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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. No nickmame supporters = Fighting Sioux Forever crowd = hockey only fans. In my opinion, The majority of people in each one of these groups can be lumped in to one group. And that group are the ones that are holding back this University from moving forward. My question is are you a fan of the Fighting Sioux name, or a fan of the University of North Dakota. If you truly are a fan of the University of North Dakota, you will cheer your team on no matter what name they are called. If you are just a fan of the name and logo, you will contiue to wear your Sioux clothing at games and stubornly cheer for the old name even after a new one has been adopted. I understand the feeling that you have for the Fighting Sioux name. I have lived in Grand Forks for my entire life. Grew up cheering for the Sioux at a very young age. There is a deep sense of pride that goes with the Sioux name and the teams that played to represent it. But the time has come to accept the reality that the name is gone and it is time to move on to the next chapter of UND athletics. No one said you have to burn all your Fighting Sioux apparel and erase the momory of the Fighting Sioux name forever. All I ask is for those people to stop holding the University back and handcuffing the rest of us UND fans and join us and unite under a new name.
  2. Having the last change for the game is pretty huge. Need to contain that top line of theirs.
  3. So spend all this time gathering results from an initial survey in how a new name should be selected and determine what criteria are important, form a committee to oversee the process, take submissions of tens of thousands of people submitting their ideas and reason for a new nickname, and after all that make just "North Dakota" an option? While I get your reasoning for wanting it, I highly doubt that UND would go thru all this trouble of trying to select a new name and then make it an option to not have one. Most nlikely not going to happen. ALso, what about the people who want to move forward and select a new name that our teams and fans can rally around? I don't think having no nickname appeases them?
  4. The officiating during the entire tournament was poor. Last nigh was no exception. For as many calls that went in favor of of Duke, there were just as many calls that went in favor of the Badgers. Pretty sure the refs could have called more than 2 fouls on Sconi in the first half. You can be upset with the officiating all you want, but it did not cost the Badgers the game. Scoring only 5 points in the final 5 minutes of the game cost them the game.
  5. 4 year, 575 million construction job to update Wrigley field. Left and center field bleachers will be done mid may, and right field bleachers expected to be done a month after that. Although it did look strange seeing no fans out there, The Cubs made up for it with pictures of Mr Cub, Ernie Banks on the netting to cover the empty seats.
  6. Coyotes?? I think that one is already taken by folks down in Vermillion!!!
  7. I certainly hope you are right. And yes, I meant to include UND staff as well.
  8. One thing that kind of bugs me is listening to Goehring on UND Sports Weekly, he said that once the names have been narrowed down to 3 or 4, everyone will have an opportunity to vote. Everyone?? I have no problem with letting anyone under the sun make suggestions, because there may be a name no one has thought of. But when it comes down to actually selecting the name, I think that only stakeholders in UND atletics (Grand Forks residents, UND students, UND alumni, Champions Club members, and season ticket holders) should be allowed to decide what name UND athletic teams will be known as. I don't want some guy from Texas, a UND hating Gopher fan in Edina, or some idiot that is a regular UND basher on Bisonville to decide the nickname that UND will go by from here on out.
  9. "All names sound strange the first time you hear 'em. What, you telling me people loved the name Blanche the first time they heard it?" (Props to all who get the reference)
  10. If there was a name that was in our back pocket that everyone was on board with, it would be great. Unfortunately that is not the case. The new name is not going to get 100% approval and support the day it is announced. Some poeple will love it, others will want what they voted for, and others will still hold true and be "Fighting Sioux Forever" fans. This process isn't going to be pretty and certainly is not going to end pretty as well. I guess we can only hope that once a new name is selected, we can all rally around it and support it. Easier said than done obviously.
  11. Hak has said he would rather play in front of a packed house of the opposing team than and empty building, in regards to Regionals. I think he probably feels the same way here. I think that it will add extra motivation to beat these guys on a large stage in their home city. Not that you need extra motivation when you are playing in the National semifinal, but you can still use it.
  12. Nodaks, while I am not a big fan of, I believe is the only other name that would work. You could probably get by without even coming up with a new lgo and just use the interlocking ND. But one of the attributes the commitee is looking for is "being a unifying and rallying symbol". Does Nodaks really get me that excited? Not really.
  13. Do a quick google search for "Roughrider team" and you will see that there are several teams already called Roughriders. While it does relate to the state, it is deffinitely not unique. Any you suggest to have a logo like the Cedar Rapids one?!! I want something that not only is relative to North Dakota, but is truly unique. University of North Dakota Nokota's (Nokes) I think that they could come up with a pretty sweet logo as well.
  14. Two of the most important attributes laid out by the committee in the first survey that is mentioned on the new survey are Be unique, recognizable, inspiring, and distinctly UND’s. Be representative of the state and region in a way that honors the traditions and heritage of the past but also looks to the future. The best name that fits both these criteria is "Nokota." No other school, or team in the world, has that that name and logo for a nickname. There are tons of Warriors, Jets, Flyers, even Roughriders. But there would be only one Nokota (or Nokes). Also, this is our state horse. It is representative of the state. Nokota are unique to North Dakota. One of the many thinkgs that made "Fighting Sioux" such a great name is that is was unique and it honored the heritage of our state. Nokota does both of these as well. And is why I suubmitted it as my suggestion.
  15. Siouxperfan7


    And there are almost as many dillusional nut jobs on this site than there are on that one! (Almost).
  16. Hunters is to vague. What type of hunter? Native American Hunter? Deer hunter? Duck hunter? Cougar hunter?!!
  17. So I realize that unfortunately the expectations for next year are not lofty. But what do you think Jones has to do to keep his job? He has 2 years left on his deal and would most likely be either let go or sign a long term contract. What are some things that must happen for Jones to be the coach in 2016-2017? .500 record? Win against USD/SDSU/USD? Win big time power conference opponent? Making the Big Sky Tourney?
  18. University of North Dakota Peregrines!! http://www.grandforksherald.com/outdoors/3711215-grand-forks-peregrines-gear-mate
  19. His personel push up coach was pretty decent. Other than than, no!
  20. New thread title..."If Zane let's in more goals than we score, we are going to lose"
  21. Dude, it's 2015. Get the Watch ESPN app. Watch it online. It's gonna be ok.
  22. There are 2 names that I think will be on the short list of 3 to be voted on. Nodaks and Nokota. I think these have the best chance to be a decent nickname moving forward. Here is why I think why: Nodaks: Many people are, to put it lightly, less than excited to choose a entirely new name and logo. They don't want to be known as anything else if it's not the Fighting Sioux. Some of these people you can classify then as the "no namers" who simply think "North Dakota" with no nickname is good enough. Well, being known as the Nodaks might be a middle ground compromise that they and others may rally around. If UND simply adopted the name "Nodaks" they really don't have to come up with a new logo. The interlocking ND has been used at UND for decades. Simple adding Nodaks below the ND logo would give us a name, but we wouldn't have to change too much. Old jerseys from teams in the past ,basketball I know for sure, had "Nodaks" on them. So its not like we haven't gone by it before. Not having to come up with a new logo is something many don't want to do. Picking Nodaks keeps the logo in place and gices UND a nickname without having to change things drastically. Nokota: Now there are those that want a new name and a new logo and a new identity. One thing I and others said in the survey was that they wanted something original. Something that no other school has. Well Nokota is exactly that. Cannot get any more original than that. To my knowledge, no atheltic team is called the Nokota. Itis the state horse of North Dakota. And its history is specific to being only from North Dakota. There is the potential for a pretty sweet new logo to be designed as well. A new logo that people really liked would go a long way. Of course it has already been mentioned that you could shorten it to "Nokes" if you wanted. Those are the best options I see out there.
  23. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!
  24. Get your vote in!! http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/3708146-submissions-new-und-nickname-accepted-throughout-april
  25. I get it that you are mad that the Fighting Sioux name is gone. I am there with ya. It sucks. It was a great name and the tribes supported it. One tribe wasn't given a chance to voice their approval and that's unfortunate. So I am trying to figure out why you and others are mad at Kelley. Is it because he is the current President of the university and as one of his jobs he is in charge of overseeing the process of selecting a new name? If it were Tom CLifford or any other president in charce right now would you be as mad at them as you are Kelley? Possibly you are just focusing your frustration at Kelly because you need someone to cpmplain about and Mark Emmert is just too far away to complain about. I am not here to defend Kelley for everything he does. But you are really focusing your frustration on the wrong person. He was not even president of UND when the NCA came out with their list of "hostile and abusive" names. I understand you are mad. But be mad at the right people. Be mad at the NCAA for coming up with a rediculous ruling. Be mad at our State congressman for not taking a bigger stand. Be mad at the Standing Rock tribal council who would not allow its tribal members to vote on the issue knowing that their would be overwhelming support. Kelley is simply moving us forward to selecting a new name. Which we must do. So I get it. you and others can be mad at the situation. But be mad at the right people.
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