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  darell1976 said:
This issue is not over yet, and i have a feeling the tribe cannot risk not letting the people not vote. It would be political suicide. And if they do vote and approve the name what would this do to Kelley and the SBoHE. Boy did they ever jump the gun. Oh and the offical timeline ends in under 6 months (11-30-2010)

You mean the NCAA's arbitrary timeline.

The only thing that's been officially said is the ruling of the ND Supreme Court saying that there is nothing in the agreement requiring the board to wait until Nov 30th.

  MplsBison said:
You mean the NCAA's arbitrary timeline.

The only thing that's been officially said is the ruling of the ND Supreme Court saying that there is nothing in the agreement requiring the board to wait until Nov 30th.

No according to the settlement. Nov. 30th 2010 is when the Sioux need 2 Sioux tribal approvals. No 30 year contract or any crap the SBoHE tacked on, and its not arbitrary.

  siouxfan29 said:
Thank you to all the people that have been in touch with Mr. Archie Fool Bear. He is confident that there are enough "yes" votes on the tribal council at Standing Rock to get the vote of all tribal members to keep our Fighting Sioux name, logo and identity. Remember, this is our first step, so please keep strong and offer any support you can to keep our name! Get everyone you know involved since we are in a huge fight against this politically correct minority. Let's show everyone what the majority can do! ONCE A SIOUX, ALWAYS A SIOUX! Go FIGHTING SIOUX!

That would be huge hurdle to leap over. Great news!!!!! :glare:


The decision rests with the tribal councils. Hopefully Standing Rock will support keeping the name. If they do and the Spirit Lake resolution of support stands, then UND needs to interact with the the tribal councils and the reservation communiites in such a way they would never again want to lose the association with UND. Workshops for their teachers through the College of Education, site visits for students in history, anthropology and visits from our students and faculty in the Figh and Wildlife Management programs etc.. Internships in Social Work and Counseling/Psychology on the reservation. Rotations for Medical Students and or residents in Family Medicine to support Indian Health Services. Clinics for coaches and student athletes for reservation coaches and students. Exhibition games by UND athletic teams on the reservations with proceeds to help reservation youth. Tie in to that cultural workshops for UND atheltes and coaches and other students and faculty. Maybe that bunch of PC faculty who never seem to do anything worthwhile will donate their time. There could be so much UND athletics could do for our reservation communities. Athletics and the Fighting Sioux name can be used in such a positive manner to make that happen. It would require full support by President Kelly and our athletic director as well as different departments within the University family. If we don't do anything differently there will always be pressure to drop the name and all of the hand wringing and rhetoric will get us no where.

  iramurphy said:
The decision rests with the tribal councils. Hopefully Standing Rock will support keeping the name. If they do and the Spirit Lake resolution of support stands, then UND needs to interact with the the tribal councils and the reservation communiites in such a way they would never again want to lose the association with UND. Workshops for their teachers through the College of Education, site visits for students in history, anthropology and visits from our students and faculty in the Figh and Wildlife Management programs etc.. Internships in Social Work and Counseling/Psychology on the reservation. Rotations for Medical Students and or residents in Family Medicine to support Indian Health Services. Clinics for coaches and student athletes for reservation coaches and students. Exhibition games by UND athletic teams on the reservations with proceeds to help reservation youth. Tie in to that cultural workshops for UND atheltes and coaches and other students and faculty. Maybe that bunch of PC faculty who never seem to do anything worthwhile will donate their time. There could be so much UND athletics could do for our reservation communities. Athletics and the Fighting Sioux name can be used in such a positive manner to make that happen. It would require full support by President Kelly and our athletic director as well as different departments within the University family. If we don't do anything differently there will always be pressure to drop the name and all of the hand wringing and rhetoric will get us no where.

What's so sad is that there are so many departments that are so hateful against the name that they would prevent any kind of constructive talk. They talk all about victims, but few raise a hand to do anything helpful or constructive.

It would take incredible leadership for Kelley to pull off what you described. Hope I'm wrong, but doubt he even wants to attempt it.

  star2city said:
What's so sad is that there are so many departments that are so hateful against the name that they would prevent any kind of constructive talk. They talk all about victims, but few raise a hand to do anything helpful or constructive.

It would take incredible leadership for Kelley to pull off what you described. Hope I'm wrong, but doubt he even wants to attempt it.

Agreed. This guy has shown little or no leadership on this issue so far and it's unlikely he will start anytime soon. :glare:

  iramurphy said:
The decision rests with the tribal councils. Hopefully Standing Rock will support keeping the name. If they do and the Spirit Lake resolution of support stands, then UND needs to interact with the the tribal councils and the reservation communiites in such a way they would never again want to lose the association with UND. Workshops for their teachers through the College of Education, site visits for students in history, anthropology and visits from our students and faculty in the Figh and Wildlife Management programs etc.. Internships in Social Work and Counseling/Psychology on the reservation. Rotations for Medical Students and or residents in Family Medicine to support Indian Health Services. Clinics for coaches and student athletes for reservation coaches and students. Exhibition games by UND athletic teams on the reservations with proceeds to help reservation youth. Tie in to that cultural workshops for UND atheltes and coaches and other students and faculty. Maybe that bunch of PC faculty who never seem to do anything worthwhile will donate their time. There could be so much UND athletics could do for our reservation communities. Athletics and the Fighting Sioux name can be used in such a positive manner to make that happen. It would require full support by President Kelly and our athletic director as well as different departments within the University family. If we don't do anything differently there will always be pressure to drop the name and all of the hand wringing and rhetoric will get us no where.

This all should happen regardless of the name.

Using the Fighting Sioux name should not predicate that the school do things for anyone.

It is a name and if it is not a deragatory name, and it isn't, then the school or anyone should be free to use it as they see fit.

That is a basic principal of Freedom isn't it?

It is funny how something so rediculess to begin with gets cought up in idealogical debates to the point that the argument evolves away from the rhetoric of it all in the first place.

The name should have never been questioned and the stuff iramurphy speaks of should be done by the University just because it is the right thing to do for a good number of reasons, and if you want to call using the name a reason it wouldn't be one of the top five, thus not really a reason at all..

  Blackburn87 said:

And another new development...

I am hopeful.

Chairman Charles Murphy told a group of nickname supporters that his resolution would be put to the council for an up or down vote, pending certification of signatures on a petition they had presented earlier this year calling for a popular vote on the issue.

So they could still tell the people of SR your vote doesn't matter. I wonder what will happen.


Be prepared for the possibility of a table by default. Tribal council members can have a tendency to not show up at a meeting where they have to make a controversial decision. If enough do that, you don't have a quorum and can't take any action, even to table an item. Not waying that it will happen, but just be mentally prepared for it. It is a modus operandi for some tribes.


That's why all politicians should only be able to hold office for a single term at a time (unlimited total number of terms, but no consecutive terms).

Too many try to "play the game" knowing that they're going to run for another term and don't want to make choices that could cost them votes.

  MplsBison said:
That's why all politicians should only be able to hold office for a single term at a time (unlimited total number of terms, but no consecutive terms).

Too many try to "play the game" knowing that they're going to run for another term and don't want to make choices that could cost them votes.

Very true!



I'm afraid it's another delay. I'm trying to stay positive, but each week that ticks down puts us further behind.

I have emailed Archie Fool Bear to offer any support I can. I really appreciate what he's trying to accomplish. It appears the SR Council is going to make it very hard to get a vote in what little time is left.

I hope I'm wrong.

  darell1976 said:
...The fat lady is starting to warm up.

I think her voice is ready to go; she's walking out on stage now, and into the spotlight.

Pretty obvious what is going on at Standing Rock: opponents can kill this by simply not showing up for a Council meeting. The lack of a quorum is a pretty shady, but very effective parliamentary maneuver.


That is exactly what they are doing. They can avoid having meetings for 10 years if necessary...that's how they do things there. Its just the way it is. I don't deny that there isn't support but very few have gotten themselves into positions of power, and that is the way the game is played. I had just talked to a member of SR a week ago and he said by them not given us an answer, that was their answer. Don't know what that exactly means, but it's dissapointing. He went on to tell me even if they eventually get a meeting where they have a quorum, they anti-nickname folks will do everything to table it and not allow it for discussion to move forward.


It is sad to see that people aren't going to get a chance to let their opinions be heard at Standing Rock.

If a vote happens and it turns out that the majority of Standing Rock don't support the nickname, I'd be more fine with moving on and having the nickname replaced. Instead we have these tribal leaders continually postponing meetings so there will be no progress in the matter...

I can only imagine how deeply corrupt the tribal governing body is. Sorry, just the bitterness speaking. :glare:

  SiouxFanatic said:
It is sad to see that people aren't going to get a chance to let their opinions be heard at Standing Rock.

If a vote happens and it turns out that the majority of Standing Rock don't support the nickname, I'd be more fine with moving on and having the nickname replaced. Instead we have these tribal leaders continually postponing meetings so there will be no progress in the matter...

I can only imagine how deeply corrupt the tribal governing body is. Sorry, just the bitterness speaking. :glare:

I think that is probably pretty accurate. Our leaders don't seem to be any better either.


I hope folks remember & if they ever consider going to their casino - they think - Never mind something else came up

  ticklethetwine said:
This really is pretty shady. Hell I don't blame the SBoHE perhaps they anticpated this dog and pony show all along. SR will never meet on this and will deprive their citizens the chance to voice their opinion. History will have to judge these people. It truly is shameful.

Anyone that has paid attention to tribal politics in the past could have predicted problems like this.

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