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I believe that would be Mr. Wrigley, himself.  


Lt. Gov. Wrigley has never served in the state legislature so I don't believe that.


This law started out as HB1204 (per Port's blog).


The authors of that bill were: 

Representatives Nathe, Kreun, Schatz, Streyle, Sukut, Thoreson, Williams

Senators Flakoll, Hogue, Lyson, Poolman



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Lt. Gov. Wrigley has never served in the state legislature so I don't believe that.

This law started out as HB1204 (per Port's blog).

The authors of that bill were:

Representatives Nathe, Kreun, Schatz, Streyle, Sukut, Thoreson, Williams

Senators Flakoll, Hogue, Lyson, Poolman


Sounds like a good list of names for clarification.

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In their defense, there isn't really anything for a donor to donate to at NDSU that would do any good in advancing academics.  Saying that, I predict that absolutely nothing will happen.  The fact that Port brought it up makes it even less likely to get any attention as the guy and his blog have zero credibility.  He's a political bomb thrower know for his hatred of higher education and thus has marginalized himself.  UND might as well start doing this same thing.   NDSU plays fast and loose with the rules constantly and suffers zero repercussions. 

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Absolutely against the intent of the program, but with Wrigley the "man-in-waiting" to become the next ND governor, I doubt they allow this to get much attention.



UND might as well start doing this same thing. 


Agree and agree. 


Can UND "re-assign" some of the Spirit Campaign donations and claim them against this?

Heck, I bet some of the Spirit Campaign funds were earmarked for academics. 


Time for DCZ to get busy ... 

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The problem is that 8 of the 11 schools heard and obided by the rules were when they were explained.  The schools were told that "absolutely NO athletics or brick and mortar for athletics are to be involved in this".  So UND complied, even when they have the IPF going on, along with the same scholarship issues everyone has.  


NDSU hadn't used up their pool of money yet so they pushed through those athletic endowments at the very end to try and get more of their money.  UND had already used their pool up with the Med school, Law school, etc. but could have put some athletics in their originally had they known that Wrigley wasn't going to stick to his own rules.


As you can see from the article, Deanna Zink even called out Wrigley and he still let them go through.  

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As you can see from the article, Deanna Zink even called out Wrigley and he still let them go through.  


Seems Lt. Gov. Wrigley learned "government accounting" well during his time as a Federal prosecutor: Spend all your budget or you won't get as much next year.  :crazy:

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Phase 2 of the IPF will do more to further academics than more athletic scholorships.  If what FU, Dickinson and Minot did is OK, UND better get on board and take advantage to the state gov't mismanagement of these funds.


Also, how much money will this free up for the addional cost of scholorships. 

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The problem is that 8 of the 11 schools heard and obided by the rules were when they were explained.  The schools were told that "absolutely NO athletics or brick and mortar for athletics are to be involved in this".  So UND complied, even when they have the IPF going on, along with the same scholarship issues everyone has.  


NDSU hadn't used up their pool of money yet so they pushed through those athletic endowments at the very end to try and get more of their money.  UND had already used their pool up with the Med school, Law school, etc. but could have put some athletics in their originally had they known that Wrigley wasn't going to stick to his own rules.


As you can see from the article, Deanna Zink even called out Wrigley and he still let them go through.  


I seem to recall the new UAS center, AKA Robin Hall, which is going up on the western edge of campus, also used challenge fund matching dollars. I think UND did nice things with its money... it is just interesting to me to see where individual institutions are investing this money.

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Seems Lt. Gov. Wrigley learned "government accounting" well during his time as a Federal prosecutor: Spend all your budget or you won't get as much next year.  :crazy:


The money was going to get spent either way.  What was left over from each school would go back into a new pool and everyone could start applying for the left over money.  

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The money was going to get spent either way.  What was left over from each school would go back into a new pool and everyone could start applying for the left over money.  

This.  They couldn't secure the proper type of donations and did an end-around at the end otherwise the leftover funds would have been available for other schools to compete for. 

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This. They couldn't secure the proper type of donations and did an end-around at the end otherwise the leftover funds would have been available for other schools to compete for.

If that's the case, I say this total is not awarded to FU next go around.

Aren't they the same college who complains about funding consistently? When they have the opportunity to get it they spend it on athletic scholarships. Some questions need to be asked

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If that's the case, I say this total is not awarded to FU next go around.

Aren't they the same college who complains about funding consistently? When they have the opportunity to get it they spend it on athletic scholarships. Some questions need to be asked

I think they should have to return the $150K they got in matching funds.  As should Minot State and Dickinson State.  Make them explain to the donors that they don't understand how rules work.


Yes.  Yes. And yes.

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Here: http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/grants-intended-exclusively-academics-used-athletic-scholarships/


Not a direct quote from DCA but minutes from the meeting where she asked about it. 


Serious question - Is this a legislature issue?  Or whomever was on the Challenge Fund committee (thinking Wrigley in particular)?  Or something that is just going to get swept under the rug per usual?

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