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(PWR) PairWise Rankings - 2009


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Wow, we are old Whistler. Well maybe not as old as some but I actually have used an 8 Track as well.

Lets see if this dates anyone? Oh yeah :angry:

Here is another classic... That was probably about 1978.

Thanks for bringing back some great memories! Great outfits on the guys. In case anyone wants something like that I know a place in Beijing where you can find them. My wife bought me the black version of those threads.

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I was wondering when this thread would come back to "pair-wise".

When people stop talking about ABBA and Boston, two groups that created some of the worst music in the history of music. JUST WIN, GO SIOUX!!!

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Depends on what kind of music you appreciate.

I appreciate many, many types of music, probably more than the average person. I take nothing anyway from musical ability, my comment is based solely on the music created by ABBA and Boston.

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I appreciate many, many types of music, probably more than the average person. I take nothing anyway from musical ability, my comment is based solely on the music created by ABBA and Boston.

I'd watch it if I were you. Goon's got the training to track you down whereever you are and slap you with one of his many ABBA album covers.

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I appreciate many, many types of music, probably more than the average person. I take nothing anyway from musical ability, my comment is based solely on the music created by ABBA and Boston.

Have you put Boston's first disc in and listened for a while? Sure, their other releases were pretty awful, but that first album broke out huge.

And that Agnatha! Schwing! :angry:

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I appreciate many, many types of music, probably more than the average person. I take nothing anyway from musical ability, my comment is based solely on the music created by ABBA and Boston.

Well from looking at your location you probably have more time for golf and less time for listening to bad music. :ohmy:

Funny you should mention Boston: I really like this song as well. :angry:

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Well from looking at your location you probably have more time for golf and less time for listening to bad music. :ohmy:

Funny you should mention Boston: I really like this song as well. :angry:

I love Boston, probably my favorite band. There are so many good songs by them, in my opinion.

This is one of my favorites that not many people know about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJMkULGvBT8 (We'll play it after we win #8)

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two things two keep an eye on as far as our rival wisconsin goes. keep an eye on aa and northern michigan as if either one of those becomes a tuc it will affect the badgers greatly aa-for the positive as they are 4-0 against them and northern michigan is 2-0 against the badgers. I'd prefer that northen michigan becomes a tuc as it will affect them more negatively.

as far as we're concerned there have been some people saying that it would be better if the sioux lost a game this weekend to keep the mavs a TUC. however, at this point that is just silly as we're .500 against them right now and it isn't hurting our tuc win% and if they drop out at this point it still won't matter for us. in two weeks the badgers travel to mankato for a series and should we be fortunate enough to sweep the mavs this weekend and knock them out of tuc consideration for the moment they can climb back in the ranks in two weeks with a solid performance against the badgers which would help us more as we would then be 3-1 against them. this is why we shoudn't get too caught up in what the pwr look like right now as things change quickly.

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two things two keep an eye on as far as our rival wisconsin goes. keep an eye on aa and northern michigan as if either one of those becomes a tuc it will affect the badgers greatly aa-for the positive as they are 4-0 against them and northern michigan is 2-0 against the badgers. I'd prefer that northen michigan becomes a tuc as it will affect them more negatively.

as far as we're concerned there have been some people saying that it would be better if the sioux lost a game this weekend to keep the mavs a TUC. however, at this point that is just silly as we're .500 against them right now and it isn't hurting our tuc win% and if they drop out at this point it still won't matter for us. in two weeks the badgers travel to mankato for a series and should we be fortunate enough to sweep the mavs this weekend and knock them out of tuc consideration for the moment they can climb back in the ranks in two weeks with a solid performance against the badgers which would help us more as we would then be 3-1 against them. this is why we shoudn't get too caught up in what the pwr look like right now as things change quickly.

Yep, agree 100%.

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there have been some people saying that it would be better if the sioux lost a game this weekend to keep the mavs a TUC.

Ouch, talk about losing sight of the forest for the trees.

Though the TUC cliff is certainly real, it's one of those things whose legend has somehow grown far beyond reality.

UND is on track to end the regular season with 25 games vs. TUCs. Back of the envelope, say UND ends up 14-9-2 vs. TUCs (.600):

  • If an opponent against whom UND was 3-1-0 became a TUC, our record would change to 17-10-2 (.621)
  • Or dropped from being a TUC, our record would change to 11-8-2 (.571)

This isn't RPI where everyone is concentrated between .5 and .6, our opponents' TUCs are all over the map (check it out). Moving TUC up or down .02-.04 just isn't going to matter enough to be hoping for losses at this point in the season.

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How crappier does the Goofs have to play before they drop out of the field. They are in at the moment and we aren't...

This is probably more than you're looking for, but I was going to do it for Sagard anyway. I've never run it for a team other than UND before, so the likelihood I recorded something wrong is much higher than usual, but we'll see how it goes.

UMN has a lot of downside potential this weekend. Anything short of a sweep likely knocks them out.


To finish the regular season in the top 13 requires winning 6 of 8 to be probable, 7 of 8 to be almost a lock.


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Thanks Jim. Six of eight seems like an overwhelming tough task the way the Gophers have been playing. I sure like the regular seasons where the only question for the Gophers is whether they get a top seed far more than these past two. Worst comes to worst, there is always the WCHA tourney. ;)

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I see that the Herald is now giving Jim some love with his PWR predictions. You're big time now!

Friday Hockey Article

UND is 17th in the PairWise Rankings. Jim Dahl of SiouxSports.com projects that a sweep would most likely move the Sioux to 12th. A split would probably move the Sioux to 16th and a pair of losses would probably drop them to 18th.
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The PWR has broken into pretty distinct groups this year. The top 10 are pretty solid, and someone's going to have to fade to fall out of it (as MN did, and someone else surely will). Then there's a pretty big gap to the next 7 teams, who are quite tightly bunched in RPI (and therefore, basically, PWR). UND is in this group. Because the teams are so close in RPI, one bad night moves you down to the lower end of the range (the 15-17 area), and one good night moves you closer to the top (11-13). You saw that tonight with MN and BC slipping, and UND rising. For any of those teams, your move on Friday can be undone with the opposite result the next night. Just win I guess.

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I just love this updated bracket prediction from USCHO - puts us in Minneapolis with Michigan (!), UMD and Northeastern.


West Regional (Minneapolis)

13 North Dakota vs. 3 Michigan (What, again?)

11 Minnesota-Duluth vs. 5 Northeastern

... the last time I remember Mariucci Arena taken over by UND and UMD fans was back in 1984 - the old barn - for a 2-game total goal playoff series. Time for revenge, sayeth I.

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