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I want to know what he's going to do differently going forward. I would love to hear his plan.

The system sucks. Not only is it not working, it isn't very fun to watch.

His system had great success with ELITE talent- play a system that avoids opportunities to screw up, then let the God given talents of Travis Zajac, Drew Stafford, TJ Oshie, Jonathan Toews, Matt Frattin, etc. score a couple goals.

You have to play fast and on your toes- FORWARD, not backward, not lateral, FORWARD with speed

I am with you on this. What does the coach do different, his systems seem way to rigid, let some creativity into this. I have never seen the Ralph as empty during games as I have at the end of this year. He coach's a very boring style. It's not very fun to watch.
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Enough with the fire Hak talk. Sure he is responsible for getting these guys in a position to win. But why are so many people complaining about Hak and giving the players a pass. It is the players that are on the ice. It is the players that are skating on the ice, make the hits, make the passes, and score the goals. Hak doesn't fail to clear the puck on a power play which results in a goal. Hak didn't miss two wide open nets. Hak doesn't make bad passes which lead to goals. If they don't produce, like last night, why is it the coaches fault? We lost. I get it. We are all pissed. But there are more people to blame for the loss than Hak.

What I will not put up with anymore is this asinine notion that nothing is ever Hak's fault. Recruiting.....not his fault, it's the big, bad CHL. Strategy.....again, not his fault, it's all about the players (Copyright Sid Hartman). Motivation.....again, not part of his job, the players should do it all themselves all the time (Copyright Sid Hartman). Bottom line: Hakstol is at the top of the food chain and is the commander of the army. The buck stops with him. He is the one variable that has been present for the last 10 years. Players come and go. Even some assistant coaches come and go. But this program has Hakstol's fingerprints all over it; he has built it the way he wants to build it. And that is how it should be. But the results haven't been there when the NCAA tournament rolls around. Back when we had a roster filled with 1st Round picks, we couldn't help but score goals (even Hakstol's precious "baseline defensive system" can't neuter those guys). Now that we don't have that much world-class talent, we struggle to beat even the most mediocre of teams. That's when you need to make adjustments to your in-game strategy to get better results. Hakstol simply will not do that and that is more than fair to criticize.

If Hakstol's role is just not all that important, then why are we paying him six figures a year to run this program? I think that question answers itself.

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I'd feel a whole lot better about this if I felt Hak and company would spend the off season assessing things and making changes where needed. However, I'm sure that regardless of what talent we bring in we will spend the first half of the season sleepwalking and continue to chip the puck along the boards. Endless dump, chase, and cycle. If that doesn't work, we'll do it some more.

i've got an idea, how about the put boards that are only a foot tall for when they practice, then they will have no choice but to skate the puck into the zone!!!! at the CC game i thought it be cool if they just took the boards down for a game haha

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i've got an idea, how about the put boards that are only a foot tall for when they practice, then they will have no choice but to skate the puck into the zone!!!! at the CC game i thought it be cool if they just took the boards down for a game haha

Then Rocco would be able to see over them.

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I've been saying this all year. This team isn't that good. They just aren't. They lack scoring ability and have to rely on guys that in years past would have been fourth liners to score goals. Grimaldi is the only forward with a lot of elite skills but he can't get the puck in the net. There are too many people who treat the hockey team like the NDSUs football team is treated in Fargo. Not every player that laces em up for UND is automatically elite. A lot of people on here need to be real for once and realize that we need better forwards to do anything in march.

Agree completely with you & hrkac. I will be the first to admit that I am not a hugh hakstol fan but this teams shortcomings are mainly talent related in my opinion and not coaching. Lets face it, nothing against Pattyn, but he is a fourth line player at best on a really good team and not second line/power play guy like he is at UND. Luke Johnson is nice player and may become a really good player but he is not ready for a 1st/2nd line role.

TO me the real question is what happen to our top notch recruiting. So we lost a couple of players - so what, every elite program has. That goes with the territory. Losing an elite recruit here and there should not decimate you team of top level talent and in fact should factor in to one's recruiting plan. Miami has been hit hard by defections the last year or two yet they still have 3-4 top end offensive players on their team that we would kill for (to have just one) this year.

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I want to know what he's going to do differently going forward. I would love to hear his plan.

The system sucks. Not only is it not working, it isn't very fun to watch.

His system had great success with ELITE talent- play a system that avoids opportunities to screw up, then let the God given talents of Travis Zajac, Drew Stafford, TJ Oshie, Jonathan Toews, Matt Frattin, etc. score a couple goals.

You have to play fast and on your toes- FORWARD, not backward, not lateral, FORWARD with speed

This hits the nail on the head for me. The hockey has not been fun to watch and in fact very difficult to watch at times. Maybe the answer is simple - Hakstol should start recruiting the likes of Travis Zajac, Drew Stafford, TJ Oshie, Jonathan Toews, Matt Frattin,Danny Kristo, Ryan Duncan, Trupp, etc. again. Even if those guys lost, it was often crazy fun to watch them play.

Entertaining and losing is way better than boring and losing I guess.


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Agree completely with you & hrkac. I will be the first to admit that I am not a hugh hakstol fan but this teams shortcomings are mainly talent related in my opinion and not coaching. Lets face it, nothing against Pattyn, but he is a fourth line player at best on a really good team and not second line/power play guy like he is at UND. Luke Johnson is nice player and may become a really good player but he is not ready for a 1st/2nd line role.

TO me the real question is what happen to our top notch recruiting. So we lost a couple of players - so what, every elite program has. That goes with the territory. Losing an elite recruit here and there should not decimate you team of top level talent and in fact should factor in to one's recruiting plan. Miami has been hit hard by defections the last year or two yet they still have 3-4 top end offensive players on their team that we would kill for (to have just one) this year.

The two losses I am you are referring to are Miller and Matteau. We also missed Seth Jones. How many non visible recruits did we miss out?

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I think the CHL watched the best NHL player (Toews) come from the NCAA and started aggressively going after recruits that would have gone our way. I realize my opinion of Toews may not be shared by everyone, but I think he is and that is a black eye for the CHL.

I agree that the CHL is stealing many high end players from the NCAA and that the NCAA is sitting on their hands rather than trying to do something. However, there are plenty of hockey teams with much lesser programs than us that have guys that can find the back of the net.
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I agree that the CHL is stealing many high end players from the NCAA and that the NCAA is sitting on their hands rather than trying to do something. However, there are plenty of hockey teams with much lesser programs than us that have guys that can find the back of the net.

I agree, where are those players coming from? Is the CHL recruiting hurting UND more than others because of where we recruit vs. the less storied programs? I don't know, I have many more questions than answers.

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Most people wouldn't consider a team with fifteen draft picks on it eligible for a "rebuilding" year... I thought we just reload? Wonder how many times a team with this many draft picks have missed the tourney.

Well, Michigan has 12, and they just missed their second year in a row.

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