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UW Little sits one game for this hit


I think that should be more than one game, interference, left his feet, contact to the head, a possibly elbow as well. I am surprised there hasn't been a bigger uproar about this hit. If a UND player does this, he gets crucified on the various message boards. Extremely dirty hit.

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Wow I bet saunders is daily thanking the hockey gods he found the magic ticket out of Huntsville.

The amazing part is he couldn't get a scholly anywhere besides Alabama when UND was even interested?? Strange but sometimes its a numbers game. My god he got the golden ticket from where he was a year ago!

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Goons link works better. http://ndgoon.blogsp...oon's World) One Badger fan called it an accident.

Holy crap - are there seriously people thinking that this WASN'T deserving of a penalty, game misconduct and suspension? This hit would have been brutal enough if the Tech player would have had the puck. But there's 1 small detail that I noticed in the video - HE DIDN'T HAVE THE PUCK! The Wisconsin kid railroads him as he's backchecking, trying to catch the other Wisconsin player that HAS the puck. In my opinion, he's LUCKY he got off with only 1 game for this.

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Holy crap - are there seriously people thinking that this WASN'T deserving of a penalty, game misconduct and suspension? This hit would have been brutal enough if the Tech player would have had the puck. But there's 1 small detail that I noticed in the video - HE DIDN'T HAVE THE PUCK! The Wisconsin kid railroads him as he's backchecking, trying to catch the other Wisconsin player that HAS the puck. In my opinion, he's LUCKY he got off with only 1 game for this.

They are using Bucky Red colored glasses instead of rose colored ones.
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That result surprised me. I thought UNO would definitely be able to take it to them, especially at home. We'll see what happens there tomorrow night.

DU continues to slide a bit...managing only a tie against BSU, despite having two 5-min PP during the game.

CC also still sliding back, losing to SCSU 5-3 after SCSU scored 4 goals in the 3rd.

I bet UW wishes that they could play Huntsville every weekend. :)

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I watch bits and pieces of both UAH and UW games, they were two really bad games.

I watched the game on thursday and after the UND hockey game on Friday I tuned it to watch it again.

The feeling I got was this looks like when UND plays an exhibition game against Mantioba. Outside of the Geffrions UAH has no one on their team.

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Just think of how many wished we were "as good as" DU a month ago. :)

One just might begin to wonder if there is something going on with that team that is not being made public. They have been skating shorthanded recently, but their injury list does not appear to be that long. There has been a non-player due to a "coaches decision" but maybe there is more to it than that. Their turnaround has been so steep it is hard to understand, especially with a goalie like Olkanuora.

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