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2020 Dumpster Fire (Enter at your own risk)


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Pure anecdote, but heard yesterday on radio:

Caller told host that everyone eligible in their house got a mail-in ballot (3 total: mom, dad, college age kid). Mom and dad don't normally vote so college kid fills out and has them sign. College kid just got 3 Biden votes; dad works for a fracking company, mom works in restaurant business. (Let's politely say mom was a tad displeased at her child.) 

Blame? On mom and dad for signing and not knowing what they signed. 

If it was in-person, mom and dad probably wouldn't have voted in this scenario. 

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1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

The statistic is something like 70% of R voters believe 'irregularities' took place.

That kind of number (50 million voters or so) questioning the system is not good for the country.

The processes needs to follow through. Recounts. Claims investigated. Do I believe it'll turn the called election? No, I don't.(More on called in a minute.)  But following the process and investigating the claims is a step to restoring trust and faith in the system. And without that faith in the system we have nothing. And if you believe you are the legitimate winner you should be out front calling for the recounts and investigations to confirm the legitimacy. 


Now, about called. I don't like media calling the election. There is a process. We don't have a winner until December 14 and the Electoral College vote. And that happens after States certify votes and electors. There's a lot of process that still must be followed. That someone has not conceded or congratulated is not an issue to me ... until we have a winner on December 14. After that, not congratulating, it's poor form. 

Devil's advocate: Were you as concerned 4 year's ago when it was the D's claiming fraud? I'd also be curious what level of "irregularities" that 70% believes.
Based on Trump's filings, his own lawyers don't have any basis or proof for the fraud they are claiming, admitting it to a judge and dismissing their own filings. Despite that, he's still on on social media continuing to rail that there was fraud and that is doing even more harm to undermine the election process. I have zero disagreements that if there is proof of fraud that it needs to be fully investigated, zero questions asked. But the evidence provided thus far has shown nothing even remotely concrete to verify that.

As for "calling" the elections, the AP has been doing so since 1848. D's and R's alike have had no trouble accepting the results, including Trump himself who won by razor thin margins with calls of fraud from the otherside. The media reporting the votes and using experts analyzing the data to determine how things will shake out. Will there be an occasional miss? Absolutely. But if the media didn't report and we waited until December 14 until the election is certified, the country would burn. Can you imagine the sh*tshow that would occur if the current president got 40+ days to claim he won the election only to find out mid-December that he didn't? On top of that, there is important transition plans that need to be started. I get your overall point, but think the concern is overblown.

To both points, it is wash, rinse, repeat every 2-4 years with the sides switching roles. No doubt that social media continues to exacerbate the problem.

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11 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

Devil's advocate: Were you as concerned 4 year's ago when it was the D's claiming fraud? I'd also be curious what level of "irregularities" that 70% believes.
Based on Trump's filings, his own lawyers don't have any basis or proof for the fraud they are claiming, admitting it to a judge and dismissing their own filings. Despite that, he's still on on social media continuing to rail that there was fraud and that is doing even more harm to undermine the election process. I have zero disagreements that if there is proof of fraud that it needs to be fully investigated, zero questions asked. But the evidence provided thus far has shown nothing even remotely concrete to verify that.

As for "calling" the elections, the AP has been doing so since 1848. D's and R's alike have had no trouble accepting the results, including Trump himself who won by razor thin margins with calls of fraud from the otherside. The media reporting the votes and using experts analyzing the data to determine how things will shake out. Will there be an occasional miss? Absolutely. But if the media didn't report and we waited until December 14 until the election is certified, the country would burn. Can you imagine the sh*tshow that would occur if the current president got 40+ days to claim he won the election only to find out mid-December that he didn't? On top of that, there is important transition plans that need to be started. I get your overall point, but think the concern is overblown.

To both points, it is wash, rinse, repeat every 2-4 years with the sides switching roles. No doubt that social media continues to exacerbate the problem.

I agree with this, but doesn't what you're saying only further prove what is being said about making an effort to secure the vote and build confidence for the American people? If every 2-4 years we have cries of foul and 70% of Republicans feel their was some measure of inaccuracy(right or wrong), then we have a real problem moving forward.

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Osterholm praised the recent European lockdowns.

Zeke Emanuel wants the Pfizer  vaccine distributed globally before we take care of the citizens of this country.


Dark winter ahead indeed.

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1 minute ago, Oxbow6 said:


Osterholm praised the recent European lockdowns.

Zeke Emanuel wants the Pfizer  vaccine distributed before globally before we take care of the citizens of this country.


Dark winter ahead indeed.

I'm not familiar with the inner workings of Pfizer, but I have to imagine they have enjoyed many benefits over the years on the American taxpayers dime.(Tax incentives, tax abatement etc) The United States should have first access to medicines made by our companies. The American people have helped subsidize the R/D that went into creating this vaccine and other drugs.

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2 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:


Osterholm praised the recent European lockdowns.

Zeke Emanuel wants the Pfizer  vaccine distributed before globally before we take care of the citizens of this country.


Dark winter ahead indeed.

Hence why we better get the ball rolling domestically before those guys are in any position to mess it up. 

I'm still baffled by the whole "lockdowns will save us" attitude. We already saw this summer that people will ignore them whenever they want. There were marches and riots all summer in places that are all "believe science" places. 

Something tells me the nerds have yet to figure out that enforcing the measures they want doesn't work. 

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Here's a novel idea.  Allow voting for a two-week window or thereabout.  Require in-person voting with valid identification.  Close the polls at 5 p.m. local time on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.  Count the votes immediately thereafter.   

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33 minutes ago, Shawn-O said:

Here's a novel idea.  Allow voting for a two-week window or thereabout.  Require in-person voting with valid identification.  Close the polls at 5 p.m. local time on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.  Count the votes immediately thereafter.   

That'll get you called all sort of ugly epithets by some. 

Others might even put you on a list. 

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47 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:


Osterholm praised the recent European lockdowns.

You mean the lockdowns that worked so well the first time that right now Europe has the highest per capita case rates (higher than the US). 

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5 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

You mean the lockdowns that worked so well the first time that right now Europe has the highest per capita case rates (higher than the US). 

Correct. The fact that Biden would even considering listening to a "trust science" dolt like Osterholm is the scary part.

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13 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

  fixed (Curious - does the "PLAN" part of "PLANdemic" refer to the release of the novel coronavirus by the CCP being part of a plan to increase the amount of mail-in balloting in order to allow the Pro-CCP Democrats to rig the election and remove Trump from office to please their real President...that being President Xi?)

I had no idea there were Pro-CCP Democrats, and that they had a real President Xi? How did American politicians get under the influence of China? And why would those snowflakes launch a global pandemic to get Trump voted out when he was maybe going to lose anyways? Giving those snowflakes a lot of credit for manipulating the world and schooling the GOP, don't ya think?

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All I'll say about Covid-19 is this:

It's rather coincidental that it started in China and Trump was taking China to task on trade and currency valuation, and that it appeared just in time to be a confounding factor in a US election cycle. 

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30 minutes ago, Kermit's Luck said:

I had no idea there were Pro-CCP Democrats, and that they had a real President Xi? How did American politicians get under the influence of China? And why would those snowflakes launch a global pandemic to get Trump voted out when he was maybe going to lose anyways? Giving those snowflakes a lot of credit for manipulating the world and schooling the GOP, don't ya think?

I have no evidence to prove China did this on purpose, however, there isn't a single thing I would put past them at this point. So it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

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3 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

I have no evidence to prove China did this on purpose, however, there isn't a single thing I would put past them at this point. So it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I have no love for China (or the American capitalists that risked the future of our economy by out-sourcing EVERYTHING there in the name of stock valuation and executive salary/bonuses), and don't trust them any more than Russia or our other global adversaries. They may be behind this virus, intentionally, accidentally, or a combination of the two. That's entirely different than stating there was collaboration between Pro-CCP Democrats (do those exist?) and China to time the release of the virus to coincide with our election.

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Ruddy is at it again - just 2 week later, just like from Ukraine, spreading other's made up stories.
Seriously how is this gutter slurper allowed to keep his license?

A TikTok creator says he made a fake voter fraud video that went viral and was shared by Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani wearing a suit and tie: Rudy Giuliani speaks during a news conference held by Donald Trump in the Briefing Room of the White House on September 27, 2020. Joshua Roberts/Getty Images


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2 minutes ago, Kermit's Luck said:

I have no love for China (or the American capitalists that risked the future of our economy by out-sourcing EVERYTHING there in the name of stock valuation and executive salary/bonuses), and don't trust them any more than Russia or our other global adversaries. They may be behind this virus, intentionally, accidentally, or a combination of the two. That's entirely different than stating there was collaboration between Pro-CCP Democrats (do those exist?) and China to time the release of the virus to coincide with our election.

I agree, I'm not as in depth in my knowledge of these types of relationships as some others may be, but I haven't seen anything compelling that shows this to be true.

I will say, however, there seems to be a strong correlation between being a left leaning politician in the US and being much more globalist. Globalist even to the detriment of the American taxpayer at times. I find this trend disturbing.

I'm all for economic and diplomatic cooperation among our allies internationally, but that should never be at the expense of signing documents that aren't in the best interest of our citizens. 

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3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

The statistic is something like 70% of R voters believe 'irregularities' took place.

That kind of number (50 million voters or so) questioning the system is not good for the country.

The processes needs to follow through. Recounts. Claims investigated. Do I believe it'll turn the called election? No, I don't.(More on called in a minute.)  But following the process and investigating the claims is a step to restoring trust and faith in the system. And without that faith in the system we have nothing. And if you believe you are the legitimate winner you should be out front calling for the recounts and investigations to confirm the legitimacy. 




A lack of faith exists because politicians (both left and right) verbally undermine the integrity of the electoral process for political purposes.  Now more than ever.      

Sure irregularities exist, but, in the general sense, our elections are exceedingly fair.  This has been proven time and time again.    

Of course abnormalities need to be investigated, however this can be achieved without politicians screaming “rigged” at the top of their lungs 24/7.   It's a talking point nowadays, and everybody henceforth falls in line to back their respective side.   

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28 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:


Most that voted don't.

Unfortunately too many voters fall into the "my guy won" category and are content with thinking no further. 

Me? Win or lose I want to make sure the process is followed and carried out to make sure, win or lose, it was all square. 

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So, you've got it. Now what?

Here is where the ND Health site links you: 

Read that course of care. It reads like treating a flu (without a mention of chicken soup).

What they fail to cover is adequately under "When to seek emergency medical attention" is a key. They mention confusion or falling asleep or turning blue. All of those are signs of low pulse Ox. Frankly, they should be giving every positive a finger tip pulse Ox tester and tell folks to test with it twice daily and if goes below X call you doctor and get in. Don't wait for the physical respiratory manifestations; get ahead of it. 

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12 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

Good that it was a was. I know people that feel bad a month later. Glad for you.
I do enjoy reading/pictures of your stuff! Take care.

I thought I had a bad sinus infection. Went in on Monday the 26, got my test on Thursday. I was already feeling better, went I got the email from the state tracker. I had a fever for about 2 hours. My wife came home from Phoenix, literally the moment she walked in I got my test result. My daughter had it for a day and recovered fast. My wife has had it for a week, good news no phenomena.

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Worst I've direct knowledge of (neighbor):

Winded. Tired. Tested. Positive. Was initially sent home to quarantine (and get worse). Five days in-patient. Out now. Still gets winded. Thought he should feel better. Has family history of heart issues. Went in to cardiologist. Fifty percent blockage. Crazy as this sounds, he claims Covid saved his life (because he'd been ignoring chest symptoms pre-Covid.) 

My statement to him: You have family history and ignored chest symptoms before Covid? :huh:

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