Let'sGoHawks! Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 As others have mentioned, this is unacceptable behavior by Kelley. He writes that the first amendment is great.....but not when that free speech offends somebody. Very scary Pandora's box opened by Kelley. What's next? Quote
siouxfan512 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 For those of you on campus, please be careful during the game on Thursday. As this is "Time Out" week you may risk being arrested for any apparel with the Sioux name or logo. Quote
siouxfan512 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 As others have mentioned, this is unacceptable behavior by Kelley. He writes that the first amendment is great.....but not when that free speech offends somebody. Very scary Pandora's box opened by Kelley. What's next? Hope he reads my letter, though I'm sure he won't; and even if he does I'm sure he won't care. This type of action by UND is actually as disappointing if not more disappoint that eliminating the nickname itself. The opens up, as you said, a very scary Pandora's box. Quote
Siouxperfan7 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 So I think it all comes down to who "You" in the statement on the banner "You can take away our mascot" is referring to. Kelley ASSumed they were referring to native americans. Obviously they were referring to the NCAA. Kelley ASSuming that they were referring to native americans in that banner is the most offensive part of this story!! 4 Quote
bypolairxam Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 North Dakota "Channel Cats"....with a gnarly Catfish logo on the front of the jerseys(Red River is full of them)...spook their opponents good...haven't heard of anything better...Maybe the "Biting Mosquitos"?...another great logo can be created...Forget the Native American thing already... Quote
Siouxperfan7 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 https://twitter.com/karabara9/status/453695835771916288/photo/1 Someone notify Kelley!! Kappa Alpha Theta is promoting violence against women with their sign!!!! Quote
darell1976 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 https://twitter.com/...1916288/photo/1 Someone notify Kelley!! Kappa Alpha Theta is promoting violence against women with their sign!!!! Those sticks looks kinda like a tomahawk (in Kelley's eyes only) call the Native American office and report this. Quote
darell1976 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Here is my letter to the University: To whom it may concern, I am a proud alumni of the University of North Dakota, and I am writing this letter to express my sincere disappointment in the University’s actions regarding Gamma Phi Beta, as well as President Kelley’s comments and handling of the situation. To condemn these girls of being anything but supportive of their school and their hockey team is simply ludicrous. There are several problems with what is being regarded as a “lack of sensitivity”: 1. The banner had no reference to the former Fighting Sioux nickname. There was no “Sioux Pride”, “Sioux Forever” or “Let’s Go Sioux”; quite the opposite. The banner was acknowledging that the team is no longer the Fighting Sioux, is no longer wearing Fighting Sioux jerseys (like it, or not), but regardless of what they are named or what jerseys they are wearing, the fans are behind them and supporting them. 2. As for the timing of when this banner was hung, I assume President Kelley is aware there is a hockey game this week, and it is a big one. To entertain anyone’s complaint that this was done in an antagonistic fashion is ridiculous. I think it is safe to assume these girls were not sitting in their sorority house making a banner in support of the hockey team, while simultaneously scheming a way to intentionally disrupt “Time Out Week”. The University may state to the public that they are disappointed in Gamma Phi Beta, but I believe the general consensus of the public will be disappointment in the University and its handling of the situation. Dr. Kelley should have had enough common sense as President of the University to determine this had nothing to do with being disrespectful or uncivil. Had he acted with common sense, he could have deflated the situation in a much more appropriate manner. 3. The fact that this sorority’s national chapter felt compelled to issue an apology and provide sensitivity training for these girls is very sad in itself. Had this been due to the use of a derogatory term or image, this entire issue would be valid; but to inflate a simple statement in support of the hockey team to a controversial social-political issue demonstrates poor judgment and a lack of common sense by the University. There will always people in this world who are compelled to find something to protest or criticize, but at what point do those complaints need to be addressed, and at what point can they simply be dismissed as excessive? The University of North Dakota has complied to the NCAA’s policy changes and removed the Fighting Sioux nickname and moniker from use; no further action should be necessary on their end to demonstrate where the University officially stands. To publicly condemn the simple and innocent actions of these students is nothing more than an overreaction for which the University should be ashamed. It is time for the University to improve their balance of acceptable political correctness and extreme political activism. This is a great letter....send it to the Grand Forks Herald and see if they will print it. More media exposure will hurt Kelley's reputation (what's left of it). Quote
siouxfan512 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 This is a great letter....send it to the Grand Forks Herald and see if they will print it. More media exposure will hurt Kelley's reputation (what's left of it). I've considered sending it in, and have not ruled it out; but my purpose in the letter was not to start a vendetta against the President. More to express my displeasure with his quick irrational comments. I think it would be more effective for more people to write their own letters expressing their concerns of his comments and actions, and how those comments and actions represent the University. As stated in my letter, the average person would come to the logical decision that this banner was not in protest of "Time Out Week". The only intent of this banner was to support the hockey team. The University turned this into political issue, and gave its own students a public reprimand, when they did nothing wrong. Had the situation warranted action, this would not even be a discussion, but to basically throw these girls under the bus for something that never should have been an issue make the University look weak and willing to appease anyone and everyone, regardless of how ridiculous the scenario. 1 Quote
Oxbow6 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 ...the average person would come to the logical decision that this banner was not in protest of "Time Out Week". The only intent of this banner was to support the hockey team. The University turned this into political issue, and gave its own students a public reprimand, when they did nothing wrong. Had the situation warranted action, this would not even be a discussion, but to basically throw these girls under the bus for something that never should have been an issue make the University look weak and willing to appease anyone and everyone, regardless of how ridiculous the scenario. This...^^^! Quote
darell1976 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 This...^^^! Exactly. I didn't read the story first I read the banner first and thought "they" meant the NCAA not Native Americans. I didn't know it was Time Out week either, but still it was about the NCAA not NA's. Quote
CMSioux Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 The Native American Cultural Center, which by the way was built with our tax dollars, is taking way too much credit. They are not the "You" referenced in the banner. If they were the name would have been gone much earlier - obviously the "You" is the NCAA which only got the name removed when they contacted other schools and encouraged them to stop scheduling UND - that was the tipping point in moving away from the name. The stories around campus are that this Cultural Center is run by Chippewa's primarily which hate the Sioux nation and would do anything to eradicate them from the campus which is why they wanted the name gone - just ask any member of a Sioux Tribe how they are treated at this Cultural Center. Too many knee-jerky reactions yesterday - if I lived in Grand Forks I would attend the Wachipi wearing a Sioux shirt - and if anyone said anything to me I would file a grievance -that event is funded by public dollars and held in a public building what you choose to wear is protected by freedom of speech and expression. Quote
MafiaMan Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 When the nickname battle was in full swing I sent a letter as a supporter of the nickname to many of those involved at UND...the response I got from those within the university, especially those like Jeanotte and his liberal ilk, was that I was "insensitive" and there were some that actually contacted my employer asking that I be fired due to my opinion and stance. Not making this up............... Go figure...free speech in this country exists for everyone...as long as you agree with what the mob's opinion is. If you don't, look out. Quote
CMSioux Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Nex time I get to Grand Forks I'm going to knock on the door of that sorority and hand a $20 bill to the first person who answers the door and thank them for that banner. 2 Quote
SWSiouxMN Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 This is a blatant overreaction, which unfortunately has been a theme here (Beer Grandma anyone?), if people seriously thought that those girls at Gamma Phi were putting that banner up to be racist, I have some oceanfront property to sell you in North Dakota. This could have been handled differently and would not lead to as much disgruntlement that is on campus currently. Oh, and the President has said in the past they he would not prevent people from wearing Sioux gear (I have personally heard this and read newspaper articles back in 2010). Quote
darell1976 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Nex time I get to Grand Forks I'm going to knock on the door of that sorority and hand a $20 bill to the first person who answers the door and thank them for that banner. Don't give them the wrong idea. Quote
Oxbow6 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Go figure...free speech in this country exists for everyone...as long as you agree with what the mob's opinion is. If you don't, look out. To say there was some malice and vindictiveness from those that responded to my letter is an understatement. These are not nice people on the other side of the nickname argument! Quote
darell1976 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 So if there was a banner (with the same wording minus the Frozen Four part) put up on a frat or sorority house on the campus of Arkansas St, ULM, or Indiana, PA should Native Americans around their campus's be outraged, or will people realize its the NCAA they are talking about? I mean where does this end. UND is 2 years without the nickname this should never, NEVER be an issue anymore. 1 Quote
MafiaMan Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Nex time I get to Grand Forks I'm going to knock on the door of that sorority and hand a $20 bill to the first person who answers the door and thank them for that banner. Nice! Quote
Old Time Hockey Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Nex time I get to Grand Forks I'm going to knock on the door of that sorority and hand a $20 bill to the first person who answers the door and thank them for that banner. I think we should start a fund drive here at SIOUX SPORTS for them. If anyone got that going (not my skillset) I would pledge a lot of money! The next phone call from UND I get, and there are plenty, I am going to tell them that I will not be able to donate this time. This is straw that broke the camels back for me. No more dollars, aside from season tickets and champions club, will I give to the university until Kelley and his like-minded PC zealots are gone! Quote
Fetch Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Well I don't have to be pc to anyone - I agree that the banner was more towards ncaa but why do we have to walk on eggshells the two native tribes in the end turned against - I normally don't say much about NAs but how did the term indian giver come to be something most had heard of ? Quote
Fetch Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2013/09/02/217295339/the-history-behind-the-phrase-dont-be-an-indian-giver Why do we have to be senstive to NAs ? Most of us still have ultimate pride in the name & a very small minority won over PC zelots most of us have no respect for Quote
Redneksioux Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Ok guys lets keep this civil and non racist....which everyone has done to this point. No need to come up with name calling. Would you say that to a Native American face to face? Remember the name and logo are now history and this wasn't the fault of any Native American. The reason it's gone is because the school failed to gain a solid agreement with both tribes. One thing I'd be curious of....how many Sioux fans on here would be seen decked out in Sioux gear on one of nd's reservations, excluding the casino? Rez cafe, gas station, grocery store, clinic, hospital, housing development? Quote
siouxfan512 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Has anyone else written to the school to express their concerns? I'm just curious as to what kind of volume (if any) they received over this. If so, any responses? Personally, I think a public apology should be issued to these girls for overreacting to the situation. A call to their national chapter discouraging required sensitivity training may be in order as well. Quote
Fetch Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 RNS yes & yes & you are wrong & must of missed the point Quote
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