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  1. god forbid someone posted something twice, in a new thread.....wow
  2. I know you try to put a wet blanket on anything regarding UND, but these ticket numbers look pretty decent and we haven't even kicked off yet. I've come across numerous people who are a lot more excited about this season, because of the buildup and all the away games.
  3. They started that a couple months ago. It takes place on several different auctions, including when the bidding gets to a certain price point. There were so many fake second chance offers and phishing scams going out to bidders that ebay felt this would help combat that problem.
  4. That puck along with another one, is also available at the Sioux Shop. http://www.siouxshop.com/home.php?cat=305
  5. I agree with most of what you say, but towns like Bismarck, Minot, Williston, Dickinson have high school hockey and I think that basketball is a very popular sport there.
  6. lol........i'll give you one thing DaveK.....your posts are always entertaining. Once again, hockey and football are not the "only" sports. Believe it or not, people do actually like basketball, I know it is hard for you to believe.
  7. Too expensive
  8. Out of what airport? Several flights today out of Grand Forks have been cancelled.
  9. Sorry JFR, but those are some really ugly jerseys.
  10. no problem
  11. 317 is QVC on DirecTV
  12. Your points would be good ones if you weren't a bison fan posing as a sioux fan. I'll never understand why people do that.
  13. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2768446
  14. This kid is a very good player and what is wrong with him only being a "2nd round pick" in your eyes?
  15. No gophers coverage this weekend on FSN
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