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The next coach of UND football is....


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The most disappointing part of that interview was Brian said there was no legal way to hire someone who didn't apply. It kinda of looks like the list we have is it. Removes an element of suspense.

I get that there is no legal way to hire someone who doesn't apply, but this doesn't seem like it should be so complicated unless Faison wants to make it complicated. If Faison really wants to hire a certain guy who is reluctant to apply without assurances that he will get the job, Faison could simply give him those assurances. But it sounds like Faison wants top-end people to apply with no assurances they'll get hired, which is really difficult given N.D.'s open records laws. I always hoped that Faison would target the people he wanted, and the open-records and posting process dictated by state law would be just a nuisance that he'd have to comply with for show. What's concerning to me is that it does not appear Faison is targeting anyone (or more concerning, nobody that he targeted wants the job). So he's going through the standard process of finalists, on-campus interviews, etc. as if this were a normal job.

Bottom line, if there's someone out there that Faison wants that has not applied because he doesn't want his name out there unless he's assured the job, then Faison should tell him he has the job, have the guy apply, and get it over with. Otherwise, just hire Pflugrad and get it over with that way. With the open records laws, you simply can't go through the normal process of applications, finalists, interviews, etc. and still have top people apply.

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What is the turnaround time for someone to file an application, then said application is available for public consumption? If it is an electronic posting it would seem we (the public) would see it prior to an announcement unless said presser happens almost immediately.

As someone said earlier, I just can't imagine the guys at the ac doing it this way either.

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The most disappointing part of that interview was Brian said there was no legal way to hire someone who didn't apply. It kinda of looks like the list we have is it. Removes an element of suspense.

I don't see that as a problem - Faison finds the right guy who accepts his offer. At that point, he submits an application. Obviously, he would have to pass the usual HR hurdles but that shouldn't slow things down much.

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Did anyone else watch UND Sports Extra last night with Faison. Faison mentioned first they rank the candidates on a point system. Then will call and do phone interviews with about the top 15. From there he will pick 4 or 5 for on campus interviews. He thought someone would be hired around xmas. What bothers me is he mentioned that they have to do the point system / phone interview / on campus interview per legal issues. Didn't sound like he could hire someone right now if he wanted to. This University hiring system and North Dakota open records law is a bunch of bull$%!#. Shouldn't take over a month to hire a coach.

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Just thinking out loud here, Pflu is a great candidate for this job. He knows the BSC, he knows how to recruit at a high level, he has more than enough experience to be qualified for this position, and most of all..... he has a huge chip on his shoulder. He obviously feels he got a raw deal in Montana, even if he does carry some responsibility for what happened, I would think he probably learned from his mistakes and that he won't make them again. I say we give Pflu a chance to be great here a UND! Bottom line is we are losing recruiting time and Pflu is a very good candidate. Not saying I wouldn't 100% back a different coach, but we need a sense of urgency.

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Did anyone else watch UND Sports Extra last night with Faison. Faison mentioned first they rank the candidates on a point system. Then will call and do phone interviews with about the top 15. From there he will pick 4 or 5 for on campus interviews. He thought someone would be hired around xmas. What bothers me is he mentioned that they have to do the point system / phone interview / on campus interview per legal issues. Didn't sound like he could hire someone right now if he wanted to. This University hiring system and North Dakota open records law is a bunch of bull$%!#. Shouldn't take over a month to hire a coach.

Although it is upsetting that the process will take longer than I had hoped, Faison should definitely find the right candidate after going through this tedious interview process.

Hope he lands Pflugrad!

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How do you know he isn't holding on for his boy who told him not to leak it.

Is he buddies with Bollinger or just have people that are in the know? Judging by his name on here he would be around his age. Which means I probably know him as well but I don't remember any Vince's. Of course it might not be his name. Either way I'm sure Brooks wouldn't mind if he told people he wasn't going to apply. Other stuff I'm sure isn't for board chatter.
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Did anyone else watch UND Sports Extra last night with Faison. Faison mentioned first they rank the candidates on a point system. Then will call and do phone interviews with about the top 15. From there he will pick 4 or 5 for on campus interviews. He thought someone would be hired around xmas. What bothers me is he mentioned that they have to do the point system / phone interview / on campus interview per legal issues. Didn't sound like he could hire someone right now if he wanted to. This University hiring system and North Dakota open records law is a bunch of bull$%!#. Shouldn't take over a month to hire a coach.

I said it earlier, it will be interesting to see what NDSU does (or is required to do) if they don't promote from within. Under the logic Faison uses, they would have to use the same open records laws once they post the opening (which they haven't even done yet to my knowledge). So, for sake of argument, say they post next week. They will not be able to hire a new HC until early-mid January? Somehow I doubt that will be the case...
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Did anyone else watch UND Sports Extra last night with Faison. Faison mentioned first they rank the candidates on a point system. Then will call and do phone interviews with about the top 15. From there he will pick 4 or 5 for on campus interviews. He thought someone would be hired around xmas. What bothers me is he mentioned that they have to do the point system / phone interview / on campus interview per legal issues. Didn't sound like he could hire someone right now if he wanted to. This University hiring system and North Dakota open records law is a bunch of bull$%!#. Shouldn't take over a month to hire a coach.

Christmas? Really?

So the school to the south by then could potentially have punched their ticket to a 3rd straight NC game and have named their new HC?

Nothing like wasting an opportunity to grab some much needed hype and pub for a FB program that is irrelevant in it's current state.

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Did anyone else watch UND Sports Extra last night with Faison. Faison mentioned first they rank the candidates on a point system. Then will call and do phone interviews with about the top 15. From there he will pick 4 or 5 for on campus interviews. He thought someone would be hired around xmas. What bothers me is he mentioned that they have to do the point system / phone interview / on campus interview per legal issues. Didn't sound like he could hire someone right now if he wanted to. This University hiring system and North Dakota open records law is a bunch of bull$%!#. Shouldn't take over a month to hire a coach.

Exactly what I was saying a couple days ago and got ripped for it. The process is not moving forward - its sitting still, idling in park. Now, 23 days later, he is "considering" doing some phone interviews.

What a joke. This isn't D2 anymore and it isn't bush league NMSU.

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Exactly what I was saying a couple days ago and got ripped for it. The process is not moving forward - its sitting still, idling in park. Now, 23 days later, he is "considering" doing some phone interviews.

What a joke. This isn't D2 anymore and it isn't bush league NMSU.

Is Faison getting his legal advice from Julie Evans? This is getting quite frustrating. I had believed that 30 days was pretty much the absolute maximum this process would take, and even that is far too long compared to virtually any other state.

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I still feel the new coach will be hired by the end of the week. It makes little sense for Faison to wait an extra week to make the decision. During the necessary 21-day posting period, he likely was communicating with several coaches across the country and gauging their interest. I'd have to think by now he has a top 3 list, if he hasn't already picked one.

With that said, Wayne Nelson expects another week to go by so who really knows. For recruiting purposes, I hope it's sooner rather than later.

Apologize if this point has been made as I am still going through the 12 pages added from yesterday....I think the smart move is to make the call this week as stated by UND-FB-FAN and get at least a 3-4 week jump on the recruiting side before NDSU has their super coaching staff assembled. I am sure there are people who are unsettled with Bohl's departure and might be looking for options - not sure if its a great amount, but even if its one person who jumps ship its a win in my mind if UND could jump on the opportunity.

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Hate to say this but I'm losing faith with each day that goes by, especially after Faison's comments about Christmas. If he had a candidate locked up that hasn't formally applied, it would have been a done deal right after the deadline. We aren't the only ones looking for a coach. If he waits much longer we will hear more news about candidates withdrawing their name from consideration than hearing names of more possible candidates.

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Faison is coming off as clueless, incompetent and naive in regards to how to hire a Division 1 Head Football Coach.

Combine that with how he handled the Ashlee Hardee ordeal and I'm beginning to wonder if he's 'fit' to be AD at UND.

Once again, I hope this turns out. I will eat crow and love to do so.

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From the way things are shaking out and from what the Herald guys have mentioned, my take is that Faison is still trying to get his guy to apply and there is either an issue with the salary (fixable) or there is another committment they need to take care of (timing). All the stuff about point system and what not is required by law but will not be final determining factor. It is there so that bozo's like the FU sandwich artist get their applications tossed. Being a state institution, all qualified applicants deserve to get their names looked at. Very frustrating situation, especially for the fans since we can't see what is going on behind closed doors.

Not disagreeing about BB as a potential hire but Pflu only decent name in the hat. This fan base needs an answer...before SU names their new HC.

Faison should realize this...I would hope. Again after visiting with my Griz connections in Missoula I am all in for Pflu.

If you think Pflugard is the only decent name on the list, you should probably look it over again.

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