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The Sicatoka

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LOL, Sioux fans bitching at each other after a loss. What is this POI? Is it time to start naming individuals who haven't lived up to expectations. Senior Forward, 22 games played, 1 goal, Hale. Let's replace him with someone who wants to play and has some heart. Palmo. Schneider, 23 games, 2 goals. We sure do miss what he was able to contribute offensively like last year.

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Good points, but I am thinking of a season not long ago (lasty year!) when a

#1 rated Sioux team got in a rut and tanked the season.  Apples to Oranges one season to the next, but I am firm on my previous post on what this team needs to realize and wake up.

Last year's team was a shadow of this year's team...they were not a good team last year. Many feel they were ranked #1 because of a front-weighted and light home schedule. When they finally hit the road, reality came around. They lost to WI last year at home on Saturday (as I recall)... Even so, I'll never forget the back to back OT victories on Saturday and then Sunday against Denver in the play-in games last season...I've never seen a more thrilling five minutes of hockey in my life - I'll bet that's how the WI fans felt tonight...

Anyway, they started this season #6 and it was pretty obvious early on that this team was for real...this is a different team, very different. And much better.

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I'm with 7>4, and others. For crying out loud, this is the WCHA, and we were playing a damned good, and well-coached, Wisconsin team that needed a win, badly. On the road no less.

Some of us seem to think that this Sioux team walks on water. Well, they do not. Never did. A loss here is not the end of the world. Better now than six weeks from now. The Dean will use this as a coachable moment or two.

It is good for all of us to remember that we are leading the toughest league in the country, and that every night, especially on the road, especially in Wisconsin, is a challenge. You don't think that a tough OT loss in a packed hostile house may not help build some character? You don't think that the bad taste in the mouth might be a good thing? Let them taste defeat now so they know how distasteful it is.

Come March, hopefully, in a packed Excel, we face the Gophers before a hostile crowd. Come April, hopefully, in a packed Fleet Center, we face the Eagles before a hostile crowd. The lessons learned from tonight will go a long way then.

If you're not on this train, then you're off it. I do not much appreciate those who jump on and off at the drop of a pin, or at the first sight of a hard fought OT loss.

What'd you think, we'd go undefeated from here on in?

By the way, the Eagles tied a mediocre Merrimack team on Thursday. For those of you who worry so dearly, here's my wager that we'll still be atop the polls, and the rankings, come next Wednesday.

Another great night of college hockey. Let's leave it at that, eh, and avoid the temptation to kick the dog, yell at the kid, or neglect the spouse.

After all, the Fighting Sioux are much, much bigger than one lousy loss in Wisconsin.

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No reason to press the panic button after tonight. Yes, it was a tough loss...but it will be interesting how the lads respond to what is basically the first shred of adversity they've faced all season. I for one think they will come out flying tomorrow night, and will get the two points. That will leave us in first place by one point with four weeks to go, which ain't bad.

If there was a silver lining for tonight's game, it is that the number one PP unit of Genoway-Jones-Money Line is really starting to click.

Twenty-four hours from now, this little bump in the road will be but a distant memory.

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CRAP! ANd I was pulling for you guys tonight too! DANG IT! BEAT THE RED MENACE!


The one good thing out of this is that Wisco moves ahead of Minny. Sorry WPoS. ;)

I really want Minny to get stuck in the play in game. I'm hoping it might hurt them come the NCAAs as far as being fresh.

Lets see...we score 3 goals in the first. Played excellent hockey and controlled the period. Then we thought we could coast. Then came the third. Our period. Oops. That didn't work either. This is good for us. We lost in the third. Blew three goals. Now they hopefully realize that you have to play a full game. We can't just count on coming back in the third.

The Kohl center reminded me of the Old Ralph when we came back against Minny all those times. 15,000 chanting people is tough to go against and we'll see it again in Boston.

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I'm much calmer now.

My apologies to everyone including CRR and UMD. Got a little too pissed off.

Yes, BC tied Merrimack (the same team that gives Maine fits along with Providence every year). They play again on Sunday against BU so it would be a close game.

IF we win tommorrow and BC loses, we could keep #1. If not, I do not anticipate falling beyond #3 due to our strength of schedule and the fact that most of the others in the top ten are playing non conference or less powerful teams. BTW Maine squeaked by Alabama Hunstville 1-0.

It isn't over yet. Brandt didn't do too badly, he just needs to make better decisions handling the puck against teams that love to play the odds on clearing passes regardless of how many men are on the ice (5x5, 5x4, and so on). I hope JPar doesn't do the same thing tommorrow.

I can't stand seeing us lose especially like that.

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Who cares about keeping the #1 ranking. The one of the good things about losing is maybe getting that anchor from around our throats.

The other is that any points WI and SCSU get make it that much hard for MN to finish in the top 3.

I don't disagree that we can't take the gas pipe as fans at this point, but we've struck a point in the schedule where we're not dominating the 3rd period like we had been. And it is the wrong time of the season for that to happen.

Not too late to fix things.

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Funk spunk. What in the hell is everyone talking about. They lost one friggen game to a solid Wisconsin team. The team has been number one for 13 weeks. Our boys will bounce back. Everyone take a deep breath and get a little perspective. It's the middle of Feb and we are still the WCHA leaders.

And Dogz. Congrats. Keep in rolling. What would be better than having the Cup on the line in late Feb.

I agree,

we came out flying the first period........I think we took the Badgers a little off guard. I've been at the Kohl center, and it's a rocking place....especially now this year with a winning team. Is it not tough to play on the road in an environment like that?? Sure it is! Let's not forget that Wisconsin is a serious contender, and look to be legitimate!

Who was running around scared tonight?? Didn't want to get hit? I think I saw hits all over the ice, from BOTH teams!

One loss like this is not the end of the world.........quit with the pessimistic attitude. The team is NOT what it was last year, much deeper, etc. Keep the chins up, tomorrow....will tell a lot more! I say we'll come out like the 1st period, and not let up!


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It may not be time to panic, but....

The 1999-00 team never lost a game they led going into the 3rd. This team has.

The 2000-01 team did not have more losses than ties. This team does.

Those championship contender teams certainly did not get outshot or outhustled. Against UM two weeks ago, I thought we were very lucky to walk away with 2 points. Outshot both nights. Outclassed on Saturday. It wasn't until late in the 3rd, when they were desperate, that they showed any real hustle.

Didn't see the third period tonight (I was out playing sports after the 2nd), but it IS a major disappointment to drop the game when there was a 2 goal lead after 2. From reading the posts here, it sounds like they mailed it in after the first.

Don't get me wrong. I love the Fighting Sioux. But I'm a very competitive person, and I cannot stand seeing them toss away such a great start. This has shades of last season written all over it. And this after Blais met with all the players during the week to coax some of them into contributing more.

And then I had to see the damn highlights on national news at a grocery store in CA, while I was waiting in line to check out! I haven't seen UND on any national channel all season. Now they make it because they dropped a game to WI. Rats!!

Do better, Sioux. SOON! The shades of last season need to be swept away for good. Now. This year.

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This loss is a serious "gut check" for the team. They HAVE to show what they are really made of tonight. No "BS", no "BC lost/tied/stayed home, so we're still No. 1", no "we were playing Wisco at home", etc. Horses**t. I hope this loss hurts the team and it leaves such a bad taste in their mouths that they can barely eat. This time of the season is when good teams step it up and move to the next level. This time of the season is also when other teams start to clean their golf clubs. If they lose tonight, they'd better start checking greens fees. :p;)

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