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Wish I was making the trip to Omaha but I'm not able to. I'm just gonna agree to disagree with you, the team does need to be a lot more consistent in their level of play but I still think we will get that. This team doesn't have the look right now of some of the very good teams of the past couple years but I think the potential is there. I think as a whole in college hockey this season there really aren't a lot of teams like that though. I mean even with the recent winless stretch we are still sitting in a tie for the 9th spot in the pairwise rankings and there aren't a whole lot of teams on that list that I would be dreading to play.

I appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

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Very much disagree with this, Drake hit him on the shoulder and the guy turned and made it look worst. That call was maybe a minor but definitely not a major. The MacMillan play was something that could be called but I have seen a lot worse things that haven't been called at that stage of the game.

....Oh gawd. If if's-n-buts were candy-n-nuts every day would be xmas. Ive said it before (not that long ago either -> take a look up on the boards ). These little plays are not going to determine the outcome of the bigger picture. Face it. We are not that good this year. We have talent but !@$! man everyone has talent now. There are 4 or 5 (pardon me if I missed a few) jr leagues\semi pro leagues and college conferences that all have top tier players. A top level team can't be in dis-array at this time of the year (like we seem to be) when there are plenty of other players/teams that are firing on all cylinders. We killed off a 5 min penalty which was very good but that is not going to cut it against other teams. We need to start reloading ( recruiting ) now. before the cut of the knife goes to the bone. Thats when it really starts to sting.

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Wow I'm glad I'm glad some of you got your scrum fix but seriously check out an NHL game. This, again, is a huge let down in another full blown uninspired game. A tie in a home game is so close to a loss. We're in February and we cannot find a way to win on home ice. This, so far, has been one of the most difficult seasons to watch given the amount of talent on the team. I'm definitely not calling for Hak to lose his job but he has done a terrible job this year. Sorry for being the pessimist but just calling out the obvious.

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Such a weird night at the REA: premature horns, misconducts, confused goalie, Rocco turning into a feisty honey badger, swimming and diving teams, a tie, etc. etc. etc.

Anyone else think Zane gets the nod again tomorrow night?

Gotta get the W tomorrow night, I know of several students that I talked to over the last 2 days pretty much saying we need to sweep these guys.well we can't do that, but we cannot have another 1 point weekend like others have been saying.

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If you look at SCSU and Omaha's wcha record vs ours you will notice one huge difference. The W's and T's column.

SCSU 13-5-1

Omaha 12-5-2

UND 8-5-6

The amount of losses are the same, but those two teams have found a way to win more games. We are now in Feb. and still can't find a way to finish. It's starting to get really frustrating. Still a good amount of games yet. We need two points tonight. Enough said.

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If Kristo, Knight or Grimaldi don't score...NOBODY scores. You can't pin the whole season on 3 guys.

D was bad again, although not as glaringly, they were sheltered by the great play of Zane. He was the best player on the ice last night.

Wisconsin's third man high has always given us fits, so I'm not all that surprised with our struggles.

Mac needed to drop the gloves to save the season...

Wisconsin is a junk team- hate the system, hate the clutch and grab, hate the diving. Not even fun to watch. No wonder hockey is the least popular major sport. If I had to watch Wisconsin play every weekend, I think I'd become a Nascar fan instead.

penalties- agree that the refs totally lost control of the game. It was law of the jungle. If I'm Hak, I order Pattyn to give a code red tonight.

Easy Mac's penalty in OT was just dumb. I would actually bench him tonight for that stupidity.

Drake's penalty was not a 5 in my opinion. It was not a CFB from any angle.

We are ok this year, not great, not terrible. We need to get scoring from more than the 3 guys I mentioned. We need to get a little offense from the blue line. We need to be positionally responsible in our own end. Something is going on in the locker room...it is manifesting on the ice. This coaching staff is responsible. Own it. Fix it. Don't make the Final Five- an assistant should lose their job.

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If Kristo, Knight or Grimaldi don't score...NOBODY scores. You can't pin the whole season on 3 guys.

D was bad again, although not as glaringly, they were sheltered by the great play of Zane. He was the best player on the ice last night.

Wisconsin's third man high has always given us fits, so I'm not all that surprised with our struggles.

Mac needed to drop the gloves to save the season...

Wisconsin is a junk team- hate the system, hate the clutch and grab, hate the diving. Not even fun to watch. No wonder hockey is the least popular major sport. If I had to watch Wisconsin play every weekend, I think I'd become a Nascar fan instead.

penalties- agree that the refs totally lost control of the game. It was law of the jungle. If I'm Hak, I order Pattyn to give a code red tonight.

Easy Mac's penalty in OT was just dumb. I would actually bench him tonight for that stupidity.

Drake's penalty was not a 5 in my opinion. It was not a CFB from any angle.

We are ok this year, not great, not terrible. We need to get scoring from more than the 3 guys I mentioned. We need to get a little offense from the blue line. We need to be positionally responsible in our own end. Something is going on in the locker room...it is manifesting on the ice. This coaching staff is responsible. Own it. Fix it. Don't make the Final Five- an assistant should lose their job.

Ummmmm...I'm speechless as this is all spot on to a T.

Was at game...what kills this team at home is it's inability to carry any momentum it creates for more than a couple minutes in any game. A goal given up 13 seconds after we score with our top line on the ice is mind boggling.

The RPM line is pathetic right now. Chyzyk needs to play w St Clair and Caggiula. Gaarder on 4th line...Rodwell has had one decent game since Thanksgiving.

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Wow I'm glad I'm glad some of you got your scrum fix but seriously check out an NHL game. This, again, is a huge let down in another full blown uninspired game. A tie in a home game is so close to a loss. We're in February and we cannot find a way to win on home ice. This, so far, has been one of the most difficult seasons to watch given the amount of talent on the team. I'm definitely not calling for Hak to lose his job but he has done a terrible job this year. Sorry for being the pessimist but just calling out the obvious.

I have to agree with you here. Two weekends in a row and I have never been so bored at REA. No flow, no sustained offensive pressure and still shady D play. I,like you, am by no means calling for a coach change but if the lines aren't totally changed up tonight I will start questioning. There isn't one line right now that is even close to clicking and you can throw in the D pairs in there as well. Way too much talent to be playing this poorly.

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Drakes penalty is a 5 if they called it boarding resulting the head hitting the boards, that was sterns how mad the call. Once again the official from the other side of the ice at least 70 feet away is making the wrong call. Also with all the diving last night Shepard's lip service to the coaches was proven true.

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The dump and chase with most of the players on this team doesn't fit their skill sets. Our top line is speed...not grind. The RPM line isnt clicking. Colton's line does it ok. Our 4th line does it the best. Why Hak doesn't let anyone carry the puck into the O zone is maddening...especially when we are struggling offensively.

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This team lacks an identity. I think it is having growing pains evolving from last year's team. Last year was a gritty, over performing team.

Agree that we are not built for dump and chase or cycle. We are a transition team this year. We are trying to put Ferrari components into a 4x4.

We could lose Pattyn for friday's game and still be alright. I say he needs to drop 'em if anyone is willing to dance.

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This team lacks an identity. I think it is having growing pains evolving from last year's team. Last year was a gritty, over performing team.

Agree that we are not built for dump and chase or cycle. We are a transition team this year. We are trying to put Ferrari components into a 4x4.

We could lose Pattyn for friday's game and still be alright. I say he needs to drop 'em if anyone is willing to dance.

Pattyn was looking for a partner to dance with last night but no takers. With WI 0 for 30+ on the PP I think someone needs to set the tone for the rest of the season and go Radke on someone tonight. To see Rocco go at it at end of the 2nd I thought would've lit a fire for rest of team to start 3rd...but no.

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Four goals in our last 3 games (at HOME) just isn't going to lead to a lot of W's...need contributions from other than just the top line!

63% of our TOTAL team points from Danny and Corbin in last 11 games. (Edit...my bad)

When it's basically just those 2 tough to win consistently. Corbin had one of those game. He easily could've had a hatty.

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