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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. How bout Regulators!! (I can think of a pretty good intro song they could use)
  2. Jones is definitely on the hot seat. I would hope that BF has laid out the expectations for the team next year. ANything less than a top 4 finish in the conference is just not acceptable. If UND misses the Big Sky Tournament next year, I don't see how BF can legimitely show trust in Jones and not fire him. Of course one would have to know what expectations he has of Jones and the MBB program. If simply making it to the conference tournament in the benchmark for next season, that would be unfortunate.
  3. Hey, we went from the title game last year to last place this year!! So it can be done!
  4. "Great moments are born from great opportunity" - Herb Brooks This statement could not ring any more true for these two guys. Or anyone that has to step up and fill shoes of players that are out.
  5. Hockey is a tough guy sport. People get hurt. It is bound to happen. Has happen to many other schools this year too.
  6. When do they announce MVP of the league? I think Zano has got it in the bag!!
  7. Hopefully Kelley doesn't handle late game scenerios like Jones does!!
  8. Not having LA on the team next year is absolutely huge. He was their offense. Bisides him, they relied on 6 other guys to fill in. Losing a POY who acounted for the majority of your scoring when you have a lot of inexperience that is going to have to step up next year is a huge loss. Without LA, the Bison probably do finish where they were predicted, at around 5th. LA was one of the best players in Bison basketball history. Losing his scoring is going to tough to replace.
  9. Universities have been around a long time. I am sure there are buildings on every University that is as old as UND that could use updating.
  10. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3697116-und-nickname-committee-talks-priorities "A November 2014 survey was part of the former task force's data gathering process. It found respondents ranked having a unique name as a top priority, with several other characteristics also receiving high rankings, such promoting a sense of pride, loyalty and community togetherness." This is one thing that I, ond apparently others, expressed as being extremely important for a new nickname. Bulldogs, Panthers, Eagles, etc are just not going to cut it in my opinion. Glad to see that this is being taken into consideration.
  11. Not sure you can prevent it. There could potentially be 3 #1 seeds from the NCHC. The NCAA isn't conspiriing against leagues to make sure that 4 teams from the same conference could all get to the Frozen 4. There biggest concerns are avoiding league first round matchups, travel, and attendance.
  12. Ever watch the one where they thinks his item is worth more than what is offered and gets no money?
  13. "Students and alumni will be allowed to vote online for two; there will be a write-in option, though nothing linked to American Indians will be considered. A runoff election between the two most-popular choices will also take place online." One interesting thing that the committee will have to decide is who get's to vote for the new name? At Marquette it was students and alumni. If it were up to me, the people that would get to vote would be current students, current UND staff, alumni, Champions Club members, season ticket holders, and current Grand Forks residents. These are the people that are have the most vested interest in the school an it's athletic teams. I don't want some Bison fans in Fargo or some oil rigger in Williston deciding the name for UND. Just my opinion.
  14. Just to ease everyone's tensions for this coming series, UND has lost 3 games at home this year. Currently those teams and their PWR are #21 Bemidji, #4 Miami, and #3 Duluth. They have also had 3 ties. #9 Providence, #7 Omaha, and #8 Denver. My point is, we are a damn good team when we play at the Ralph. sure the team looks slightly different with the injuries we have. But as you cas see, Our only loss that would be considered a "bad loss" at home would be to #21 Bemidgi, and that was back in October. All the other loses/ties were were to top 10 teams!! If we play like we have been playing all season, we ain't gonna drop a game to the 50th ranked team in the country. Of course anyting can happen when you are playing a desperate team in the playoffs, but just pointing out the numbers.
  15. As many on here probably agree, next year is probably Jones' make or break year. With 1 year left on his contract after next year, BF will have to make a decision whether to extend his contract after next year. If UND misses the Big Sky Tournament and has a sub .500 record, it's gonna be hard for hime to have the confidence in Jones to extend him. Not sure how he has any now!!
  16. This^^^^^ Is the biggest issue that has been plaguing this team for years now.
  17. And how many conference titles and national titles did NDSU win in the 90's? How many playoff games did they host? That is what this discussion is about. The fact that in the 90's, UND dominated not only NDSU, but had great success in the NCC as shown by the number of conference titles. All that leading up to their National Championship in 2001. Does it get old for you having to be corrected all the time by facts?!!
  18. Really? You are questioning UND's rise to power in the 90's? Conference titles is 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999. Oh and in 2001 we won the conference, again, as well as that Natty you wanted to hear about so much. In that same time frame, NDSU won one conference title (co champs with UND in 1993). So while you and other Bison fans like to dimish any success UND football has or has had in the past, Maybe look at the stats before you make such a moronic statement!!
  19. And you think Jones and his staff are smart enough to do that? Cashman has been better than Shanks all year. But Jones continues to play Shanks. Only after we were our rebounded for the 5th or 6th consecutive game by double digits did Jones finally decide to put him in. Stuff like this is why there needs to be change to a coach who can make adjustments. Not just in game, but in season,
  20. I guess it's the way I deal with hardship. If my team is down, I think of other teams in far worse shape and it doesn't make me feel so bad!! I think we can beat CC even without Cags, Mac, and Schmaltz. As long as we have those guys (minus Mac) all back for Fargo, it's all good.
  21. Oh what a great scenerio we have playing out this year in college hockey!! UND is a conference champion, #1 team in the nation in the polls and more importantly the pariwaise.....and meanwhile, the Gophers are struggling to make the post season and the Badgers have 4 wins!!
  22. UND was the higheest seed last year but they played the late game. With Denver, Miami, and Western the other teams there last year, the NCHC put UND as the late game Friday to maximize ticket sales and attendance. Not sure if the schools had any control over that. I guess we will wait and see how many other "driving distance" schools make it. If 1 or two make it, expect UND to be the early game. Which is what I would prefer to allow our guys the most time off before potentially playing Saturday.
  23. That may be true, but they are sitting at the table rubbing their last two $1 chps together. sure they have a chip, chair, and a chance...but I deffinitely wouldn't bet on them winning even a game against us this weekend!
  24. You could look all around the country for programs who lost a significant amout of starters and still did well the next year. But it's even more obvious that it happens when the team 70 miles down the road does it!! Unfortuanately I think BF will give Jones another year to "prove" himself. In my opinion, he had his chance with the Senior class from last year. And is experiencing the hangover of not developing players as indicated by this years results.
  25. ^^^^^^^THIS Unfortunately this is one of the main reasons Jones needs to go. Instead of developing younger players, he rode those Seniors for 4 years. So the result of losing those guys? Bringing in tons of transfers and starting freshmen and expecting instant success. The problem is Jones does not know how to develop players. The Senior class from last year was one of the best classes in UND history. Yet they were a consistent .500 team all 4 years. You can get all the talent in the world, bt if the team can't play together, than they are not going to be successfull. And that responsibility falls on on coaching.
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