He got me on board when he flipped the record from 2010 to 2011 with no quarterback on the roster.

There has been some ugly under his watch, but there has been some pretty too.

USD made a coaching change last year, and they didn't win a game this season.

The nickname issue was a cancer, that no other program in transition has had to deal with.

And whose job is it to recruit quarterbacks? Calling BS on the nickname excuse.

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They went 6-5 first year in the MVFC in 2008 and 3-8 in 2009 with wins against Wagner College a terrible Ind St and Western Ill. By my count 2008 was their first year of eligibility since 2004 was their first of the transition.

So far we know their first year in their conference was more successful than ours.

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I understand what you are saying, but not buying it to the extent you are. Regardless, I think Muss needs to show us something and right soon. Not saying championship, but something we can get behind. So far, nothing.


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Mussman hasn't done anything to deserve credit. I respect those who believe long-term tenure leads to success because that's one thing, but don't defend Mussman for something he has yet to accomplish or demonstrate.

Hopefully that changes this season.

^^^^^^…and this.

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He got me on board when he flipped the record from 2010 to 2011 with no quarterback on the roster.

The nickname issue was a cancer, that no other program in transition has had to deal with.

I'll bite...2011 schedule was very weak and co-champs of a 5 team league is not chest thumping material. The QB that year was actually a leader...funny how that helps. See Jensen.

Still hanging on to the nickname issue? Goodness. At some point when is that not a continued relevant excuse for you? I'm with Irish...BS on this excuse.

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I'm not sure. I know they got into the Summit a year early and were not eligible for championships, but not sure about the MVFC. I seem to remember them entering that league with a thud though.

Golly, where in the world is Bison Dan when we REALLY need him?

Why dont we worry about our own program? Move on.

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They went 6-5 first year in the MVFC in 2008 and 3-8 in 2009 with wins against Wagner College a terrible Ind St and Western Ill. By my count 2008 was their first year of eligibility since 2004 was their first of the transition.

Big difference as NDSU had a below average qb that was the cause of most of our losses & those were by 7 poinbts or less. UND was destroyed by the top teams in the BSC. Little offense & no defense against MSU and EWU. Hard to turn that around in one year. I also think you're forgetting that other teams recruit too. Both MSU and EWU will be tough again.
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Ok we will all set a time line right now. No if ands or butts about it. If UND does not make at LEAST the playoffs in 2013, 2014, or 2015 a new head coach is needed!

Saying that Mussman has 3 more seasons to make the playoff's is absurd. I'd say 2014 at the latest, and that's even going to be a long wait considering how lackluster our attedence has been.
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I don’t consider myself a “Mussman apologist” like many on here like to paint people. I’ve followed Sioux sports seriously since the mid-60’s, but that doesn’t make me any kind of expert. I can’t claim to know even a shred of what the UND coaches, administrators and athletic dept folks know about UND football based on watching games, reading articles or hearing 30 second interviews with coaches and players. I’m just a fan.

Hearing people on this board say things about coaches with equally minimal information is both frustrating and sad to me as a UND fan. It’s easy to boldly state things like a coach has to be “gone” based on their own ideas of future wins, playoffs, etc. But, it’s silly and not at all helpful. People at a much higher knowledge level of UND athletics will make those decisions, not us. Those decisions will be made on a variety of issues, most of which we won’t even know about.

I look at the last football season as a barometer of where we are and where we need to be. I think it was unrealistic to expect a playoff berth in our first year in one of the premiere FCS conferences. I think we showed plenty of glimpses of a program heading in the right direction. I expect the team to make good progress every year. Coming out of the transition and nickname fiasco (which people like to discount as not being huge factors, but they were) things are steadily improving……the recent recruiting classes are evidence of that. I expect each year to see major strides in areas of speed, depth and quality of athletes. We did about what could be expected with the group we had last year….and that isn’t a slam against that team. We just weren’t quite deep enough or talented enough to be an upper echelon BSC team. Yet. Each year I expect that gap to decrease.

I’ve said before on here, the players have to make the plays. The coaches can prepare them but it’s still up to the players to execute, or have the ability to out-execute the opponent. That will be better every year with our successful recruiting efforts.

I think back to the 2001 title game and the 4th down pass to (now) Coach Luke late in the game. If he drops the ball, or doesn’t make the 1st down we would have lost the title. 2 years later, we lost in the ’03 Championship game. Lennon was 1-1 in those 2 title games. But, if Luke drops that ’01 pass, Lennon could have been 0-2 in title games. Instead of being revered as a guy who “could win the big one” experts on here would have called him a guy who couldn’t win the big one and would have been calling for his head. Not because of coaching, but because of execution by players on the field. Games and seasons can come down to a handful of plays that are made or not…..by players.

My point is, we are assembling some amazing football talent. Give it a chance. Nothing said on this board is going to have any effect on changing coaches. I know it’s an opinion forum, but some of this is just not helpful, actually it comes across as self-inflated and silly.

Good, thoughtful post.

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I don’t consider myself a “Mussman apologist” like many on here like to paint people. I’ve followed Sioux sports seriously since the mid-60’s, but that doesn’t make me any kind of expert. I can’t claim to know even a shred of what the UND coaches, administrators and athletic dept folks know about UND football based on watching games, reading articles or hearing 30 second interviews with coaches and players. I’m just a fan.

Hearing people on this board say things about coaches with equally minimal information is both frustrating and sad to me as a UND fan. It’s easy to boldly state things like a coach has to be “gone” based on their own ideas of future wins, playoffs, etc. But, it’s silly and not at all helpful. People at a much higher knowledge level of UND athletics will make those decisions, not us. Those decisions will be made on a variety of issues, most of which we won’t even know about.

I look at the last football season as a barometer of where we are and where we need to be. I think it was unrealistic to expect a playoff berth in our first year in one of the premiere FCS conferences. I think we showed plenty of glimpses of a program heading in the right direction. I expect the team to make good progress every year. Coming out of the transition and nickname fiasco (which people like to discount as not being huge factors, but they were) things are steadily improving……the recent recruiting classes are evidence of that. I expect each year to see major strides in areas of speed, depth and quality of athletes. We did about what could be expected with the group we had last year….and that isn’t a slam against that team. We just weren’t quite deep enough or talented enough to be an upper echelon BSC team. Yet. Each year I expect that gap to decrease.

I’ve said before on here, the players have to make the plays. The coaches can prepare them but it’s still up to the players to execute, or have the ability to out-execute the opponent. That will be better every year with our successful recruiting efforts.

I think back to the 2001 title game and the 4th down pass to (now) Coach Luke late in the game. If he drops the ball, or doesn’t make the 1st down we would have lost the title. 2 years later, we lost in the ’03 Championship game. Lennon was 1-1 in those 2 title games. But, if Luke drops that ’01 pass, Lennon could have been 0-2 in title games. Instead of being revered as a guy who “could win the big one” experts on here would have called him a guy who couldn’t win the big one and would have been calling for his head. Not because of coaching, but because of execution by players on the field. Games and seasons can come down to a handful of plays that are made or not…..by players.

My point is, we are assembling some amazing football talent. Give it a chance. Nothing said on this board is going to have any effect on changing coaches. I know it’s an opinion forum, but some of this is just not helpful, actually it comes across as self-inflated and silly.

Yup - there is a big difference in the thinking pattern of UND supporters and fanatics. Supporters trust the administration, support the programs through thick and thin and look for the positives. Fanatics shoot from the hip, think they have the answers (and that they call the shots) and are negative (hiding under the guise of "I just have high expectations").

If we win the last game of the season last year we finish 500 in Big Sky and with a winning record in our first year out of transition. I was disappointed in how the season ended but I enjoyed the season.

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If we win the last game of the season last year we finish 500 in Big Sky and with a winning record in our first year out of transition.

You really wana go down that road...

We beat that coaching decision to death already.


Just win baby!!!

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