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New Nickname



319 members have voted

  1. 1. What name should replace "Fighting Sioux" after it's retired?

    • Aviators or Pilots
    • Cavalry
    • Nodaks
    • Nokotas
    • Norse, Nordics, Fighting Norsemen
    • Outlaws
    • Plainsmen
    • Rangers
    • Rough Riders
    • Other

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Hey, how about the Big, you know what, nevermind.


go with Blackhawks.  Use a Blackhawk bird as the "official" logo, but everyone can just buy their logo'd apparel from the Chicago Blackhawks.   And gfhockey is happy, because his favorite word is contained within the word Blackhawk.    So it's a win-win.  (minus the loss of apparel revenue)

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U of N. Dakota or Green and White work for me. Nodaks would be OK. I see no reason to assume a new identity with which we have no tradition.

I wouldnt mind being just UND but I think that it would be a short sighted decision. WE will always identify with the Fighting Sioux but future students, athletes and fans will identify with a new nickname, no matter what it is. When I graduated from GFC, I was a Knight not a Redskin.

On a side note, the UND basketball team used to wear jerseys that said "Nodaks" on them. That could be a way to build a new brand off an old tradition. I am not crazy about that idea, but I'm comfortable with it

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The Tribe.

Everyone is placated including the NC$$.


I'm surprised this isn't getting more play.  Am I being too naive?...

noun \ˈtrīb\

: a group of people that includes many families and relatives who have the same language, customs, and beliefs

: a large family

: a group of people who have the same job or interest


Full Definition of TRIBE


1  a :  a social group comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or adopted strangers
    b :  a political division of the Roman people originally representing one of the three original tribes of ancient Rome
    c :  phyle
2   :  a group of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest
3   :  a category of taxonomic classification ranking below a subfamily; also :  a natural group irrespective of taxonomic rank <the cat tribe> <the rose tribe>
The kicker for me is that The Black Eyed Peas seem to think we're all "One Tribe" so it has be, right? :whistling::p


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Seems to work for William and Mary.  They were just required to remove the feathers from their previous logos and it was deemed as acceptable by the NCAA.

I would rather have Warriors than Tribe, as least we could have a decent logo with Warrior than nothing like W&M.

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I like the concept and the NODAKS jerseys are a great throwback, but it'll take about .6 seconds for NDSU or Minnesota to come up with NODIKS t-shirts, signs, or cheers.

IMO we have to get away from worrying about how opposing fan bases might desecrate a nickname choice.  Almost anything can be modified in an unpleasant way given enough creativity.   I say let's not worry about reducing the list of good names just because someone might use it to "call us names".

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IMO we have to get away from worrying about how opposing fan bases might desecrate a nickname choice.  Almost anything can be modified in an unpleasant way given enough creativity.   I say let's not worry about reducing the list of good names just because someone might use it to "call us names".




it doesn't take a whole lot to do that, that should be on the bottom of the list of concerns.

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The Tribe, The Brave (as in "and the home of the Brave"), the Warriors - they all merit consideration except there will be a liberal someone in the room of decision-makers that says "Nope - too Native American". 

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Can people please realize that just being "North Dakota" is NOT an option?  The settlement agreement that UND signed clearly states that.  The NCAA made sure that UND would have to select a new nickname because having none would result in the perpetual use of the old one.  Any you cannot deny that is not currently happening right now.  So if you think that having no name and just being known as "North Dakota" is an option....I am hear to inform you that you are dead wrong and that it is absolutely without a doubt not an option for UND.

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The Tribe, The Brave (as in "and the home of the Brave"), the Warriors - they all merit consideration except there will be a liberal someone in the room of decision-makers that says "Nope - too Native American". 

W&M have Tribe, Bradley has Braves, and Winona State has Warriors but out of those three only Winona State has a logo other than the the letters of the school, their logo looks like USC's Trojan, or just the word Tribe or Braves.  When UND picks a name I hope they can come up with a logo besides UND or the UND flame logo (unless they do go with Flames). 

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Can people please realize that just being "North Dakota" is NOT an option?  The settlement agreement that UND signed clearly states that.  The NCAA made sure that UND would have to select a new nickname because having none would result in the perpetual use of the old one.  Any you cannot deny that is not currently happening right now.  So if you think that having no name and just being known as "North Dakota" is an option....I am hear to inform you that you are dead wrong and that it is absolutely without a doubt not an option for UND.

You have been beating this drum since the beginning.  Is there a quote or link to the actual language in the settlement that states anything near "having none would result in the perpetual use of the old one?"   And "new" doesn't meet that requirement.  Thanks.

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You have been beating this drum since the beginning. Is there a quote or link to the actual language in the settlement that states anything near "having none would result in the perpetual use of the old one?" And "new" doesn't meet that requirement. Thanks.

Actually there is however it also lists when UND had to choose a new name and it was 2011, that state law by Al Carlson messed up the timeline.

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Can people please realize that just being "North Dakota" is NOT an option?  The settlement agreement that UND signed clearly states that.  The NCAA made sure that UND would have to select a new nickname because having none would result in the perpetual use of the old one.  Any you cannot deny that is not currently happening right now.  So if you think that having no name and just being known as "North Dakota" is an option....I am hear to inform you that you are dead wrong and that it is absolutely without a doubt not an option for UND.

Wrong.   It's been hashed over several times in the nickname threads.   

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Say the NCAA's lawyers showed up tomorrow and said:


"Here's the settlement agreement. It says, ..."If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo, ..., then UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy" and we've been very forgiving on timelines until now. We're done. Show us your new, NEW, new since this settlement was signed, nickname and logo. Can't? You have no nickname you say? No ain't new. Welcome back to the list."


That'd be their interpretation of the agreement. They'd be within their rights to do that. The only recourse for UND would be to return to the courts claiming "no nickname = new nickname".


So, ask yourself:  


Would UND win in court? 

Would it be worth the court fight in terms of dollars?

Would it be worth the fight in terms of the negative media*? 



*The media would "harsh on" UND for tacitly allowing the old name to live on. 

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You have been beating this drum since the beginning.  Is there a quote or link to the actual language in the settlement that states anything near "having none would result in the perpetual use of the old one?"   And "new" doesn't meet that requirement.  Thanks.



Wrong.   It's been hashed over several times in the nickname threads.   


http://www.ag.nd.gov/ncaa/SettlementAgreement.pdf   -  (Page 5)


"If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo, or if the transition to a new nickname and logo is not completed prior to August 15, 2001, then UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy.  In the event UND secures namesake approval but such approval is withdrawn after Novenber 30,2010, UND shall have 1 year to complete transition to a new nickname and logo, unless the parties mutually agree to a period of time longer than one year"



Now of course the dates of the deadlines got all messed up with the law that the North Dakota Legislature passed.  But the premise still remains, a new name must be selected.  The NCAA is being pretty relaxed on the "period longer than one year" timeframe.  Basically giving UND all the time they need.  As long as they see that a process to replace it is in place.  If UND were to announce that they were just going to be known as "North Dakota", the NCAA would have exception to that. 

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http://www.ag.nd.gov/ncaa/SettlementAgreement.pdf   -  (Page 5)


"If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo, or if the transition to a new nickname and logo is not completed prior to August 15, 2001, then UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy.  In the event UND secures namesake approval but such approval is withdrawn after Novenber 30,2010, UND shall have 1 year to complete transition to a new nickname and logo, unless the parties mutually agree to a period of time longer than one year"



Now of course the dates of the deadlines got all messed up with the law that the North Dakota Legislature passed.  But the premise still remains, a new name must be selected.  The NCAA is being pretty relaxed on the "period longer than one year" timeframe.  Basically giving UND all the time they need.  As long as they see that a process to replace it is in place.  If UND were to announce that they were just going to be known as "North Dakota", the NCAA would have exception to that. 


Thanks for pointing this out, once again, to the no nickname/keep the old nickname crowd.


UND has two options. 


1.  Get a new nickname in a timely manner.

2.  Drop varsity athletics with the NCAA.


I vote for a new nickname, as much as I don't want one. 

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This is exactly what a lot of the "let's just move on" people fail to grasp.    Out of everyone that says ok fine let's pick a new name.... how many of those people are under the delusion that the name picked is going to be one they actually like?  


Step 1:  Come out with a list of names to choose from.   Result--  a bunch of people say hey wait a minute- I don't like any of these choices- let's just stay with no name.    Meanwhile another group of people are still ok with the process because their name is still on the list.


Step 2:   New name is chosen, and a small percentage is happy because their choice for a name is the one picked.   But now a large majority are ticked because none of their favored names were chosen- and they now feel like it would be better to stay with no name....but sorry, too late.  


Choosing a new name is an exercise in self-inflicted torture where the end result is a vast majority are not going to be happy.  

This is kind of where I'm at.  I'd be willing to move on if I thought the end result wouldn't be bad.  But picking a college nickname in 2015 is not the same as picking a nickname in the 1800s or early 1900s.  Sure, there are some good people on the committee, but the nickname finalists will be dependent upon, and reflective of, the weakest links on the committee.  The committee will not present a nickname as a finalist that could possibly be considered controversial to even the smallest faction of stakeholders or even a tiny percentage of the general population.  So you'll get something generic (like an unoriginal re-tread animal) or you'll get some new-age conceptual fluff (like Spirit or a weather phenomenon).  Nobody will be able to find the new nickname offensive, but few people will really like it either. Given that dynamic, I'd prefer no nickname.  But since no nickname apparently isn't an option, I guess I'll just hope I'm wrong.

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