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SIOUX @ Western Michigan - SATURDAY Gameday


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I called the 3-1 game last night so here's to the "Stonestradmous" sweep!!!


Chyz, Parks (had a tough game last night. Needs a bounce back), N. Schmaltz and Pogo

Think Parks shouldv slowed it down a little on that break away last night, think he mightv scored then.

4-1 Parks, Mac, Caggiula, Poolman or Schmaltz, i feel a goal coming from him. Zane cant handle a shutout so puts the puck in the net himself lol, sorry cant help the smartassness

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NCHC TV doesn't have a production crew. They just pickup and stream the games from each NCHC teams local coverage. So far this year, the away games I have watched have been good quality. Don't know if WMU games are broadcast from a local network or a student production. Student productions can be pretty shakey. You will get homer announcer/s either way. We use Apple TV with an Ipad. Works slicker than snot on a doorknob.

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The only thing I dread about student productions is inexperienced cameramen.   Hockey can be impossible to watch if the cameraman zooms in too close is always chasing around to follow the puck.    

A good dose of dramamine helps. Alaska Anchorage used to be the worst. Literally would get seasick. Their announcer was a champ though. Did the whole production by himself. They also had great commercials.

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I feel like I've read before (maybe it was MACtion on this site) that the WMU quality has been historically pretty poor but has been getting better. I might just be misremembering though.

They didn't do an hd production early in the year but were supposed to be upgrading equipment. Don't know if they have.

The picture was terrible early; have not checked it out since.

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Since I don't believe WMU has a TV broadcast, I'm betting they'll do as some other teams do and use radio play-by-play synced with the video. I remember in CC's case, that didn't always line up right, which was super annoying. I'm just happy to watch it though. When I had cable last year, though MidcoSN broadcasts were great, having to pay for away feeds (if they were even offered) was lame. Now I can basically watch every game. If they're not on NCHC.tv I can go be social and watch on TV somewhere.


Last night, Western had tons of chances early where Zane or the D stood tall. After that, even though the shots were in Western's favor, I never felt the game was in jeopardy. Tonight should be intense, as Western was obviously a little ticked with the outcome last night. Go in there, take three more points, and come home! Let's say 5-3 Sioux.

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