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The Stanley Cup in GF


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A couple of friends and I saw the Cup at Judy's last night. Greene brought it inside for 5-10 minutes and then he carried it to a tent outside where he left it for fans to take photos with.

Greene's party bus included several UND hockey alums. Off the top of my head... Andy Schneider, Tyler Palmicino, David Hale, Ryan Hale, Karl Goehring, Kevin Spiewak, Tim Skarperud, Erik Fabian. It sounds like they may have hit up a few bars downtown prior to Judy's.

I also happened to see him and the Cup at Canad Inns earlier in the evening.

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Has the MafiaMan been spotted in the Greater Grand Forks area? I sure hope he doesn't show up to get his picture taken with the Cup wearing a Red Wings jersey. :)

Already been done back in 2008, Blackheart. I had to erase the greasy palm print you left on the cup while wearing that ridiculous Bruins jersey in 2004 when you had your picture taken with it.

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Already been done back in 2008, Blackheart. I had to erase the greasy palm print you left on the cup while wearing that ridiculous Bruins jersey in 2004 when you had your picture taken with it.

We're you rocking a sweet mullet in your picture?
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The turnout at REA today was crazy! I got there at 11:15 and ended up in line around middle of the lobby. Once the line started moving it was about a 30 minute wait to get a photo with the Cup.

I heard they eventually had to stop letting people pose for photos with it because the line was incredibly long and they wanted to move as many people through as possible.

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The turnout at REA today was crazy! I got there at 11:15 and ended up in line around middle of the lobby. Once the line started moving it was about a 30 minute wait to get a photo with the Cup.

I heard they eventually had to stop letting people pose for photos with it because the line was incredibly long and they wanted to move as many people through as possible.

That happened at 225 the cup had to be heading to the airport at 3. We got in line at 1145 and it was past jimmy johns.

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It appeared the numbers of people dramatically overwhelmed the Ralphs expectations. They clearly did not have a good plan but I do give them credit for adapting....albeit very late..... and at least getting those that stayed in line a chance to quickly shuffle by the cup.

I appreciated that they adjusted and stopped letting each person set up their own little photo shoot and started having people just walk by and snap a quick pic.

I know they had a lot of disappointed kids out there when they started telling them they wouldnt get in.

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Drove 280 miles, saw the cup, got a drive by photo. Had pizza at Rhombus with Matt. Thank you Mr. Green. Once a Sioux, always a Sioux.

First name basis with him? Surely you know how to spell his last name then, LOL!

Awesome that Matt Greene brought the Stanley Cup to UND. I said it before that I won't forget the sad look on his face after the 2005 NCAA title game loss to Denver. Kudos to Matt Greene for bringing the Stanley Cup to Grand Forks. Now THAT'S a "Sioux legend."

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