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The next coach of UND football is....


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My apologies if this has been previously linked in this thread, but here is an Oregonian column from one year ago speculating as to whether Pflugrad was even employable anymore: http://www.oregonliv...ssistant_r.html

Obviously he did find a job shortly after this was written, albeit one that would have been considered well below him a year or so before. If he were to get the UND job, that would be quite a reversal of fortune in a short period of time.

You better take cover.....incoming....

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I realize he was only at Weber for a year but what did he do there? Did he get any big recruits? Did he have a good offense?

He hasn't even been through a full recruiting season there, so it's impossible to judge him in that regard. Weber was a terrible team, but again it's tough to put much of the blame on him for that given the short period of time he was there. One thing I will say is that if he doesn't get either the Weber St. or UND head coaching jobs, he might have to be content being an assistant somewhere for the next several years.

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He hasn't even been through a full recruiting season there, so it's impossible to judge him in that regard. Weber was a terrible team, but again it's tough to put much of the blame on him for that given the short period of time he was there. One thing I will say is that if he doesn't get either the Weber St. or UND head coaching jobs, he might have to be content being an assistant somewhere for the next several years.

I agree. If he was such a hot name candidate, why wouldn't Weber take a look at him and try hire him? They could have locked him up before he hit the free agent market but chose not to.

Apparently, he didn't impress enough for Weber State to aggressively pursue him as the head coach, correct? Am I wrong?

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will Bohl's change have an effect on UND's search? Does Faison already have the next coach picked? Are there possible applicants the will now apply for NDSU's job instead (especially if Bohl is taking pretty much his whole staff)? If Klieman was Faison's choice before, would he drop UND and move to Wyoming with Bohl or hope to get the NDSU HC spot? Very interesting :crazy: to wait until the final applicant list has been leaked...

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will Bohl's change have an effect on UND's search? Does Faison already have the next coach picked? Are there possible applicants the will now apply for NDSU's job instead (especially if Bohl is taking pretty much his whole staff)? If Klieman was Faison's choice before, would he drop UND and move to Wyoming with Bohl or hope to get the NDSU HC spot? Very interesting :crazy: to wait until the final applicant list has been leaked...

There is NO CHANCE that a UND applicant (potentially or otherwise) would ever be qualified to apply for the ndsu job.

Cmon, you know better dakota. ???

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will Bohl's change have an effect on UND's search? Does Faison already have the next coach picked? Are there possible applicants the will now apply for NDSU's job instead (especially if Bohl is taking pretty much his whole staff)? If Klieman was Faison's choice before, would he drop UND and move to Wyoming with Bohl or hope to get the NDSU HC spot? Very interesting :crazy: to wait until the final applicant list has been leaked...

I have a feeling we'll find out after the 6 pm press conference in Laramie. If Bohl keeps his assistants, it could affect UND's search. If one gets promoted to HC at the U of AAS, then probably not.

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I have a feeling we'll find out after the 6 pm press conference in Laramie. If Bohl keeps his assistants, it could affect UND's search. If one gets promoted to HC at the U of AAS, then probably not.

I think Bohl leaving NDSU helps make the UND position more attractive for obvious reasons. And if a Pflugrad or Caruso or Bollinger is offered the UND job on Tuesday or Wednesday do you really think they are going to say no because they want to see how things shake out at NDSU? Doubtful.

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I think Bohl leaving NDSU helps make the UND position more attractive for obvious reasons. And if a Pflugrad or Caruso or Bollinger is offered the UND job on Tuesday or Wednesday do you really think they are going to say no because they want to see how things shake out at NDSU? Doubtful.

Correct. Just like the reality is starting to settle in with Bison fans that a coach like Kliemann and possibly even Vigen would rather be the DC and OC at Wyoming than the head coach in Fargo.....UND fans need to realize that the quality of applicants in a nationwide search for the Bison job will be vastly superior in quality to the applicants for the UND job. While I would be happy with any of the 3 Coaches you mentioned for the UND job I don't know that any of those 3 would seriously even be in the mix for the NDSU job.....It is what it is right now.

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On another note....Coaches have had buyers remorse before in these situations and if I am the Wyoming AD I would have serious reservations about having Bohl finish out the season in Fargo and around the program for another month....emotions do sometimes come into play vs. money and I don't know that I would want to give my new coaching hire a month to change his mind.

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Correct. Just like the reality is starting to settle in with Bison fans that a coach like Kliemann and possibly even Vigen would rather be the DC and OC at Wyoming than the head coach in Fargo.....UND fans need to realize that the quality of applicants in a nationwide search for the Bison job will be vastly superior in quality to the applicants for the UND job. While I would be happy with any of the 3 Coaches you mentioned for the UND job I don't know that any of those 3 would seriously even be in the mix for the NDSU job.....It is what it is right now.

Honest question, because I really don't know--when is the last time Taylor conducted a national search in a major sport and made an unquestionably good hire? Has it happened since Bohl (who was his second choice after Terry Allen as I recall)?

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Faison needs to move quickly on this. New coach will need to put together staff and sit down with present team to keep them here and get recruiting going immediately. Anyone have update on candidates?

Who else is expected to apply by Tuesday?

Ira, does this in any way change your support of Bollinger?

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We need to wait and see what applicants we have come Tuesday. Faison likely has some guys who we haven't mentioned and he probably has a top 3 picked already. It's already obvious to every applicant that NDSU will be looking for a new coach. Rushing things this week will not provide any significant benefit. Take the time, get the right guy and announce it at the end of the week.

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Who else is expected to apply by Tuesday?

Ira, does this in any way change your support of Bollinger?

No. He should be a finalist if he applies. I believe he is already a great coach, based on his success as hs head coach and FBS asst. When he was with the Cowboys he was highly respected. Myles Austin thought a lot of him. They liked his intangibles and recognized his leadership skills. He didn't succeed at Wisconsin cuz of his great arm but because of his smarts and leadership skills as well as being a great athlete. He was an excellent student and well liked and respected by his coaches and teammates. Anyone who claims he is too young just doesn't understand. He understands the culture at UND and in GF, N.Dak. and Mn, Wisconsin. He is a leader and a winner. Very personable and excellent recruiter. I was in Pittsburgh the week after Muss let go. Pitt fans like him and think he has made a difference. I would need to know who else applies before I say hire him but we would be fortunate to get him. Pflugrad should also get interview. Not sure who else has applied. I was told yesterday Bollinger would apply but that is third hand so not sure.

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No. He should be a finalist if he applies. I believe he is already a great coach, based on his success as hs head coach and FBS asst. When he was with the Cowboys he was highly respected. Myles Austin thought a lot of him. They liked his intangibles and recognized his leadership skills. He didn't succeed at Wisconsin cuz of his great arm but because of his smarts and leadership skills as well as being a great athlete. He was an excellent student and well liked and respected by his coaches and teammates. Anyone who claims he is too young just doesn't understand. He understands the culture at UND and in GF, N.Dak. and Mn, Wisconsin. He is a leader and a winner. Very personable and excellent recruiter. I was in Pittsburgh the week after Muss let go. Pitt fans like him and think he has made a difference. I would need to know who else applies before I say hire him but we would be fortunate to get him. Pflugrad should also get interview. Not sure who else has applied. I was told yesterday Bollinger would apply but that is third hand so not sure.

thanks for your insights, Ira

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