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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Tom Buning. What a joke!! Jones is the hangover from the debacle and it's lasted 9 years!!
  2. Crazy to think that both Ben Jacobson and Greg McDermott were both here as assistants, and at the same time!! Would have been nice to snag one of those guys before they landed head coaching jobs!!
  3. YEah, not sure why they did that. Teams get reseeded. Remember, we played Miami in the semi finals last year since they were the lowest seed to get there and we were the highest seed there. Otherwise we would have played Denver last year in the semis.
  4. Big Sky officials quietly cheering for Sac State to lose tomorrow. Doubt they want to showcase their prestigious league tournament on ESPN from a wellness center!!
  5. The pressure is all on Miami. They need to sweep. Our boys already have one hand on the cup. Banner is already being ordered. I think they boys in red will be playing a little tight in front of a sold out crowd. Our boys will be playing inspred hockey to win it for their Captain back hope. That being said, 5-2 Sioux!!
  6. So I think this has been brough up before, but basketball at the Ralph for non NDSU games has already been done. If the UND athletic department felt like it was beneficial to keep doing it, they would have kept doing it. In my opinion, basketball games at the Ralph are awful for atmosphere. Unless you have a team like NDSU, it is a dead enviroment. Pack out the Betty for games and get that place rocking. If the demand for tickets is consistently esceeding what the Betty can provide, then we can have a discussion. But until then, keep games at the Betty.
  7. The NCAA says that UND must select a new name. That part is cleary stated in the settlement. The reason behind it is that not having a name would result in fans just using the Fighting Sioux name unnoficially as their mascot. Replacing it with nothing results in continues use of the old name. The NCAA knew this would happen. And they were right. It is still happening. We haven't officially been the Fighting Sioux for nearly 3 years and people still refer to the teams as the Sioux. This is precisely why the NCAA mandated in the settlement that we must select a new name.
  8. I'd worry about Miami having a goali that shows up!! Zing zing!!
  9. http://www.ag.nd.gov/ncaa/SettlementAgreement.pdf - (Page 5) "If UND does not adopt a new nickname and logo, or if the transition to a new nickname and logo is not completed prior to August 15, 2001, then UND will be returned to the list of institutions subject to the Policy. In the event UND secures namesake approval but such approval is withdrawn after Novenber 30,2010, UND shall have 1 year to complete transition to a new nickname and logo, unless the parties mutually agree to a period of time longer than one year" Now of course the dates of the deadlines got all messed up with the law that the North Dakota Legislature passed. But the premise still remains, a new name must be selected. The NCAA is being pretty relaxed on the "period longer than one year" timeframe. Basically giving UND all the time they need. As long as they see that a process to replace it is in place. If UND were to announce that they were just going to be known as "North Dakota", the NCAA would have exception to that.
  10. Can people please realize that just being "North Dakota" is NOT an option? The settlement agreement that UND signed clearly states that. The NCAA made sure that UND would have to select a new nickname because having none would result in the perpetual use of the old one. Any you cannot deny that is not currently happening right now. So if you think that having no name and just being known as "North Dakota" is an option....I am hear to inform you that you are dead wrong and that it is absolutely without a doubt not an option for UND.
  11. I am not sure the boards have ever been taken out. Every event I have been too at the Ralph, the boards are always up.
  12. I hat to break it to hos friends contacting him, but President Kelley did not get rid of the name. The Spriit Lake Tribal Coucil effectively did by not giving the tribal members a vote. I agree that he is sincere about his comments and I agree with him. But that ship has sailed, sunk, been discovered, and hade a sappy love story movie made about it already!!
  13. Didn't INCH shut down a year or so ago because they offered an inferior service to USCHO and CHN? I guess I would be bitter too!!
  14. The empty netter to seal the deal in Boston on Saturday night will make uip for all the ones we missed this season!!
  15. The one thing that needs to be looked at is , yes, losing Mac especially in regards to his faceoff ability is huge. But we were awful in faceoffs on Friday with him in the lineup. Faceoffs can improve without Mac in the lineup.
  16. Just to show how this Athletic Department values it's mens basketball program, how long do you think Hak would have been around with a .500 record for the past 9 years?!! I doubt he would have made it to year 5!! Not sure how you can look at the record the past 9 years and honeslty think that Jones is doing a great job. sure you can have a couple rebuilding seasons, much like this year. But to have the same result year in and year out and expect things to drastically change is rediculous!!
  17. With that type of blue line defense and goaltending, you guys should be sitting in first place in the conference by at least 6 points...........oh wait
  18. However, the 6 times he said it during the comeback game against the Gophers in the Final 5 was pretty awesome!!
  19. So I guess we shouldn't expect any demands by our Bison trolls to have him kicked off the team for a Class B Misdemeanor. Certainly not worse than a Class A misdemanor!!
  20. I wonder if Leopold will make his daughter his new agent!! http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25088834/look-jordan-leopolds-daughter-wrote-wild-to-trade-for-her-dad
  21. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If Kelly decides on a nickname with no input from stakeholders, he is critisized for not taking the advice of the people. Drag the process out and form committees to give people a sense of being a part of the process, critisized for dragging out the process.
  22. Oh and one other thing that you and others seem to fail to realize. Even if UND would have gotten full support from both tribes and Kelley would have spear headed the effort, the FACT is that the Big Sky, and other conferences we were looking at joining (Summit/MVFC), had an issue with our native American name. Having the Fighting Sioux name after the NCAA came out against them in 2005 became a problem for many Universities. For a school that just reclassified to D1 and in search of conference affiliation, it became a big problem.
  23. The Standing Rock tribal council was never going to put it up for a vote and let the people decide and thus was never going to give approval of the Sioux name. The settlement agreement gauranteed that the name would be retired. What was Kelley supposed to do? Sure he could have renounced the NCAA about how stupid they were with this policy, but what good would that have done? Was he supposed to go to the Standing Rock Tribe and get on his knees in front of the tribal council and beg? So please tell me some actions Kelley could have legitimitely done that would have let UND keep the Fighting Sioux name? Because they way I see it, there was very little he could have done based on the fact that any actions that could have been done wwould have to have taken place before he took office.
  24. Another reason why displaying the sign was dumb. Writing an opinion piece in the Herald or the Dakota Student expressing your reasons why you believe Kelley should be fired would get your point across much better than a vague banner at a hockey game. Sure, the banner is getting more attention, but again that brings me back to the point that it was more about the kids than the actual message they were trying to get across. These students knew they were going to be approached by REA officials and most likeley would have to take down the sign. So instead of creating a discussion about the reasons they feel Kelley is to be fired in the appropriate way, all they ended up doing is creating a discussion about a sign and a couple kids having to take i down and whetehr or not they were kicked out of the game or not. Again, making it about themselves and not the issue.
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