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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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2 hours ago, Nodak78 said:

The ND health website must be down with Covid.


NOVEMBER 10, 2020
Please note: The software that reports the number of recovered and hospitalized is down, which also impacts active cases. This info will be updated once the system is back online. Find available information on the daily news release


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7 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

How exciting would it be if the Pfizer vaccine was distributed in this area within "a couple weeks"? Let's just say it's a real possibility.

My sister works at the VA in Fargo and if I recall our last conversation correctly they were told to be ready in November.

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2 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

The common cold?
Chicken pox? 

MMR vaccine ... but it's still out there.
Hepatitis vaccine? Out there.
Rabies vaccine? Out there.

Best claim might be polio, or small pox. 

Per the WHO, smallpox and rinderpest.


2 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

I'd say it's a coin flip. 

Based on the lawsuits his team has been filing, I'd put pretty heavy odds on the former being the favorite. A most likely scenario is that he's pushing the envelope to raise money for a "defense fund" because he can use 60% of the funds to retire campaign debt. If he happens to throw something at the wall and it sticks, then even better.

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22 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:


We have been told for months to "trust science"....right?

And nobody has ever been hurt by a vaccine. People who think so are anti-science quacks.


https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/about/index.html#:~:text=The National Childhood Vaccine Injury,be injured by certain vaccines.

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1 hour ago, TheFlop said:

The hypocrisy is what gets me. Some of the same people that think sports are evil spreading events are the ones sneaking their kids off onto special travel teams so their kids don't have to miss out ...just yours should have to miss out .  The blue hairs that think the 35 and under crowd should give up bars, in person school, etc but the blue hairs should still be able to have their morning cup of coffee at Perkins or their unnecessary 12 noon on a Saturday stroll through Menards.  Sturgis is still getting hammered for being the root cause of 99.9% of American Covid spread but the 3 months straight of riots in Portland and BLM protests other places are given a free pass.  Don't sit here and try to pretend that 100 spectators at a JV football game is a huge issue but the Biden celebrations weren't.  Be consistent. 

You do realize T (with lies) was the instigator in getting the cults to fight the system against using PPE apporpriately, social distancing, proper hygiene, and etc.

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2 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

You do realize T (with lies) was the instigator in getting the cults to fight the system against using PPE apporpriately, social distancing, proper hygiene, and etc.

yes, because i wait every day by the tv to get my directions for the day from trump on how i should feel, or act....SMH.  get over it already. 

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14 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

You do realize T (with lies) was the instigator in getting the cults to fight the system against using PPE apporpriately, social distancing, proper hygiene, and etc.

Wrong, it was Osterholm and Fauci and Jerome Adams who sewed distrust in March.

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8 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Tuesday - where is the evidence of massive voter fraud? Did I miss it? Still to come?

There is no more evidence of voting fraud in 2020 then there was in 2016.

Democrats screamed about then. Republicans crying about it now. It's what the losing side does.

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1 hour ago, jdub27 said:

Per the WHO, smallpox and rinderpest.


Based on the lawsuits his team has been filing, I'd put pretty heavy odds on the former being the favorite. A most likely scenario is that he's pushing the envelope to raise money for a "defense fund" because he can use 60% of the funds to retire campaign debt. If he happens to throw something at the wall and it sticks, then even better.


Hasn't there been talk of Trump holding his rallies again?   This literally serves no purpose, at this time, other than to rile up his base to do Trump's bidding (more donations $$$).  


A team of international observers invited by the Trump administration has issued a preliminary report giving high marks to the conduct of last week’s elections--and it criticizes President Trump for making baseless allegations that the outcome resulted from systematic fraud.


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19 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

Tuesday - where is the evidence of massive voter fraud? Did I miss it? Still to come?

Dems spent hundreds of millions, if not billions on this years election cycle, only to lose seats in the house and maintain a minority in the senate. To me this means fraud didn't happen and that people overwhelming voted against the man and not the party. Calling fraud will lead to scrutiny of these house/senate results too, which is probably why many are distancing themselves from that message.

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9 minutes ago, iluvdebbies said:

There is no more evidence of voting fraud in 2020 then there was in 2016.

Democrats screamed about then. Republicans crying about it now. It's what the losing side does.


Democrats complained, but Clinton conceded a day after the election.   What Trump is doing is on a different level; particularly considering he is still claiming victory.    

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13 minutes ago, dynato said:

Dems spent hundreds of millions, if not billions on this years election cycle, only to lose seats in the house and maintain a minority in the senate. To me this means that people overwhelming voted against the man and not the party. Calling fraud will lead to scrutiny of these house/senate results too, which is probably why many are distancing themselves from that message.


That begs the question.  How were the Dems able to pull off a successful scam (in several states nonetheless) for the Presidency, yet not in any other election?  They were all on the same ballot.  

If the Dems were successfully cheating, common sense tells you they'd have a clean sweep elsewhere to.  

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6 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


That begs the question.  How were the Dems able to pull off a successful scam (in several states nonetheless) for the Presidency, yet not in any other election?  They were all on the same ballot.  

If the Dems were successfully cheating, common sense tells you they'd have a clean sweep elsewhere to.  

I won’t buy into any cheating until I see something concrete, but your logic doesn’t follow necessarily. There are many ways to cheat that don’t involve an actual ballot being filled out.

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29 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

Wrong, it was Osterholm and Fauci and Jerome Adams who sewed distrust in March.

Wrong, Osterholm and Fauci and Jerome Adams more so told the truth.
T lied, hid the truth from the American public - google Bob Woodward.

T made fun of masks to a FOX reporter right up to the election. Washing hands, soap, yard stick, etc were not in his vocabulary.


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7 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

Wrong, Osterholm and Fauci and Jerome Adams more so told the truth.
T lied, hid the truth from the American public - google Bob Woodward.

T made fun of masks to a FOX reporter right up to the election. Washing hands, soap, yard stick, etc were not in his vocabulary.


So masks don’t work and shouldn’t be used by the general public? You’re misinformed on what those three are on record saying sir.

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57 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

You do realize T (with lies) was the instigator in getting the cults to fight the system against using PPE apporpriately, social distancing, proper hygiene, and etc.

Right.  Orange man bad man.  We get your view.  

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Here’s where the orange man bad narrative falls apart. If it was trumps ineptitude that has caused the United States to “respond poorly to Covid”, why are the European countries going through a second lockdown now as a result of their response? Or is trump to blame for that as well?

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53 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


Democrats complained, but Clinton conceded a day after the election.   What Trump is doing is on a different level; particularly considering he is still claiming victory.    

She "conceded" but her, along with many prominent dems, and media types, spent 4 years spreading Russia conspiracy theories and calling the dude's presidency "illegitimate" and asserting he somehow stole the election.

They have no leg to stand on here. Zero. 

He should concede but its not like it changes much of anything.

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