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NORTH DAKOTA @ UNO - Friday, 6:37 puck drop


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That play by Danny to Corban to Rocco was friken sweet. HOBEYKNIGHTER!!!

if that top line could get some help or just 1 goal extra this team will be tough to beat with this goaltending. The pace they played at tonight was great

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Gothberg played great again

Top line dominant

Simpson is really good

Don Adam is so fn bad , still can't imagine how he got the nchc gig. 2 min at most. These refs see a guy go flying and it's auto 2 minutes. I call it the MATT GREENE rule

Captain Mac with save of the night, great play. Did he go into the butterfly??! Lol

Nice hit by turgeon, interference if anything as the puck was leaving but that's a stretch. Again Adam is horse sh#^ at his job

The 5 min pp was awful

Pk was very good tonight

Lets hope for decent ice and good weather and another huge 2 points for the boys

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Good solid all around effort and win tonight and a needed 2 points. Zane was solid again and got help from Mac on the save of the game. Knigh line created some nice chacnes and the other lines contributed with some nice zone time and smart plays for the most part. Hopefully we can get 2 more tomorrow but it was important to get this one tonight especially with really not knowing how the conditions will be tomorrow and never know what might happen outdoors. The 5 minute penalty call to me was something where if it would have went against the Sioux I would have been going crazy but since it didn't I'll take it. It's about time we are on the fortunate end of a somewhat weak call. I do think the guy follows through on the hit a little high but the initial contact is at the chest although maybe a little helmet to helmet to and the only other thing I can think of is it was a couple strides after the puck had gone by Senkbeil.

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4th line had really nice energy again, just not quite what they had against Wisconsin. 1st line was dominant tonight also. 2nd line looked out of sync a lot and didn't quite have it.

I think we should ride Zane the rest of the year. His rebound control today was awesome and he made it look really really easy. He's starting to get comfortable and will keep getting better.

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I originally though (and posted) the same. But when they showed the shot along the boards,which they only showed once,I think, it looked like the Turgeon hit Jimmer with his left hand to the face as they made contact. Why else would he be upended like he was from a shoulder-or hip check?

I felt the hit was ok as well. I certainly would have been pissed had it been a Sioux player called for 5 on a hit like that.

Good effort by the Sioux overall.

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Just finished watching my recording, BIG road win against a good team, if we can get out of UNO with 3 or 4 points it will take some of the pressure off next weekend in Denver which is always sketchy for us.

A few thoughts:

Great job by the defense and goaltending again, giving up 3 goals in 3 games is damn good.

The hit on Jim looked pretty decent, they both were skating toward each other with their heads down looking for the puck and Turgeon realized they were coming together a split second before Jim did and blew him up, I wouldn't have had a problem with no call there or a 2, I didn't see anything that warranted a 5. The puck was there and the hit was fairly clean, when it happened live I thought he lined him up, if you watch the replay he didn't even know Jim was coming until he was almost on him.

Mac saved the day with Gothberg out of position, that was big.

Let's finish the job tomorrow.

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