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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. AP is a big fan of playing football. He loves it. You can see it by how he plays the game. He is also a big fan of money. No surprise. We all are. He will not make nearly the amount of money somewhere else than he makes with the Vikings. In the end, money will talk loud into his ear and he will decide playing for the Vikings is his best option.
  2. Anyone planning on going to Fargo that doesn't have tickets to the game? I deffinitely will be. Hey, if we can't be in the Dome for the game, might as well make our presence known in the tailgate lot!! I wonder if NDSU will give UND a spot for the Champions Club to set up in the lot. Another idea would be to do like we did in Boston and Minneapolis and designate a bar/restaurant as the official headquarters of UND fans. The Buffalo Wild Wings on 19th would be a great location for UND fans to take over that day. Go tailgate in the lot before the game and then head across the street to watch the game!!
  3. Obvious intro music!! Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKupOsaJmk
  4. Committee member and UND alumnus Lowell Schweigert voiced concerns about the time crunch to pick a name and Walton said Kelley would support the committee taking the time it needs. We should all be glad that guys like Lowell Schweigert are on this committee. He is a great guy and really understands the importance of this commitee and the process. While I get it that it this process has taken forever it seems, now that we are in the point in the porcess to select the name, he realizes you need time to make sure it is done right.
  5. I guess if it's ok for the U.S. Secretary of State to delete emails, then everyone in authority can do it!!! Open Records laws?? Those aren't real. No need to have to adhere to those rules!!
  6. I am curious to what Kelley did that the studends feel he should be fired. If it is because of the nickname, that's dumb. If it's because of tuition, welcom to the world of things costing more!! I am not here to defend Kelley, but there has to be other legitimate reasons.
  7. Sioux/Bison weel back in the day was crazy. Sure NDSU has a good rivalry with their conference opponents like UNI and SDSU. But those game are not even close to the level of excitement, hype, etc that playing UND will have. Any Bison fan that thinks otherwise is out of their mind!!
  8. One think that I think every team needs is a go to goal scorer. If Matthews comes here, he may be the best pure, top end goal scorer we have had probably since Parise!! God I hope he deicides to come here!!
  9. It will be something new for NDSU students. They aren't used to watching their team get a beatdown in their home stadium like they will on Sept 19th!!
  10. No Titles for 50 years? Now that's epic!! I wouldn't say we are closing in on that. I would be willing to bet we win one before 2050!!
  11. Although head to head wins are great, I think most UND football fans would trade wins over NDSU to wins in National Championship games. NDSU could really care less about losses to UND in the past. In the past 50 years, NDSU has 12 National Championships, we have 1. NDSU has 27 conference Championships, we have 15. I think that would qualify as being a superior program the last 50 years. I really hate to defend Bison fans, but face it, they got us in football.
  12. Make no mistake. UND is NDSU's biggest rival. Which is saying something because we are in different conferences in all sports and haven't played in football in 12 years. Sure the NDSU brass are going to give the perception that UND is not a rival. But I bet if you asked Bison fans, over 90% would say playing UND is the biggest regular season game of the year next year.
  13. Of course those are those that hate it when people bring up other coaches and compare their success to Hak. But it just furthers the point that everyone that that thinks Hak should be fired is literally our of their mind. Look at another NCHC counterpart. Enrico Blasi. Let's look at his career at Miami: Years at Miami - 16 Regular Season Championships - 3 Conference Tournament Championships - 2 Playoff appearences - 10 Frozen Four appearences - 2 Championship game appearences - 1 National Championships - 0 Also, 5 of the 10 seasons Miami made the NCAA tournament, they failed to win a game. Do you think they are screaming for Blasi's head in Oxford? Just trying to put things in perspective when you consider the success of other coaches in college hockey.
  14. It''s probably been awhile. I swear Goehring was at least an assistant captain back in the day. Maybe there has been one since. Can't recall any.
  15. Another argument that people put for ward concerning Florida State getting approval is they only had to get approval from one tribe, and UND had to get 2. Now sure you could say that's unfair, but really it is not. Florida State had to get all namesake tribes in the state of Florida to give approval. There is only one in Florida and they gave approval. Boom, name stays. All UND had to do is get approval from both manesake tribes in the state of North Dakota. Is that fair, well you can debate that, but it is the agreement that UND signed in the settlement. Have plenty of time to gain approval from Standing Rock. They chose not to give it. Name gone. It doesn't surprise me that details of this issue get forgotten. It has been almost 10 years since this story has been going on!! It does however surprise me that people think that we can go back to being the Fighting Sioux. It's not going to happen.It sucks, I agree. But people need to accept reality.
  16. Wait wait wait.....you are throwing one of those straw man arguments out there!! You can't compare a college hockey coach career in relating to winning national championships to another college hockey coaches carrer in relating to national championships!!
  17. Great campaign, unfortunately about 6 years too late!!
  18. It's been 20 years since UND mens basketball won a regular season conference championship. You want to talk title droughts, it is much worse for other sports at UND. #hockeyproblems
  19. Honest question. Is the style of play that much different out East then it is out here in the West?
  20. National Championships do matter. Every team wants to win one at the end of the season. My point is that we are spoiled as UND fans. Sure we expect National Titles every year. But when we don't win one, some diminish the accomplishments of the season. I am not saying that I have accepted not winning National Championships and winning conference titles and making a trip to the Frozen Four is good enough. Just saying that we need to appreciate they type of program we have and appreciate that our program is at the level where we do expect national titles year in and year out. Not many programs are at that level.
  21. Sure UND has not won a title in 15 years. But the people on this board who would trade in all the success we have had in the last decade for 1 National Championship are crazy. Look at a team like Michigan State. Yep, they got their Natty in 2007. Since then, they have averaged 16 wins a season, have ZERO conference Championships, ZERO Conference Tournament Championships, ZERO Frozen Four appearences, 4 losing seasons, and have made the playoffs only 2 of the last 8 seasons since winning it all in 2007. So I will ask you, would you rather have one great year and then 8 dismal years, or cheer for a team that wins conference tournament titles, regular season titles, and makes Frozen Four apearances!!!
  22. So do you think Hac over played Zane? I mean, obviously we needed him to win games at the end of the season. Cam Johnson had his chance and he struggled so Hac went with Zane the rest of the year. But I am wondering if Zane maybe would have benefitted from some games off. I think that if Zane comes back next year, Tomek will be more that adequate as a backup where he could take the load off of Zane during the season so he can be more sharp come playoff time. Also, Tomec could learn a lot from Zane.
  23. Not meaning to split hairs, but there is a banner with the years we have "participated" in the Frozen 4.
  24. Let's put all the legal arguments behind. My question for you "no nickname" people is why do you want UND to have no nickname? Is it because you don't want UND to be known by anything other than the Fighting Sioux? Is it because no other name will even come close to being as good as Fighting Sioux? Is it because with no nickname, UND will still be unofficially the Fighting Sioux and you can yell "Go Sioux" at a game and it doensn't contradict with any other name? Is it because you want to wear your Fighting Sioux Jersey/hat/jacket/etc around town and to games still? That is what I want the "no namer" to please explain to me.
  25. Right next to the plaque for the alternates!!!
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