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Eight Bison football players charged


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Question for everyone...if Bohl comes out today or tomorrow and says these players will not play against Prairie View...does this end or is it a little late?

Makes it worse...They should have suspended them for the Bobby Morris game and been done with it...Now they have a pending court date at which given their admissions they will probably plead out and then NDSU has to make a decision to lift the stench and suspend them for the Youngstown State game or continue on as business as usual.

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Makes it worse...They should have suspended them for the Bobby Morris game and been done with it...Now they have a pending court date at which given their admissions they will probably plead out and then NDSU has to make a decision to lift the stench and suspend them for the Youngstown State game or continue on as business as usual.

Now you have Gene Taylor coming out and saying no disipline, leave the kids alone, I don't like the negative press. Well guess what Gene....get used to it. Everyday that passes and you ignore this it will get worse and worse.

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Did I read right that Taylor said that there would be no suspensions? What kind of a message does this send to your players? Go ahead and do what you want, we got your back (as long as you keep winning).

Bresciani has no comment?

The SBoHE is already under fire from the legislature and there is a new chancellor. Is Bresciani tempting fate?

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Seriously??? (Sigh)...

Division I-AA football is the division that is one step above Division II and one step below Division I.

Blog: UNLV falls to another Division I-AA team with 17-14 loss to NAU

Does anyone know who the Minneapolis Lakers open up with this year? Or how about the Seattle Supersonics? Just recently I have become a huge fan of Montreal Expos, and the Charlotte Hornets.

But my favorite team is the Minnesota North Stars, I just love that Mike Modano, he seems like a real stand up guy.

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Did I read right that Taylor said that there would be no suspensions? What kind of a message does this send to your players? Go ahead and do what you want, we got your back (as long as you keep winning).

Bresciani has no comment?

The SBoHE is already under fire from the legislature and there is a new chancellor. Is Bresciani tempting fate?

You read right. Taylor thought that a lot of people said mean things about the players, and it hurt their feelings, so that should be enough penalty for them. All of the accused players admitted to investigators that they forged signatures on the petitions, and then signed the affidavit stating that they believed the signatures to be actual signatures. They have all been charged with a Class A misdemeanor, one step below a felony, and Taylor believes that they have suffered enough.

This is going to cause a great deal of trouble with Carlson and the Legislature. NDSU is going to continue to garner negative publicity, much more than they would if they had actually given them a public penalty. They have created a perception that winning football games is more important than the law or the legal process. The issue isn't going to go away for a while, and will continue to be brought up for a long time. But Taylor thinks it should just go away. I don't know what fantasy world he lives in, reality says this isn't close to over.

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Did I read right that Taylor said that there would be no suspensions? What kind of a message does this send to your players? Go ahead and do what you want, we got your back (as long as you keep winning).

Bresciani has no comment?

The SBoHE is already under fire from the legislature and there is a new chancellor. Is Bresciani tempting fate?


NDSU athletic director Gene Taylor quickly answered that question after the game:

“There are not going to be any suspensions,” Taylor emphatically said after the game. “These kids don’t deserve a suspension. I’m not going to suspend them and neither is Craig (head coach Craig Bohl). As far as we are concerned, it is over.”

This statement was made with NDSU President Dean Bresciani standing only a few feet away. Bresciani said he did not want to comment, saying he does not comment on inner-department matters.

“What’s going to happen in court, in my opinion, is going to be a lot less than what people think,” Taylor said. “At the end of the day, these kids have been through enough.”

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This statement was made with NDSU President Dean Bresciani standing only a few feet away. Bresciani said he did not want to comment, saying he does not comment on inner-department matters.

I thought ScottM was just kidding with his LOIC comment, but, man, who is in charge at 'su?

“It’s over,” Taylor reiterated. “They felt horrible, they felt horrible. Every day, their pictures are in the paper, day after day after day. It gets and old and it does get to them.

“They were villified many times over and to come out and perform like they did, it’s hats off to them. I’m tired of talking about it and I’m tired of seeing it in the paper. People need to move on because it’s not changing.”

Perhaps Taylor should tell the State of North Dakota that it is over and they will leave the delinquents alone. He sounds like a child.

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OMG, did you even click on the link that I provided? It is not from the era of the Minneapolis Lakers or even the Minnesota North Stars, it is from YESTERDAY. Just accept the fact that people still use the I-AA label and get over it already. Besides, now that the NCAA is expanding the BCS to a four team playoff your precious beloved "FCS" label is on the way out.

Do me a favor, go to ESPN and check the bottom line when they show the UND score and tell me what it says. Haha, as always your logic is flawless. :lol:

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I thought ScottM was just kidding with his LOIC comment, but, man, who is in charge at 'su?

Perhaps Taylor should tell the State of North Dakota that it is over and they will leave the delinquents alone. He sounds like a child.

Obviously Taylor thinks he runs NDSU, and with Bresciani saying no comment means either he is pissed at Taylor for what he said and will chew his ass out later, or he agrees with Taylor.

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Gene Taylor said tonight that there will be no suspensions now or later. The case is closed. They could field a pretty good team with the players that should be suspended or kicked off the team. This has to be an almost all time low for the NDSU program. I agree with you. Bohl and Taylor have really lost the respect of a lot of people. No integrity is right. This story will never go away. It will follow them forever.

You are forgetting, it's all about "team rules"; nothing else matters. :silly::angry:

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Agree 100%. Have to stop using the "hockey is all that matters here" excuse.

Just for the record there was a major race at the Speedway and some of that siphoned off of the UND football game as well.

Edited by Goon
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During the past week, Bison fans were spouting off all kinds of reasons why no suspenions were necessary:

Terra forced them to act unethically,

Terra never instructed them properly,

The payments were illegal (they aren't)

Bohl knows more than we do, so let's trust him,

Only a few signatures were forged,

No players have admitted anything,

No drugs or alcohol was used,

Bohl will give out suspensions if there are guilty verdicts,

We need to let the legal proceedings play out.

Then it is determined at a starting LB was picked up for a minor and resisting police. No suspension.

Everything that bison fans have been spouting off on this subject has been lies. That whole fan base just needs to admit that Bohl, Taylor, and Bresciani have no ethics but winning.

At the press conference, Bohl said he would let the legal process play out. Taylor and Bohl had no such intention. Taylor is flipping the bird to ethics, the ND legal system, ND people, NDSU Student code, and constitutional principles.

Bison fans are applauding Taylor now. This is not the ND I grew up in, its more like Chicagoland politics. Disgusting. Not one bison fan has called out Taylor and Bohl to do the ethical thing. Instead, they come here and nitpick about IAA vs FCS, when even FCS wants to rid itself of the FCS label.

How can it not be concluded that NDSU leadership and their sheep fans are anything but ethically and morally challenged?

Is there a link to this? Any details.

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Those poor tormented NDSU players. Well, it is going to get worse before it gets better. They had better learn to suck it up. Even if they get a minor slap on the wrist for the criminal aspect, the civil aspect is sure to follow as there were significant dollars lost because of their actions. As for AD Taylor, I think his life is about to get worse as well after his latest comments. There is no way to put a PR spin on this at this point. They blew it.

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Obviously Taylor thinks he runs NDSU, and with Bresciani saying no comment means either he is pissed at Taylor for what he said and will chew his ass out later, or he agrees with Taylor.

Wow that's profound Any other options you want to throw out there?

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Nope. Made up like most of your stuff. Plenty of Bison fans have said something needs to be done. It's not like anybody opened the cop car to let their drunk buddies out

Unless the North Dakota court record system is wrong, there are charges pending so it isn't made up.

Pretty impressive you have to bend the truth on something that happened five or six years ago to try and defend your team.

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Unless the North Dakota court record system is wrong, there are charges pending so it isn't made up.

Pretty impressive you have to bend the truth on something that happened five or six years ago to try and defend your team.

Thats what I was thinking. It was 6 years ago. Do you really want to compare the last 6 years of Bison football off the field incidents? Some Bison fans trying to justify that this is all ok is worth the read. Your AD and coach have put winning in front of everything else. Admit it and move on.

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During the past week, Bison fans were spouting off all kinds of reasons why no suspenions were necessary:

Terra forced them to act unethically,

Terra never instructed them properly,

The payments were illegal (they aren't)

Bohl knows more than we do, so let's trust him,

Only a few signatures were forged,

No players have admitted anything,

No drugs or alcohol was used,

Bohl will give out suspensions if there are guilty verdicts,

We need to let the legal proceedings play out.

Then it is determined at a starting LB was picked up for a minor and resisting police. No suspension.

Everything that bison fans have been spouting off on this subject has been lies. That whole fan base just needs to admit that Bohl, Taylor, and Bresciani have no ethics but winning.

At the press conference, Bohl said he would let the legal process play out. Taylor and Bohl had no such intention. Taylor is flipping the bird to ethics, the ND legal system, ND people, NDSU Student code, and constitutional principles.

Bison fans are applauding Taylor now. This is not the ND I grew up in, its more like Chicagoland politics. Disgusting. Not one bison fan has called out Taylor and Bohl to do the ethical thing. Instead, they come here and nitpick about IAA vs FCS, when even FCS wants to rid itself of the FCS label.

How can it not be concluded that NDSU leadership and their sheep fans are anything but ethically and morally challenged?

So, what would you do under the same circumstance with 8 und football players? It sounds like you have all the answers. So tell me, seriously tell me?

If this get pleaded down to a minimal charge, they will likely get a game or two suspension, but that will likely occur after their case is heard. Would you run your und players out of town or kick them out of school? Tell me what you would do to 8 und football players in the same circumstance? Sure, the media and boards like this are going to speculate on the legal outcome, but all the coach and ad really have to deal with the legal facts which are not yet clear, not the whining media and fans on other boards. But, please carry on and try to make heads roll, I wouldn't expect anything less.

I think this situation is really stupid, and that discipline is likely warranted at some point for this fraud. But it not the kind of situation that warrants immediate expulsion from the team or suspension. It's the kind of thing you let play out and you react to the facts. There are certain violations that warrant immediate reaction to get a player off the team, this is not one of them in my opinion. You react after the case has been heard. I think it would be handled that way on nearly any college campus.

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