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North Dakota at Portland State


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Is it the same QB that played against UND last year? Do they still have that stud running back?

If the answers are yes, then PSU puts up 45 at least on UND. If the answer is no....35.

I'm guessing they're both still there......PSU 45.....UND 21.

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This game will be significantly more lopsided on the stat sheet than the scoreboard because PSU is very nearly as bad as UND in the turnovers. Difference being for them, it is a bad fumble problem.

So, they will drive the field pretty much at will but they will give, I think-3 possessions-away with fumbles. That will keep the score from getting too far out of hand.

Lucky for PSU, UND isn't nearly good enough to take a game that the opponent wishes to hand them.

PSU rushes for over 200 yards and piles up at least 400 yards total.

27-13 PSU

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The enthusiasm on this thread for tomorrow's big game is almost palpable... :silly:???

It's kinda funny. Going into the SDSU game I was all jacked up and nervous. Going into Montana I was just nervous. Now I'm looking for an excuse to be either. I'm going to watch the whole game tomorrow and cheer for UND just hoping that I won't be shaking my head as much as last week. I can only afford so many face palms before hair starts getting pulled out.

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