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  GeauxSioux said:
The writing was on the wall. :angry:

The AG, Mr. Stenehjem, did what he could with (what little) he had and based on this he deserves some credit:

At least he got us (temporarily) off the list and some time to look for middle ground.

  mksioux said:
To those who took pleasure in bashing the A.G., how does the settlement look now?

Still looks like !@$!, and a complete sellout, regardless of what the NC$$ may have done later.

  The Sicatoka said:
Post #387 in here is a nice preview of where we go next from here after the NCAA Executive Committee has been handed the whip.

When there are weasels like Dorgan and Conrad (the Republicans are not much better) tied to the hip of PC crowd, what can you do? It's our elected officials who need to step up to the plate and strike up legislation breaking up the NCAA or reigning it in. At the end of 06, there was some movement going towards holding the NCAA to the fire but that quickly fizzled when the Dems got control of Congress.

  The Sicatoka said:

The AG, Mr. Stenehjem, did what he could with (what little) he had and based on this he deserves some credit:

At least he got us (temporarily) off the list and some time to look for middle ground.

That is B.S. Stenehjem basically wasted a bunch of Donors money.

If they knew this was going to happen why waste the effort and money?

If was one of the people that donated money to this cause I would be highly pissed off.

Change the rules in midstream.

  Chewey said:
When there are weasels like Dorgan and Conrad (the Republicans are not much better) tied to the hip of PC crowd, what can you do? It's our elected officials who need to step up to the plate and strike up legislation breaking up the NCAA or reigning it in. At the end of 06, there was some movement going towards holding the NCAA to the fire but that quickly fizzled when the Dems got control of Congress.

This what happens when political correctness runs a muck. Also, don't expect anything out of Dorgan or Conrad, they are nothing more than posers and empty suits. Don't expect Dorgan to take a stance on the nick name debate. Dorgan and Conrad's claim to fame is spending other people's money and bringing pork to the State of ND.

These two yahoos haven't had to run a campaign against a serious challenger in a long time. Dorgan and Conrad are no different than the belt way liberals in their party. Whenever they are up for election they try to run to the middle and act like they are conservative democrats and then in a non election year they are right behind Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all the other Liberal democrats. I have had it with status quo in this state.

  Goon said:

This what happens when political correctness runs a muck. Also, don't expect anything out of Dorgan or Conrad, they are nothing more than posers and empty suits. Don't expect Dorgan to take a stance on the nick name debate. Dorgan and Conrad's claim to fame is spending other people's money and bringing pork to the State of ND.

These two yahoos haven't had to run a campaign against a serious challenger in a long time. Dorgan and Conrad are no different than the belt way liberals in their party. Whenever they are up for election they try to run to the middle and act like they are conservative democrats and then in a non election year they are right behind Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all the other Liberal democrats. I have had it with status quo in this state.

I think that our 3 stooges are pretty frugal. :cool: I know for a fact that to cut costs, the 3 of them pitched in and bought 2 plaid flannel shirts for campaign photo ops since never more than 2 of them have to run at a time. :angry: I am sticking by this until someone shows me a picture of the 3 amigos all in their dress plaid flannels.

  Goon said:

This what happens when political correctness runs a muck. Also, don't expect anything out of Dorgan or Conrad, they are nothing more than posers and empty suits. Don't expect Dorgan to take a stance on the nick name debate. Dorgan and Conrad's claim to fame is spending other people's money and bringing pork to the State of ND.

These two yahoos haven't had to run a campaign against a serious challenger in a long time. Dorgan and Conrad are no different than the belt way liberals in their party. Whenever they are up for election they try to run to the middle and act like they are conservative democrats and then in a non election year they are right behind Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all the other Liberal democrats. I have had it with status quo in this state.

His (Dorgan's) appearance in Fahrenheit 9/11 was an embarassment to the people of North Dakota, IMO.

  Goon said:
Whenever they are up for election they try to run to the middle and act like they are conservative democrats and then in a non election year they are right behind Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all the other Liberal democrats.

Wow! Someone finally noticed. Goon, can you wake up the rest of the voters?

  iramurphy said:
We belong to an organization and we can quit at any time. If we wish to continue to belong, we play by their rules. The best way to change the rules is to get the member insitutions to make the necessary changes. Why do we wish to get the congress involved in the name issue? I am certainly not a Democrat, but Dorgan, Conrad and Pomeroy have done a pretty good job for N.Dak. They didn't cause this nor will they be able to bully the NCAA into backing down on this issue. Republicans want less government interference. You either believe it or don't. I find suspect those who complain about the government interference except when the government interference will benefit their personal issues.

Florida's politicians did a pretty good job of it.


The libs at UND don't want to win. The libs who run this state don't want to win. The Herald, which is a lib paper doesn't want to win. Retreat and surrender, that's the liberal way. We should have said we can live without hosting the playoffs and went on with it. It's not like we host a lot anyway. Thunder admits he hasn't been inside the Ralph and yet we surrender. A group of a few hundred beat a city of 50 thousand. Pathetic. No one calls out the surrender first UND officials, our politicians, or the Herald. The Herald actually lets Thunder go along with the whole "sovereign nation" garbage. If Mr. E was alive this would be a moot point. I love the team, but a part of me wishes they would boot us from the arena.

My predictions:

1. The luxury box people will continue to sit on their hands and not surrender their season tix. Only this would get UND to take notice.

2. The faithful fans and alumni will be betrayed by their own college.

3. The hypocrites who steadfastly endorse drunkeness and gambling, but hate nicknames will remain hypocrites.

4. Those who support the name will be labeled racists.

5. "Get a life, it's just a name" will be repeated a million times.

6. UND will put a smiley face on this and up Indian programs.

7. A decision will go down when the weather turns nice and before Kupchella bails.

8. We'll have a rigged vote via the website and Herald for a new name between: 1. Force of the North 2. Dumb animal name 3. Dumb name related to weather 4. No name 5. Flickertails

9. Name announced, contest for new logo announced

10. Logo picked

11. Financial gift from Indians to make friends (for UND)

Name changes, North Dakota Force of the North, we bitch, Thunder gloats, Liberals stress education over athletics, casinos thrive, beer and jersey sales at the Ralph thrive, and life goes on. At some point we need to take a stand or we'll have a very sterile and boring product. It doesn't stop, they'll go after something else next. This isn't personal against the Sioux as a whole, but against UND official cowards, Pomeroy-Dorgan-Conrad, Ron Thunder, and The GF Herald. My co worker suggested we change the name to the UND Keebles after the late great MSgt Woody Keeble (you know, the guy mentioned in the Ralph every game). I like it. He fought for the USA and it would be good to honor him.

  mksioux said:

Florida's politicians did a pretty good job of it.

Exactly. Within hours of the NC$$ edict most of Florida's politicians were threatening the NC$$ with hell of one form or another. An Illinois congressman, a Republican, was getting ready for hearings, until the last election. Meanwhile, NoDak's politicos just scratched their a$$es and tried to look good on C-SPAN.

  ScottM said:

Exactly. Within hours of the NC$$ edict most of Florida's politicians were threatening the NC$$ with hell of one form or another. An Illinois congressman, a Republican, was getting ready for hearings, until the last election. Meanwhile, NoDak's politicos just scratched their a$$es and tried to look good on C-SPAN.

Maybe the NCAA should find hair pieces hostile and abusive if worn at an NCAA sponsored event. I bet Dorgan would be all over that one; he's given hell to camera people who shoot him the "wrong way."

Don't even get me started on Pomeroy who could be a dead ringer for any sex offender (it's the smile).

  iramurphy said:
We belong to an organization and we can quit at any time. If we wish to continue to belong, we play by their rules.

That's funny how this applies to the NCAA but if I'm a Boy Scout who doesn't want to say 'God,' I find a lawyer who files suit against the club.

You apparently CAN have it both ways.

  MafiaMan said:

Wow! Someone finally noticed. Goon, can you wake up the rest of the voters?

Doubtfull, its hard to pry people away from their ipods long enough to vote or listen to another poltician.


  octupus99 said:
My co worker suggested we change the name to the UND Keebles after the late great MSgt Woody Keeble (you know, the guy mentioned in the Ralph every game). I like it. He fought for the USA and it would be good to honor him.

I like it.

  Goon said:

Doubtfull, its hard to pry people away from their ipods long enough to vote or listen to another poltician.


I hate to get into political discussions!

But it is hard to disagree that our elected officials have taken their place over the years and finally given NoDak a true voice in the federal government. Whether you are a democrat or republican, these guys have taken their place in the federal government and finally given ND a voice and in the next few years will just have that much more say. Add Schafer and this is one of the first times that Nodak is truely having a TRUE influence on the US federal government.

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