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I don't know. You brought it up. So you have a brother-in-law on the team? You still have not told us as to why Bina is such a bad coach. Just admit that you opened your mouth and inserted foot and now are trying to extract said foot from mouth.

I didn't bring it up. You asked. How's this. Have you heard of Dennis Johnson? He might have a son on the team.

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1-0 RRHS over a clearly less skilled GFC team

I think Chase is being outcoached in this game even though hes winning on a fluke goal

I wouldn't call that goal a fluke. Central came out scared for the first 5min or so and red river put one in in the second min or something like that. Once central stopped playing scared and tentative they kept the game more even and gave red river I little test.

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Get greedy? He has been part of the Sioux coaching staff since 2000 and Head Coach since 2004 and makes close to $500,000.00 a year and the fans expecting a National Championship, even just one, during his tenure is greedy? I disagree.

Shhhhhhh! No talk like that around here bro. It doesn't matter that he's the head coach of so many teams that have had the most talent and CHOKED every year.

We should just be THRILLED that we aren't Mankato. And be THRILLED that we are "competitive" every year. I mean there are a lot of teams that wish they could be as relevant as UND is!

THAT is how we measure success at UND. By how many crap programs like Mankato and Anchorage wish they could be like us. NOT by National Championships, I mean...what does those count for? I'd rather settle for playing in all of the frozen fours that our team has played in. Certain posters act like they'd rather not be in the Frozen Four than to get there so many times in a decade and just CHOKE in the spotlight like UND has so often. Not me, I'd rather get there and CHOKE.

So many UND fans are so "greedy". I mean come on, this program JUST won a title 13 years ago for god sakes! Have some patience, would ya?!

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I didn't bring it up. You asked. How's this. Have you heard of Dennis Johnson? He might have a son on the team.

Jeez you are a spinner. You said fire Tony Bina and I asked why. You said there were parents that had played at a high level and I asked who. You finally came up with one person. Clap Clap. But you still have failed to make your argument as to why Bina should be fired.
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In 2007 Parshall won the B. Rainbow Goodbear played a key role at the end of the championship game to secure the title for Parshall. (The Packineau brothers and Rudy Youngbird were Parshalls horses) Minot Ryan was also in the tournament. Rainbow Goodbear was in the tournament book team photo for both Parshall and Minot Ryan. He started the year at Ryan and transferred to Parshall later in the season. How does that work? :huh:

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So then enlighten me on the imaculate coaching skills of one Tony Bina. And may I remind you that I was defending Hakstol so also feel free to define this double standard as well.

Your words that he is a bad coach and still waiting to find out why. And if he is so bad then why did Steve Johnson have is kid switch from Red River to Central? Were not most of their stars the last year Central won kids that should have gone to Red River?
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In 2007 Parshall won the B. Rainbow Goodbear played a key role at the end of the championship game to secure the title for Parshall. (The Packineau brothers and Rudy Youngbird were Parshalls horses) Minot Ryan was also in the tournament. Rainbow Goodbear was in the tournament book team photo for both Parshall and Minot Ryan. He started the year at Ryan and transferred to Parshall later in the season. How does that work? :huh:

My dad grew up in Glen Ullin and has stories of Ft. Yates and their 25 year old HS players! Similar to UND's 30 year old hockey players. ;) He said rumors had it some of them playing for Ft. Yates and across the border in SD during the same BB seasons back in the day.

He said the gym would be packed when Yates came to town as home town fans would even cheer for Yates just to see the 2 digit scoreboard go back to "00" when they hit a 100 points!

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Someone mentioned Marlon Bell from Halliday a few posts back. Another guy that would have been scary with a 3 point line and he was so quick as well, a definite ankle breaker.....I remember him going to BSC and lighting it up for a bout 30 a game until Christmas time and semester break(grades) came......and he was never heard from again.
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Lets say that did happen hypothetically. The last person I would look at would be the coach. I blows my mind when parents blame a coach when their kid isn't very good and gets cut or doesn't play. Perhaps my biggest pet peev is the whole 'not my kid' delusion, it's pathetic.

As far as this is concerned, I know a good coach when I see one and he is not one. If he was there would be some parents and former players singing his praises. That is not the case, even with those kids who won the state championship in 2010. He's a terrible coach, that's all I've ever heard about him and its pretty obvious from watching some games. Next time someone disagrees with this please give a reason in support.

How about a reason as to why he is so bad?
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I'm not talking about those moms and dads whose kids are all stars at life when I say I haven't heard anything good about Bina. I'm talking about the parents that played at a high level and know a terrible coach when they see one. It's one thing if the jv and 4th line kids' parents are complaining about the coach but in this situation it's every parent from the 1st line of varsity to the 4th line of jv.

The fact that you can't notice the difference gives me serious concerns for your intelligence.

So then what parents played at a high level besides Dennis Johnson? Your words and not mine.
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This "fire Hakstol" mindset is so misdirected. How many coaches in the country don't get to the Frozen Four almost every year? Most of them. That's the answer. These posters who are so quick to throw Hakstol under the bus either do not understand the great challenge with winning a four round one and done tournament in hockey or they are choosing to ignore that fact.

Take 2011 as an example. The Sioux went to the national semi-finals and lost to Michigan. The Sioux out-shot MIchigan 40-20, had only six penalty minutes to Michigan's 12 minutes and thoroughly controlled the game through all three periods. Yet the Sioux lost. Within minutes of that loss there was another "fire Hak" post on this forum. Do you "fire Hak" folks really not see the ridiculousness of that? Essentially one goalie (Hunwick) had the greatest game of his entire career on the worst possible night for the Sioux and that's what ended our season. It wasn't compacency. It wasn't poor coaching. It wasn't lack of skill or training. It wasn't a lack of chemistry. It was all the result of a hot goalie. You play a best of seven with that kind of one-sided dominance and the series goes the other way.

Hakstol is a great coach. He gets this team to the tournament every year and into the Frozen Four nearly every year. Very few coaches in the league can say that.

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So then what parents played at a high level besides Dennis Johnson? Your words and not mine.

You are an incredibly bad reader. High level? You automatically think that means beyond highschool? You can play hockey at a high level and never play beyond highschool. I played your game. You'll keep moving the line so I won't worry about getting there.

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You are an incredibly bad reader. High level? You automatically think that means beyond highschool? You can play hockey at a high level and never play beyond highschool. I played your game. You'll keep moving the line so I won't worry about getting there.

Quite trying to backtrack. A high level is not freaking high school hockey. There are not even many kids there whose dad's even played high school. Seng did but the Garritson kid's dad did not, don't try and say he did because I have known Larry, Ronny, and Ricky for years (also their cousins and cousin's spouses). I did not move the line. You keep changing your statement and still have failed as to explaining why Bina is a bad coach. I bet you never even played high school hockey yourself.
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Question for you guys: Is a guy able to coach at a level higher then the highest level he played at? Yes or No and why?

Yes they can easily. Great players do not always makes great coaches. Think Gretzky here and Phoenix. Understanding the game and being able to teach the game has nothing to do with how high they played.
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