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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. If "North Dakota" is going to be on the final list to be voted on, I don't think that it is too much for anyone to ask UND to provide a statement from the NCAA stating that having no nickname and just being North Dakota is a viable option moving forward. Goehring, Kelley, the committee, etc seem so confident that it is still an option that it should be pretty easy for them to provide that information. It's kind of the big elephant in the room. One statement from the NCAA that supports their claim would clear everything up. Why haven't we seen this?
  2. There were really good names that were thrown out for WAY less then the name "North Dakota". Of all the names suggested, "North Dakota" has to be the most controversial. Yet it still remains.
  3. I just wish that someone "in the process" would come out and say that the NCAA has approved all the names left on the list including remaining just North Dakota. Maybe they will in the near future. Until then, I am going to remaing skeptical that the NCAA is going to allow it.
  4. So all the people that voted for "North Dakota", what are your reasons? - The other 14 names aren't good enough? - No name can ever replace Fighting Sioux? - It is unique to be the only school to be without a nickname? - Want to stick it to the NCAA for dropping our old name by not selecting a new one? - By not selecting a new name and being "North Dakota" UND can still unofficially be known as the Fighting Sioux? Or are there other reasons out there.
  5. The final 15 can be put into 4 categories: Good Roughriders Cavalry OK, but could live with Explorers Nodaks Too generic Fighting Hawks Green Hawks Thunderhawks Northstars North Dakota Just plain awful Blaze Fighting Green Force Pride Spirit Sundogs
  6. DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!!! This is EXACTLY why UND must adopt a new nickname. and is EXACTLY why it was laid out in the settlement agreement. It wasn't there by accident.
  7. Don't need to be a lawyer to understand what a settlement says. Please point out anything in my post that is not a fact?
  8. Many have said that it is an option. But has anyone asked the NCAA if having no nickname is an option? Or does it violate the settlement agreement? If it doesn't, then let "North Dakota" move forward in the nomination process. But I just want Goehring, Kelley, Faison, whoever to say that they have asked the NCAA if being ""North Dakota" is a vialble nickname for UND, and they have said that it is. So far I have not heard that from anyone. My thought on this is not baseless. I am reading the settlement afreement. Which is a legal document. Until I see evidence that says otherwise that North Dakota does not have to adopt a new nickname, then I will stick with that. YOu are right. There is no bylaw saying that any University needs a nickname. But UND signed a legal document saying they will adopt a new one. This isn't a baseless argument.
  9. And the Herald will just keep referring to UND as the "Green and White". Is this what you "Just stay North Dakota" people want? Because that is exactly what is going to happen.
  10. There are several reasons that we shouldn't be just "North Dakota. Notheing new. Settlement, without a nickname people can still refer to UND as the Fighting Sioux, no name on the list is better, etc, etc, etc. But when you think about it, having no nickname is just one of the stupidest ideas ever. People say "Hey, it's unique, we would be the only school without one!!" Well that's a pretty stupid reason. there is a reason that every other school out there has a mascot. It's because it gives an identity to the athletic teams and the school in general. Going without a nickname is just a dumb idea. Plain and simple.
  11. Tim Miller tweeted the other day that no one yet has asked if just "North Dakota" is an option. Seriously?? You are a sports reporter for the Herald?!! YOU ask the question. To Kelley, Goehring, Faison, whoever!! The question needs to be asked if UND officials and the committee have asked the NCAA if being just "North Dakota" with no nickname is allowed. IMO it directly violates the settlement agreement. I have yet to year Goehring or anyone in the nickname committee say "We checked with the NCAA and they said being just North Dakota is fine." YOu would think that at some point before a vote, UND submits all the names left and asks the NCAA if the names are permissable. Am I being to logical here?!!
  12. Continuing to play simply as “North Dakota” is still an option. Goehring said in his experience with the last task force, many alumni were in favor of it. “They saw it as a way to stay unique, to stay themselves,” he said. “People felt forced by the NCAA, and they feel it’s a way to make a statement that that's who they are as alumni.” Is it still an option?? What do the boys in Indianapolis think? Has anyone on the committe (especially the chair) looked into this yet? Sure its the overwhelming favorite, but that may not matter!!
  13. Be unique, recognizable, inspiring, and distinctly UND’s; Promote a sense of pride, strength, fierceness, and passion; Be representative of the state and region in a way that honors the traditions and heritage of the past but also looks to the future; and Be a unifying and rallying symbol.
  14. I am wondering how narrowed down the list will be before UND presents the options to the NCAA to see if the remaining names will meet the settlement agreement and get approval from the NCAA. I have yet to read anywhere that says that this is part of the process. A good question to ask Goehring. I would really hoope that they do that before "North Dakota" is overwhelming ly voted for and then we are told by the NCAA that is not an option and then we just fall back on he runner up as our new nickname.
  15. I think that if Red River High School is not the "Roughriders" then we probably would not being having any of thise fiasco going on. Because it would be the obvious choice. It is a name that fits the criteria laid out by the committee. So should we really throw it out and setle for a name like Sundogs or Pride because a local high school already uses it? Pick your poison, but I would rather be the Roughriders and share the name with RRHS than be one of the other lame names.
  16. Also, look at the list of the nicknames left and tell me which names fit into the criteria laid out by the commitee? . Be unique, recognizable, inspiring, and distinctly UND’s; Promote a sense of pride, strength, fierceness, and passion; Be representative of the state and region in a way that honors the traditions and heritage of the past but also looks to the future; and Be a unifying and rallying symbol. To me there are only 2 names that fit all the criteria laid out by the committee. Roughriders and Cavalry. The rest have no unique ties to the state AT ALL!! So choosing between those, the best option IMO is Roughriders. And from a marketing standpoint, there are some great options for a logo and mascot.
  17. One thing that must be looked at now is figuring out a potential logo that will go with each name. I really hope that the committee is considering this, or at least the consultant they are paying thousands of dollars is considering this as well moving forward. So what the logo's be for these nicknames left? Blaze - a flame? our colors are green white and black. So a green flame? Cavalry - Teddy Roosevelt. Man on a horse with a sword... Explorers - Lewis and Clark? Fighting Green - ?? Fighting Hawks - some variation of a hawk. has many options Force - ? Green Hawks - some variationg of a hawk that is green, again many options Nodaks - current interlocking ND is really the only one that would work North Dakota - surrent interlocking ND I guess. or a current alternate logo we already have. Nothing to exciting. North Stars - Old Minnesota North star logo? (probably can't use) A star? Pride - only option is some sort of lion mascot Roughriders - Teddy Roosevelt, man on a horse (similar to options for Cavalry) Spirit - ???? Sundogs - a raibow around a piece of ice?!!!! Thunderhawks - what the hell is a thunderhawk
  18. I thought I also read that only 3 timeouts will carry over to the second half for the men. That will deffinitely speed up games down the stretch.
  19. Don't forget. "Oh yeah, and its the National Championship game and our fans have been hungry for a title for over a decade. And, if you lose, they will blame you and probably start a thread about you on Siouxsports.com to get rid of you"
  20. I should have said "UND fans can stop riping him". Philly fans, have at it. Its in their blood to be pissed off at their sport teams and coaches!!
  21. Do you not remember the Cam Johnson experiment in the Lake Superior State game? Not sure what would make any coach pull Zane at any time during the playoffs. So that is celarly not an option. While I agree that the coach has a lot to do with how a team plays, in the end it is the payers. So sick of hearing how Hak gets the blame for all these FF loses. How bout putting a little blame on the players? There the ones that are out there. Either way, I just hope all the Fire Hak (and now Fire Berry) nonsense can just go away. Coaches put teams in posistions to win and to win big games. And Hak has done that for 11 years hear at UND. Hak is gone. People can stop riping on him now.
  22. Winning a Championship doesn't define your abilities as a player or coach. Sure it plays a big role in where you stand with your conterparts. But because Hak failed to win a National Title, it doesn't make him a bad coach. Hate to use the Dan Marino analogy here, but it applies. What Hak did during his time at UND is pretty impressive, and I am talking about more than just wins and loses.
  23. I honestly believe that Studsrud will be the guy week 1. Obviously if things don't go well for him, we have a more than capable backup with Bartels and even Molberg. But from what I am hearing, the coaches are pretty high on Studsrud after spring ball.
  24. House the opening kickoff, get 2 pick 6's, and return a fumble for a TD and we will be fine!!
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