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wow if true, thats all i gotta say and from a few posters around i trust he is gone

there will be many ways to look at this

he bailed on his team and coaches

he didnt feel he was progressing at this level having a pretty down year for his standards and the islanders wanted him in the AHL to develop instead

hes gona do whats best for him but what a kick in the nuts to the gopher team, fans and the lucia pet and company

2/3 of their top line gonzo with stoa going out early with that injury

I won't say the gophers are better off without him...but man, is that guy a puck hog!

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If this is true, it'll be interesting to hear what he says affected his decision.

My observation: He seemed to get a lot of "attention" (code word for WCHA sanctioned hooking, holding, and interference) from other teams this year.

My assumption: He could either fight through it or go play in a league where they've cleaned it up and he gets paid. Tough choice .... :D

My analysis: The WCHA's quest for league parity has made it a parody of a league.

My solution: Get the no-talent clutch-and-grab hacks, who specialize not in controlling pucks but interfering with those who can, off the backs of the truely talented players (like Vanek, Parise, Kessel, Toews, Oshie, Duncan). Start calling this league like real men, like professionals, like the National Hockey League.

I believe I just called Bruce McLeod, and his staff, and his officials, little boys and girls because adults do what's right and best even if it's not popular.

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He may have been having a down year, and alot of it can be attributed to the points sicatoka made, but he was still the best player the gophers had. Tough loss for them, but i'm not feeling sorry for them, we lose just as many early. The fact that it is in mid-season is bush league in my books, but just another early defection. I have made the statement several times that if mccleod and the wcha officiating don't get their s@#t in a group, the wcha will stop getting the blue chip players such as okposo, oshie, toews, kessel and the like and the league will eventually suffer. It is a sad day for the wcha, even if it is a goofer player.

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To mimic the old phrase, it ain't official until it's official, and he ain't gone until he is gone.

Unless some of us are LaDonny Lucia in drag, or have a pipeline to the coaching staff or

the Okposos, I will believe it when I see it. Makes perfect sense, of course, what with the history

of team play and unified purpose coming out of The John of late.

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okposo was my favorite non sioux player. he for sure was forcing thisngs this season with the loss of stoa and wasnt having a great season but he is a top ncaa player and this is huge news and a huge loss for the lucia. big loss no matter how yoiu break it down. wow

bottom line..........he bailed on his team and coaches. things were not going his way and he jumped ship which is what he wanted to do before the season even started. im sure it was a combo of kyle and the islanders having him sign but to leave mid season isnt good anyway you look at it. bad news for gopher fans and for wcha fans but what can you do. see ya..................and for the gopher fans that are gona blame the islanders fully for this, please. im sure kyle wanted this 5 months ago and when he wasnt lighting it up for the gophers sofar the isles sat back and said OK, time to sign you

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If this is true, it'll be interesting to hear what he says affected his decision.

My observation: He seemed to get a lot of "attention" (code word for WCHA sanctioned hooking, holding, and interference) from other teams this year.

My assumption: He could either fight through it or go play in a league where they've cleaned it up and he gets paid. Tough choice .... :D

My analysis: The WCHA's quest for league parity has made it a parody of a league.

My solution: Get the no-talent clutch-and-grab hacks, who specialize not in controlling pucks but interfering with those who can, off the backs of the truely talented players (like Vanek, Parise, Kessel, Toews, Oshie, Duncan). Start calling this league like real men, like professionals, like the National Hockey League.

I believe I just called Bruce McLeod, and his staff, and his officials, little boys and girls because adults do what's right and best even if it's not popular.

so right. its maddening to think of all the crap that duncs and oshie and probab VV , and every other elite player has to go through. i guess it's their fault for trying to make the college game better and get an education.

and what's so hard about calling the game according to the rules. if a guy's not moving his skates and he puts his stick around a guy's body...penalty. if you impede a player without the puck it's interference. wrap yourself around an opposing player with your arm or stick and you're not moving your feet....your're in the box. and then there's all the little slashes and cross checks to the back that don't get called.

teams will stop doing it after one game if they're killing penalties all night long.

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Wow, if true that is a big blow to the Gophs. Kyle Okposo is a heck of a hockey player. Another in a long line of pain for programs like MN and UND...we get the top tier talent, but they don't stay long. Pretty unprecedented to leave your team mid-season though. That doesn't show very much class. In a team sport like hockey, where you are a family, it is like getting a divorce.

There were times in the Gophs series where Okposo physically looked like a man among boys. Hate to see top end talent leave the WCHA for whatever reason, but if the WCHA officials would let some of these skilled guys skate, they might stick around for us to enjoy longer than a year or 2.

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If this is true, it'll be interesting to hear what he says affected his decision.

My observation: He seemed to get a lot of "attention" (code word for WCHA sanctioned hooking, holding, and interference) from other teams this year.

My assumption: He could either fight through it or go play in a league where they've cleaned it up and he gets paid. Tough choice .... :D

My analysis: The WCHA's quest for league parity has made it a parody of a league.

My solution: Get the no-talent clutch-and-grab hacks, who specialize not in controlling pucks but interfering with those who can, off the backs of the truely talented players (like Vanek, Parise, Kessel, Toews, Oshie, Duncan). Start calling this league like real men, like professionals, like the National Hockey League.

I believe I just called Bruce McLeod, and his staff, and his officials, little boys and girls because adults do what's right and best even if it's not popular.

This is the reason I think the WCHA has to start calling the obstruction and let the team free wheel and skate. The might as well just call in the Western College hockey Obstruction league. I have said this before and I will say it again, the NHL is much more fun to watch than college. You don't see players hanging all over Gaborik or Demitra. Marc Savard is allowed to skate and not have to worry about having his stick slashed out of his hands or face being tackled in front of the net as the league officals stand by and watch and call nothing because they have already called the alloted number of penatlies against said team.

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the NHL is much more fun to watch than college.

The exact opposite was true just five years ago. Sad how quickly this has changed (from the college perspective).

The WCHA needs to quit living in the past and keep up with the times:

If you want to keep sending guys to the pros you have to call it like the pros.

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Leaving mid-season is a terrible way to treat your team and your teammates, no matter who you play for.

But if it had to happen to a program.......... ???


With 3 other Gophers on the World Juniors team, this could definitely cause some conflict on the team! Can Team USA dismiss him? Not that they would necessarily want to, though I think if I were coach, I'd definitely want to talk to all 4 Gopher players to see if it was going to cause any animosity.

Terrible break for the Gophers though!

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Leaving mid-season is a terrible way to treat your team and your teammates, no matter who you play for.

But if it had to happen to a program.......... :D

exactly, its not that he left the team, it is when he left. mid season when things werent going great for him

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