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25-10-7 are all completely worthless and shouldn't even be out there. and to have them all on the same line is just wasting ice time. the line if it were to be together for another needs to be called the "worthless line". this team is seriously lacking basic skills as they can't keep a puck ontheir stick with noone around and have difficulties clearing their own zone due mostly to weak ass attempts. not expecting anything great or spectacular for the rest of the season and probably a one and done if they sneek into the ncaa. only real question is can the gophers be stopped before winning their 6th in philly.

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How many dumb penalties did Hakstol take tonight? How many soft goals did Jackson let in?

I think if Hak played wing and Jackson was in the net....they still lose. Although who do you play Hak with? Not the greatest skater, so would you put him with Mitch? And then maybe Murphy on the other wing?

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I think if Hak played wing and Jackson was in the net....they still lose. Although who do you play Hak with? Not the greatest skater, so would you put him with Mitch? And then maybe Murphy on the other wing?

Jackson can't play net...don't they have Goehring for that?

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Jackson can't play net...don't they have Goehring for that?

I thought you hadn't forgiven Karl for getting hurt before a certain regional game in a certain historic arena, where a certain backup goaltender at the time blew a two goal lead? And Dean Blais teams never lost two goal leads, well until some guy called out the camera guy. :lol:

PS: Wasn't it fun being young and actually doing things like going to regionals in cities far away.....now we're just following around two year olds... :sad:

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Last time I called out the predictability of Hak's team (RW 5x5 zone entries, etc.).

This time I'm calling out the complete lack of spontaneous play. Everything is shoveled back to the D, in every zone, where they settle it down, look around and allow the opponent to set up their trap or defense in front of the net.

How about a forward actually picking up a a puck and bringing it out of the zone before the opponent can set up their trap at neutral? I wish I had a dollar for every time I saw a UND center push the puck back to Simpson, et al, in the defensive zone tonight when they had a lane to carry it out themselves.

Offensively, how about a one-timer from the points in the offensive zone? Nope, slide it back and the defense holds it so the opponent can stack the goalie, both D, all three forwards, a couple water bottles, their mascot, and heck, even the team bus in front of the net to block a shot. I just once want to see a one-timer ... and our forwards ready to snap off a shot on a rebound.

Finally, I'm seeing guys in front turning to get to their forehands on rebounds. It's call a BACKHANDER and goalies don't like them. Both 9 and 29 had first period opportunities they wasted by not snapping off the backhanders and instead turning (wasting time) to the forehand (and allowing defenders to get there and prevent the shot).

This slow, ponderous play isn't generating offense, and it gave up a bunch of goals tonight to a team playing quick.

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I think everyone needs to keep in mind that this was the weekend of flu week. Think back to the last time that you had the flu with gut-wrenching puking. Even when you start to recover, you have to eat bland foods lightly for a couple of days and then you still don't feel back to normal for a few more days. I expect the guys with the flu lost 5-6 pounds or more. They also lost a ton of energy along the way. Yes, there are many issues with this team, but I am guessing it was impossible to work on much of anything this week. Remember that on Tuesday, more than 50% of the team was unable to attend practice. I was pleasantly surprised that they won on Friday, as I expected they would be mostly out of energy by the third period with the flu after effects. I was not surprised at all that tonight they just weren't able to keep up with UMD for most of the game.

Overall I have been moderately pleased with the officiating, seeing it as being better than what was in the WCHA. Saturday night's game took me back to WCHA days. UMD created some of their opportunities and goals by hooking, holding, and tripping without being called for it. Their third goal was especially galling as the two-on-one that scored was very directly related to the other Sioux defenseman being held in the UMD zone.

And those pointing out the goaltending issues, stupid penalties, missed opportunities, etc. are correct as well.

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walk in the shoes, my friend. You get your --- out there. I believe it's Rods job. Wilbur, your name says it all,my friend. Oink oink

Seriously?? Rodwell is a SENIOR...not a Fr. Walking in shoes, heels, sandles or barefoot doesn't negate the fact he took 2 "bad" penalties...as the radio guys called it post fame but commented they wanted to say dumb. If you are fighting to crack the lineup and stay in the lineup those type of plays will get you a suit back on quickly. If they have enough healthy bodies no way he plays Friday...and that was Wilbur's point. Got it???

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Last time I called out the predictability of Hak's team (RW 5x5 zone entries, etc.).

This time I'm calling out the complete lack of spontaneous play. Everything is shoveled back to the D, in every zone, where they settle it down, look around and allow the opponent to set up their trap or defense in front of the net.

How about a forward actually picking up a a puck and bringing it out of the zone before the opponent can set up their trap at neutral? I wish I had a dollar for every time I saw a UND center push the puck back to Simpson, et al, in the defensive zone tonight when they had a lane to carry it out themselves.

Offensively, how about a one-timer from the points in the offensive zone? Nope, slide it back and the defense holds it so the opponent can stack the goalie, both D, all three forwards, a couple water bottles, their mascot, and heck, even the team bus in front of the net to block a shot. I just once want to see a one-timer ... and our forwards ready to snap off a shot on a rebound.

Finally, I'm seeing guys in front turning to get to their forehands on rebounds. It's call a BACKHANDER and goalies don't like them. Both 9 and 29 had first period opportunities they wasted by not snapping off the backhanders and instead turning (wasting time) to the forehand (and allowing defenders to get there and prevent the shot).

This slow, ponderous play isn't generating offense, and it gave up a bunch of goals tonight to a team playing quick.

+1 to all of this. My opinion is simple after watching this team so far...it is the square peg trying to be jammed into the round hole scenario game after game after...

Either Hak misrecruited talent to fit HIS system or HIS system doesn't fit the talent on the team. These players are not dump chase cycle guys. No Frattin, Malone, VV or Oshie types are on this squad. There is almost zero support on every dump and chase which leads to no cycle. They use at best 50% of the ice to break out the puck from the D zone...25% is along each wall. As the guy who sits behind me at games and is a much greater hockey mind says repeatedly..."UND tries to play a NHL system without NHL talent thru out the lineup and it's just not working"

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Positive notes from the weekend...I thought Chyzyk held his own with Rocco and Drake. Gaarder is playing some of his best hockey right now and the 3 Fr Dman that played last night are going to be special in a couple years as is Johnson.

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Last time I called out the predictability of Hak's team (RW 5x5 zone entries, etc.).

This time I'm calling out the complete lack of spontaneous play. Everything is shoveled back to the D, in every zone, where they settle it down, look around and allow the opponent to set up their trap or defense in front of the net.

How about a forward actually picking up a a puck and bringing it out of the zone before the opponent can set up their trap at neutral? I wish I had a dollar for every time I saw a UND center push the puck back to Simpson, et al, in the defensive zone tonight when they had a lane to carry it out themselves.

This slow, ponderous play isn't generating offense, and it gave up a bunch of goals tonight to a team playing quick.

I think Sicota's observation explains a lot of things. The Dogs were not outhustling the Sioux to in the first period, and they did not have more jump. But they knew exactly where every pass was going, and most often the breakout pass went to a player standing still by the boards. The Dogs were all over that. The Dmen are taught to hold hold, hold, hold, PASS. Watching UMD use the middle of the ice on the breakout and watching creativity their forwards used in the neutral and O zones was a complete contrast to what our boys were attempting.

This team is not big, and it does not have a couple of studs who can power a goal in the zone. I has a lot of talent up and down the lineup and good quickness and hands. Pretty soon, players like that who are told to grind it out and wait for a mistake by the other team are going to lose heart or get so frustrated they commit bad penalties. You didn't often see Dog players going out of their way to "finish" checks--they had most interest in getting the puck and making a play. Very discouraging.

Hak has done a geat job at UND, and there are not many coaches out there who do a better job of developing players. But game coaching is a different thing, and this group needs a different scheme. Grimaldi, who has hustled his butt off, IMO, must be wondering. And with the skill level we all hope is coming in next year, I hope it is not too late to see some hockey that resembles BC more than it does Wiscconsin.

Granted, I don't know shytt about coaching the college game, but it's becoming painful to watch.

How many freshmen did UMD have on the ice?

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Overall I have been moderately pleased with the officiating, seeing it as being better than what was in the WCHA. Saturday night's game took me back to WCHA days. UMD created some of their opportunities and goals by hooking, holding, and tripping without being called for it. Their third goal was especially galling as the two-on-one that scored was very directly related to the other Sioux defenseman being held in the UMD zone.


wouyld you have expected anything less with number 3 officiating. that blown cross check call on mattson in the first that lead to the the 3 on 1 and go ahead goal was brutal.

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Last time I called out the predictability of Hak's team (RW 5x5 zone entries, etc.).

This time I'm calling out the complete lack of spontaneous play. Everything is shoveled back to the D, in every zone, where they settle it down, look around and allow the opponent to set up their trap or defense in front of the net.

How about a forward actually picking up a a puck and bringing it out of the zone before the opponent can set up their trap at neutral? I wish I had a dollar for every time I saw a UND center push the puck back to Simpson, et al, in the defensive zone tonight when they had a lane to carry it out themselves.

Offensively, how about a one-timer from the points in the offensive zone? Nope, slide it back and the defense holds it so the opponent can stack the goalie, both D, all three forwards, a couple water bottles, their mascot, and heck, even the team bus in front of the net to block a shot. I just once want to see a one-timer ... and our forwards ready to snap off a shot on a rebound.

Finally, I'm seeing guys in front turning to get to their forehands on rebounds. It's call a BACKHANDER and goalies don't like them. Both 9 and 29 had first period opportunities they wasted by not snapping off the backhanders and instead turning (wasting time) to the forehand (and allowing defenders to get there and prevent the shot).

This slow, ponderous play isn't generating offense, and it gave up a bunch of goals tonight to a team playing quick.

going back to when Hakstol was hired we were told we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between teams, that was bull. I am not calling for Blais return but the return of letting the forwards get after it and skate not put the puck on the wall and cycle cycle cycle or get all three forwards below the red line and easy out for the opposing team.this team has no composure with the puck doesnt take the easy pass but hard off the wall or glass and they all do it so it must be coached.
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walk in the shoes, my friend. You get your --- out there. I believe it's Rods job. Wilbur, your name says it all,my friend. Oink oink

If Rodwell's job is to take stupid penalties than I guess I know why he hasn't been in the lineup.

Your name says it all? Classy one Ray.

PS: I've been a supporter of Rodwell as have you. I was upset he wasn't in the lineup either earlier in the year. I hope he stays in the lineup, but with decisions he made Saturday he likely won't.

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It was frustrating to see multiple occassions last night that all 3 forwards were below the red line ("end zone" if u watched on tv) ....and after winning the battle for the puck the sioux would pop it out right in front of the net....nobody home and the dogs had an easy transition up ice 2x2 3x2 gave them lots of ice to wwork with and put the d in a more conservative roll....they had to wait for a forward to bust their ass back to help out.

Lots of standing around waiting to do board battle instead of cycling through the slot for possible scoring chances.

They've done it well this year at times but it's not consistent.

My $0.02

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