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Future UND/ Bison football Game


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Once one game happens more will follow. It doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter if we get slaughtered. It just needs to happen.

So what do you see happening if the following happens:


UND wins--

NDSU wins--

I see NDSU wanting more and more games at their dome and none at the Alerus. Also it does matter where, would you rather have 4 home games a year? If NDSU wants all home games against who says other teams won't try to do the same.

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So what do you see happening if the following happens:


UND wins--

NDSU wins--

I see NDSU wanting more and more games at their dome and none at the Alerus. Also it does matter where, would you rather have 4 home games a year? If NDSU wants all home games against who says other teams won't try to do the same.

They'll eventually come to Grand Forks.

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Based on what? How recent negotiations have went?

Right now we have a pretty bad relationship with NDSU, especially in football. We can build respect back up by sucking it up and playing there a few times then normal negotiations will be able to take place and a home and home rotation could start.

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Right now we have a pretty bad relationship with NDSU, especially in football. We can build respect back up by sucking it up and playing there a few times then normal negotiations will be able to take place and a home and home rotation could start.

Why?? We cut ties with both SU's and we didn't have to play SDSU twice in Brookings, and we have their respect back.

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Why?? We cut ties with both SU's and we didn't have to play SDSU twice in Brookings, and we have their respect back.

If we want to play them it will be in Fargo to start. Either we suck it up and do it or we can negotiate with a brick wall. Or just make the playoffs....

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Right now we have a pretty bad relationship with NDSU, especially in football. We can build respect back up by sucking it up and playing there a few times then normal negotiations will be able to take place and a home and home rotation could start.

I don't believe this at all. The AC believes we are beneath them and they should never have to come to GF. Why would us agreeing to go to Fargo twice and feeding into that belief encourage them to come to UND? It doesn't make sense to me.
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If we want to play them it will be in Fargo to start. Either we suck it up and do it or we can negotiate with a brick wall. Or just make the playoffs....

I haven't seen anyone argue that the first game shouldn't be in Fargo. UND shouldn't have to lock up their schedule with away games to make FU fans get over 10+ year old butthurt. Giving an FCS team what would equate to a 2 or 3 for 1 is absurd, and that's assuming the next round of negotiations would be done in good faith. Based on how they've been going the last 9 months, that seems like a stretch.

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Right now we have a pretty bad relationship with NDSU, especially in football. We can build respect back up by sucking it up and playing there a few times then normal negotiations will be able to take place and a home and home rotation could start.

UND football has always had a pretty bad relationship with NDSU football. UND football will always have a bad relationship with NDSU in football. The two are rivals. The only football teams that NDSU has a good relationship with are teams they always beat.

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If NDSU insists the first 2 have to be in Fargo than the contract better include a 3rd game in Grand Forks . The buyout on that 3rd game better be a million or more because I don't think NDSU has any intention of ever returning to Grand Forks. The only reason they will keep playing us in other sports is we beat them in all the sports we play them and therefore they aren't going to end the series with UND beating them. Since we are dominating them when we do play them in sports, maybe we should demand that we will only play them in Grand Forks now. See how they like it.

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Based on what? How recent negotiations have went?

Agreed, the craziest thing about all of this - in the upper midwest "your word is your bond". It is spoken of often in particular small town/rural Dakota's. Go ahead and try this in main street rural Dakota. See, how long you do business in that area. Yet, Taylor and NDSU have already broken this repeatedly changing the deal over and over again. This is so far removed from the culture of this area that you would think people in the media would start to call them out on this. But, yet it appears to be accepted behavior. I get the numerous NDSU trolls that hit this board not caring about there word - just read what they write. But, I have got to believe they are alienating some of the casual followers. I know that I was not happy about how UND conducted business in 2003 and I let it be know in 2003. In particular, about not moving up. But, were is main street North Dakota on this.. are they fine with how NDSU has broken there word (again, I get nothing was signed - so its not legal) but I was taught at an very early age if you made the verbal commitment - it meant action and follow through. Maybe I am just getting too old to understand.

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Right now we have a pretty bad relationship with NDSU, especially in football. We can build respect back up by sucking it up and playing there a few times then normal negotiations will be able to take place and a home and home rotation could start.

Where did this asinine idea that somehow UND is on the hook to "suck it up" or "take what is given to them" come from? It's been over 10 years since we stopped playing; it is time they get over what mean old Roger Thomas did to them. :silly: And I don't care if NDSU wins TEN consecutive FCS titles, the very concept of every game being in Fargo from now on needs to die right here and right now. Period. Faison needs to be a hardliner on this or God only knows what else FU will demand next. Could anyone imagine Iowa or Iowa State caving in to something like this? Then why should we? We shouldn't. :angry:

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Where did this asinine idea that somehow UND is on the hook to "suck it up" or "take what is given to them" come from? It's been over 10 years since we stopped playing; it is time they get over what mean old Roger Thomas did to them. :silly: And I don't care if NDSU wins TEN consecutive FCS titles, the very concept of every game being in Fargo from now on needs to die right here and right now. Period. Faison needs to be a hardliner on this or God only knows what else FU will demand next. Could anyone imagine Iowa or Iowa State caving in to something like this? Then why should we? We shouldn't. :angry:

How about this...we (NDSU) beat Oklahoma in the dance therefore we are on a higher level than you so every men's basketball game shall be played in the SHAC and never in Grand Forks. Where does it stop?

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Sept 19th 2015. Both schools need a game and they both have it open. Get the ball rolling with one game. The demand for more games will be so high after that, even if there is a blowout, that more games will have to be scheduled. And not just in Fargo. Just schedule the first one. It's time.

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Sept 19th 2015. Both schools need a game and they both have it open. Get the ball rolling with one game. The demand for more games will be so high after that, even if there is a blowout, that more games will have to be scheduled. And not just in Fargo. Just schedule the first one. It's time.

I think we can all agree on the first game, next year at Fargo. But only schedule the one, if NDSU says no, they want 2 in Fargo well they can go pound sand.

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Right now we have a pretty bad relationship with NDSU, especially in football. We can build respect back up by sucking it up and playing there a few times then normal negotiations will be able to take place and a home and home rotation could start.

We won't get anybody's respect by being their b*tch. Give ndsu an inch and they'll take a mile. Anyone who has worked with them in any capacity knows this.

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