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Read this Blog article about this loser from tech

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You guys are blowing this thing way out of proportion.This is just a dumbass Tech fan who has a blog and is trying to make a name for himself.Just let it go and bring on CC baby.

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The assumption some of you are making is that this is a true and complete account of what happened. I think that is a poor assumption, and one that I am not willing to make.


I hate to play devil's advocate here, but...if the Radke story is true, imagine the rage around here if a Gopher player did it to a Sioux fan. There'd be HELL to pay around here if you're a Gophers fan. And anyone that disagrees with that statement is so biased and unjournalistic that posting on these boards is irrelevent.

Excellent point, and dead on.


Yeah but lets face it. Thatll never happen because of fear that the UofM player would ruin his manicure of dare I say gelled hair.

Personally I doubt that it would ever happen because the Sioux and Gophers have respect for each other and we would never say anything about a coach. I think that guy from tech who is crying is just sad because he knows tech will never do anything in the WCHA. A real man wouldve taken his lumps like a man instead of crying like a little bitch on the internet.


This guy is as simple of an idiot youll find. Making threats like that to Radke on the internet will get him no closer than 2 steps through a doorway of a facility hosting a Sioux-Tech game. If someone with importance reads this and shoots it hakstols way.


I find all this bleep-talking by a Tech fan a joke. I was there all weekend and one thing that stood out was the abscence of a hockey vibe in the town. these might be the most docile college hockey fans in the nation. the band was great and the arena wasn't bad at all, twice as good as st.clown but this isn't a hockey town at all. at least not when the #1 ranked team comes to town.


Time to show class Sioux hockey fans. The correct response is to ignore this kind of silly content. We are used to winning and they are not. We should respond that the University of North Dakota fan base, team, and coaches do not support unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the ice by fans, players, coaches or staff. We respect the Michigan Tech program for the strides they've made on the ice, and wish them a successful season. Without being there, and assuming the story is at least partially based in truth, it seems to me that there was some inappropriate activity by both parties, and no major harm done, except for hurting someone's feelings. It truly sounds like someone making a mountain out of a molehill.

Time to show class Sioux hockey fans. The correct response is to ignore this kind of silly content. We are used to winning and they are not. We should respond that the University of North Dakota fan base, team, and coaches do not support unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the ice by fans, players, coaches or staff. We respect the Michigan Tech program for the strides they've made on the ice, and wish them a successful season. Without being there, and assuming the story is at least partially based in truth, it seems to me that there was some inappropriate activity by both parties, and no major harm done, except for hurting someone's feelings. It truly sounds like someone making a mountain out of a molehill.

Its kind of like yawn, I am bored with this too... Time to focus on C.C.

All these kids are going to do is wake up the Sioux who hopefully will pound the snot out of the Huskies next

time they play...


Our experience this weekend was totally positive. We talked and joked with a number of Tech fans and they were all nice. They tried to sell me a raffle ticket for a Tech jersey and said I could do whatever I wanted with it. They even mentioned that Halloween was coming and it could be used for that. A number of Tech fans discussed the name issue with me and everyone expressed support for the Fighting Sioux name. The Tech radio announcers talked about the tremendous fan support for the games. Saturday night attendance was 2,900 (including the numerous Sioux fans) and there were plenty of empty seats. This is not a huge hockey town. We went to a couple of bars after the games, and the people had to ask us who won.

This idiot is just removing all doubt that he is an idiot.

It was great meeting a number of posters at the games, including UNDPUCKS and Siouxfan77.


I hope that retard comes to Grand Forks to go to a real hockey arena and see real hockey fans. But i cant guarentee him nothing like getting out of the arena safe hehe im jk im jsut tryin to scare u boosh and i no u arae reaidng this


I think it is funny calling this guy a loser and "retard" (I don't condone the use of that term), when he is obviously a very bright young man looking at a successful future (tech is a tremendous engineering school). :silly:


Boosh likes to instigate but I don't think he's serious. I believe (Dirty can confirm this) this is the same guy that said Anaheim didn't play dirty against the Wild last year in the playoffs.

I think it is funny calling this guy a loser and "retard" (I don't condone the use of that term), when he is obviously a very bright young man looking at a successful future (tech is a tremendous engineering school). :silly:

Especially with atrocious spelling and grammar :D


Boosh is the one who had the run-in with Radke. The Darkness is the one who wrote the blog entry that is linked. Both have been to REA. Both are laughing at all of you who are getting all bent out of shape over this.

Boosh is the one who had the run-in with Radke. The Darkness is the one who wrote the blog entry that is linked. Both have been to REA. Both are laughing at all of you who are getting all bent out of shape over this.

We are merely responding to them getting so bent out of shape.

Boosh is the one who had the run-in with Radke. The Darkness is the one who wrote the blog entry that is linked. Both have been to REA. Both are laughing at all of you who are getting all bent out of shape over this.

any run ins with tech players last weekend diggler :silly:

or just meangirl stealing your identity :D

any run ins with tech players last weekend diggler :silly:

or just meangirl stealing your identity ;)

I did get kicked out of the Tech student section. :D

I will have my revenge on MEg. She won't see it coming, mainly because she's so short she doesn't see much of anything coming, and it will be sweet.

Both are laughing at all of you who are getting all bent out of shape over this.

Aahh, I'm laughing right back at them. ;)

It would take a heck of a lot more than a couple of instigating Tech fans to get me bent out of shape. :D

Although I wouldn't mind bending MEggie in different shapes. :silly:

I've said too much.

I like Boosh's blog picture. I thought that those "flicking off the camera" pics were only popular on 12-15yo gangsta-wannabe boys' Myspace pages, but I guess I was wrong. :D

I like Boosh's blog picture. I thought that those "flicking off the camera" pics were only popular on 12-15yo gangsta-wannabe boys' Myspace pages, but I guess I was wrong. :silly:

Boosh takes after his little brother who likes to egg Driver's Training cars while stopped next to it at a stop light. That should tell you how seriously you should take anything Booshy Wooshy says.


Boosh takes after his little brother who likes to egg Driver's Training cars while stopped next to it at a stop light. That should tell you how seriously you should take anything Booshy Wooshy says.

wow thats real mature.

While the Sioux and Gophers do in fact respect each other, their respective fan bases unfortunately do not. I could totally see this kind of garbage going down between Sioux fans and Lucia or Gopher fans and Hakstol. Like I've said numerous times before on this forum, that particular matchup brings out the worst behavior in fans on both sides. That having been said, yes I do believe that if a Sioux fan pulled a similar stunt at the Ralph and got bullied by Gopher players most people here would have had a very different reaction. Fans who act that way are idiots, but it isn't smart for a player to use bullying tactics to intimidate a smartass fan. Assuming that this is even true, Radke should have known better.

For the first part, yes, I definitely could see it happening. Big deal, a fan yells at a coach. It happens all the time.

For the second part, I have to ask, what is really at issue in this thread, a fan yelling at a coach, or a player bullying an opposing fan? I don't care which team it is and which team you are a fan of, this is unacceptable behavior. If anybody here is defending Radke, then you need to take off your green-tinted glasses.

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