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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. http://siouxfb.areavoices.com/ "We are hearing UND will be getting a new sticker logo on their new helmets. We have not seen it but have been told it will be slightly different than the current “ND” sticker that they have used forever." I wonder what they are going to do to the helmet sticker? One thing I did notice when the matte helmets came out is the current shiney sticker looked weird on it. That could be it. Or, they could be making it bigger on the helmet! I guess we will wait and wee.....unless someone has some insider info!!
  2. Like I have said, name suggestions have been thrown out for way less than this!! And where are these mareketing and branding consultants that seem to have an opinion on every other nickname except this one?! I would like to hear their opinion on the branding possibilities of having no nickname!! Seems like more of an issue than what they are making with these other names they are taking exception to!
  3. No worries. A committee will be formed to sort through the names to narrow them down. Which one of the 5 is the most unique and recognizable?!!
  4. The problem is that no one can give a definitive answer whether it is misinformation or not. KG said that "North Dakota" is still an option yet he has never said that the NCAA is OK with it. If the NCAA was fine with it, you would thinkhe would say so. Can anyone say that the NCAA is ok with it? I guess only the boys in Indy can answer that question. One would think that this commitee would run that by them before the "North Dakota" option gets too far down the narrowing down process. Maybe they are just hoping that it happens naturally. But the committee could have answered this very easy question by just making a phone call to the NCAA.
  5. UND is getting a new nickname. There are 7 names left. The new nickname will be 1 of those 7 names. Roughriders is the best available option. Roughriders fits the criteria laid out by the committee more than the other 6 names left. Roughriders should be the new nickname of UND. It really is that simple.
  6. People are all up in arms about the potential of Roughriders being selected as the new nickname for UND. I get it. It's not as good as Fighting Sioux. And, maybe others that have been thrown out were better as well (Nokota, Explorers, Roughnecks, Reapers, etc). Sure, 6 months ago, Roughriders was not at the top of everyones list. There were many other options that people were backing. But now that we are left with the final 7, there are many of us that believe that this is the best possible name remaining. The new nickname will be one of these seven names. If someone can make an argument for any of the other names and why it is better than Roughriders, at this point, than I am all ears.
  7. Agreed. Names like Roughnecks, Badlanders, and Nokota were very unique names that don't look so bad know looking at what we have left. Many names were dismissed too quickley and we get stuck with the 7 we have left. Unfortunate.
  8. If UND would have decided to go with Roughriders in 2012 after the public vote to retire the name, there would have been lynch mobs with burning torches demanding that the people get a say in the process. So know that there has been overwhelming public imput into the name and full transparancy in the process, people are upset. So I guess it's a lose/lose situation. But I think that being as transparent as possible is better in the long run. Maybe Roughriders would have been selected had they nt taken public input and formed committees and had all these narrowing down procedures. Sure it may have taken more time, cost a lot more money, but the process is more accepted (not saying better) thatn a group of people in a closed room deciding on a nickname.
  9. I am hoping that no name or "North Dakota" is left off the final names that get voted on. If it is Roughriders against any other name, I think that Roughriders wins without a doubt. If North Dakota is in there, it could be close. We need a decisive super majority type of numbers for a new nickname. If 2/3 of the votes are for one name, thatn I would say that is pretty unifying.
  10. Didn't no nickname or "North Dakota" get the least number of points in the last round? Not sure how the current 7th place name can make it to the top 3!! If it makes it to the final 3, then there is a problem.
  11. LEt's pretend for a second that having no nickname is NOT and option. Let's pretend that going as just "North Dakota" is not something that people will be able to vote for. Someone tell me a better nickname for UND as of right now than Roughriders? Anyone...anyone?!!!
  12. The only criteria tha you could make an argument for the Roughriders doesn't represent is not being unique. Yes, its true that other teams at other levels in others sports are using it. But in the relm of the NCAA, no one is using it. So I will admit that Roughriders doesn't fit the criteria 100%. But it is probably at 98% of all the criteria. Which is better than 25% or worse for the other names!!
  13. THIS THIS THIS!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Very well stated. Please consider writing into the opinion section of the Herald/Forum/Birmark Tribune/etc stating this information. Hopefully the committee reads it and others as well to see that Roughriders is the only option left that wshould be considered for the new nickname.
  14. So looking at the screening filters on this score sheet, here are the ones that stand out to me: - Be unique, recognizable, inspiring, and distinctly UND - Promote a sense of pride, strength, fiercness, and passion - Be representative of the state and region in a way that honors the traditions & heritage of the past but also looks to the future. Can anyone one on the committee, or anyone else for that matter, honestly tell me how Fighting Hawks, Green Hawks, Nodaks, North Stars, Sundogs, and even North Dakota meet the criteria listed above?
  15. Hey, if a Central alum can get behind the name Roughriders, than anyone can!!!
  16. People loved the Fighting Sioux name, but people wnet gaga over the new Brien designed logo when it came out in 2001. There are people that are still pissed the only nickname and logo are never going to used again. OK, how bout you get Brien to design a "Roughrider " logo that looks similar to the Sioux logo, but still different enough so it is unique on its own. This will maybe help the die hard "Sioux forever" crowd to adjust to a logo that is similar to the old one while embracing the new name. Just my thought!!
  17. The committee developed criteria that they developed that they wanted the new nickname to have: Be unique, recognizable, inspiring, and distinctly UND’s; Promote a sense of pride, strength, fierceness, and passion; Be representative of the state and region in a way that honors the traditions and heritage of the past but also looks to the future; and Be a unifying and rallying symbol. If you look at the committees own criteria, there is really only one name that fits all of them...ROUGHRIDERS.
  18. I think the point that is being made is sales of "UND Roughrider" (for example) merchandise will be greater than the current "North Dakota, with interlocking ND" merchandise. Not the only reason to select a new nickname over having nothing, but must be taken into consideration.
  19. The potential for the NCAA to get rid of ALL native american nicknames regardless of tribal approval may still happen down the road. UND does not want to go thru all of this again if that eventually happens. Plus it is already to late to gain approval as the deadline on the settlement has already passed. Of course, there are people that believe that what is written on a settlement doesn't really matter, so... But to answer your question, the chances of that happening are about as good as one of gfhockey's GOBC statements about UND sports insider information actually being correct!!!
  20. The reason that there are many of us that don't want UND to go with no nickname is because it doen't solve anything. I basically just kicks the can down the road and opens the door for this issue to pop up in the future. Is UND in breach of conract with the settlement agreement if they choose not to have a nickname and just be "North Dakota"? That issue can and has been debated ad nauseum on this board and other places. Points can be made for bothesides. But by not having a nickname, it leaves the door open for the NCAA to take action against UND at any time down the road. Sure there is no policy that says schools must have nicknames in their bylaws right now. But that can change in a second. My questiong is would you as a fan and does UND as an institution want to really walk on egg shells hoping that the no nickname desision is going to be ok with the NCAA for many years to come? Sure Emmert may not have an issue with UND not having a new nickname. But what about the next NCAA President after him? They could review the settlement and decide that not having a new nickname doens't really retire the old nickname that UND agreed to retire. Why take the risk? We could be right back here in 5-10 years trying to come up with a new nickname. Choosing a nickname now will gaurantee that this will not be an issue dwon the road. Not selecting one leaves the door open for future problems with the NCAA.
  21. I wonder if anywone on the commitee goes on to siouxsports.com and checks out what people are saying!!
  22. Everyone has their right to their opinion. Doesn't mean that every opinion is equally valid. Concerns that have been brought up about having no nickname are more than just opinions. They are real issues that need to be brought up. Concerns with having no nickname are nothing to be ignored. They aren't scare tactics. Just becuase the majority of people want no nickname, doesn't mean that it is the right thing for UND to choose to do. Names have been dropped from consideration for WAY less than this.
  23. So how come people were annoyed by "North Dakota Nokota" but "North Dakota North Stars" doesn't seem to bother anyone?!!
  24. This whole no nickname fiasco is just getting rediculous. Watever reason you have for no nickname, that's fine. UND needs a new nickname. Adopting nothing and continueing like we are now is just a stupid option and should not even be considered. If you hava problem with that, take your nookie and blankie and go cry home to your mommy. Wa Wa Wa, we don't like any othe names, Fighting Sioux forever, North Dakota good enough for me, wa wa wa. Seriously. Time for everyone to realize that no nickname is the WRONG option moving forward with real consequences down the road.
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