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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. If the students intended it to be related, it was very dumb on their part. Kelley had absulutely nothing to d0 with the name being retired. Sure he is involved in replacing it, but to be mad at Kelley for the NCAA coming up with a policy and the Standing Rock tribe not giving approval is just idiotic.
  2. Yet another example of the loud, vocal minority protesting something and making it more about themselves than the actual issue. If it was about the issue, these students would have held the sign up in the first period right when the game started. Instead, they "conveniently" did it in the waning seconds when the game was all but over. So to me, watching the entire game was more important than the message they were trying to convey with the sign. Agree that these types of protests have a time and place. Typically if it is the wrong time an/or place, you will usually know it because you will be asked to stop your protesting actions.
  3. Compared to 14 Titles by that other school in town in that same time frame! Wait, I thought Central was the dominant power in not only this town but the state?!! (I kid also)
  4. When did the sign actually get displayes? I wasn't there, but I am hearing that is was very late in the third period. So it is a possiblilty that by the time that these kids were done meeting with REA officials, the game was already over.
  5. Like I said. You can be upset with what Kelley has done in regards to the process of retiring the Fighting Siouc name. But he had nothing to do with the actual decision to retirement of the name. Of course one of his responsiblilities when he was hired was to handle the retirement of the name. People, especially these students, are mad at the wrong person. RObhert Kelley did not retire the Fighting Sioux name. The NCAA did. Be mad at them. Make a sign voicing your upset with the NCAA. Placing blame on the wrong person makes you look like a fool.
  6. Hey dan, instead of continueing the drumbeat of ripping on UND and pumping your chest about NDSU and their successes, why don't you actually use your eyes and brain, read the sentences you are commenting on, and actually comment on what is being discussed. Your 3rd grade responses to adult topics really make you to look the fool. Welcome to an adult conversation. If that is to much for you to handle, head back over to Bisonville with the other 20 yr olds. Might fit in better over there, intelectually!
  7. I'll put the debate on whether or not these kids had the right to hold up that sign or not aside for a second. What were these kids protesting? Kelly's involvement in the retirement of the Fighting Sioux nickname? First of all, the settlement was signed before Kelley even took office. So To think Kelley is the one that somehoe worked with the NCAA to get rid of the name is wimply wrong. Second, the two involved were a freshman and a sophomore. So that means that they were still in elelmentary school when all this went down initially. Now Of course they are college kids and could have dome some research of what has happened in the last 10 years regarding the Fighting Sioux name in that time. It is well documented. Obviously they didn't. Now you can be upset with how Kelley is handling the issue, that's fine. But to me these kids are upset about the retirement of the name. Blaming Kelley for the initial ritrement of the name is idiotic because he was not even here when it all went down. Now of course these kids could have been protesting the cancellation of Springfest, well then that'sa different thing. And outside the student population, you won't gain much support there.
  8. Dean Blaise 2009 - Present!!
  9. I have an "odd" feeling that this is Red River's year!! Go Riders!!
  10. I thought that if a player commits to a school and the coach leaves for another coaching job, that commit can follow the coach there (if he wants them and there is a spot open of course) and the player does not have to sit out a year. If a coach is fired and the player has already signed his letter of intent, if they wanted to play somewhere else they would have to sit out a year. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that is how it works.
  11. Best moments that stand out in my mind from that era (in no particular order) - Digger's tackle on 4th down to seal the voctory against the Bison in 2003. - Mustard's tip toe TD against Pitt State. - "The Catch" in Florence. - Goal line stand against UC Davis and how rocking the Alerus was that game. - First NDSU game at the Alerus. Tailgate lot was packed. Place was filled to the rafters. Endzone concourse was 3 rows deep. - Fist game at the Alerus in 2001. Not so much a great game but a great experience being at the new home of UND football!!
  12. I think any team in the same situation that past Sioux teams have been in would be tight. These are semi final and National Championship games. Whether you are UND, Minnesota, or RIT. Every team is going to be gripping their sticks a little tighter due to espectations by their coaches and fans. Pressure gets to a lot of teams. Probably and overused statement, but the team that can rise above that pressure and execute their gameplanthe best at the end of the season will most likely be hoiting the trophy at the end of the year. I feel that past Sioux teams have tightened up and looked to their big name guys (Parise, Toews, Oshie, Frattin, Kristo, Rocco, etc) to pull them through. SOmetimes that happens, but most often it doesnt. This years team is different IMO. Sure we have guys that can score, Cags, Parks, Mac, but I feel that we are more balanced this year. We can score from all 4 lines. If the promary scorers aren't scoring, I feel that the other lines are talented enough to step up. As shown by games this year.
  13. The Bison. Not like they were a top 25 ranked team last year. A lot of teams beat teams that made it to the round of 32 last year. Big deal!!
  14. SOmeone maybe metioned this before, but I would love to see the interlocking ND logo bigger on the helmets. Speaking of the grey helmets from the past, I believe they were bigger than the current size.
  15. I loved this concept. Mainly because there is far less striping on the jersey and socks. Seriously...I can't stop looking at this concept and thinking how awesome it would be to see the players wear these as I am sitting in the stands wearing the same one!!
  16. I was referrring to those that are Champion Club members who don't have season hockey tickets or that want to purchase more.
  17. Right. That is what I was thinking. I assume if we climch they will go on sale next week sometime. Anyone remember hearing if Champions club gets first crack or do they all get relased at the same time?
  18. Anyone know when quarterfinal NCHC series tickets go on sale? Do they wait until the week before or when we are gauranteed home ice?
  19. What if their happened to be an "accident" where someone turned the heat up and the ice melted mysteriously!!
  20. Maryland has a big M logo much like Michigan and Minnesota, but they found a way to coexist in the same conference!! Notre Dame wanted in the NCHC. But the NCHC didn't want to give them all the power and give in to all their demands. Similar logos had nothing to do with it. Not sure where you heard that!!
  21. How similar is the offence/defense/etc compared to what Kleiman runs at NDSU? You would think they would have similar run teams since Keiman was under Bohl for so long. Anyone notice similarities from last year? If so, the Wyoming game would deffinitely help us prepare for the Bison 2 weeks later.
  22. I too had no idea who this guys was till today. Guy doesn't eben know how to talk smack?!! He says "Might be time to start a new conference." So I assume he is ripping on UND and other NCHC schools for breaking away from the WCHA/CCHA. Hey moron, wouldn't have had to happen if the BTHC wasn't formed!! The ignorance is stron with this one!!
  23. I am not saying that it went down drastically. That is why I used the term "less and less". You can't deny that less Sioux apparel is being sold at stores. Even the Sioux Shop. So as a result, they are coming out with new "North Dakota " merchandise. I myself have bought just "North Dakota" gear in the last year. I know I am not the only one. Obviosly hockey is going to have the most Sioux gear because their former jerseys displayed the logo more prominitely than any other sport. But you have to admit that there are more of the new North Dakota jerseys than there were the previous years. I was at the basketball game on Saturday and I would say that it was 60/40 in regards to Sioux/just north dakota apparel. I am not trying to get in a big argument about the numbers, but to say that people are not slowly transitioning away from wearing Sioux apparel at games is just wrong.
  24. Remember when we lost to the worst team in the league at home? That is why there is frustration with this team and the head coach. Sure you can say they are righ where they are predicted to be (9th), but a loss like the one we saw on Saturday is one that can turn the fanbase. Much like the back to back thumpings in football we had in 2013 from the Montana schools. So while I still think Jones is a good coach and a great recruiter, the low attendance, frustration by fans, and losing the majority of home games (especially winneable ones) may be too much to overcome for Jones. That being said, I think Jones will still be here next year. Deffinitely agree that it will be his make or break year. Finish in the Top 3 of the Big Sky and make it to the Tournament Championship game, then sign him on. Have another season like this year, and it would be pretty hard to defend extending his contract.
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