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Eight Bison football players charged


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1-9 records and newspaper articles like that tend to piss college presidents and AD's off...Is Glenn in any trouble there or did Meierkort just leave that big of a mess?

Without looking too closely at it, I'm guessing that as it pertains to football, this is Meierkort's doing. I'm pretty sure all the current or former football players implicated were recruited under his watch.

With that said, I think that a good argument could be made that it would have made more sense for USD to hire a football coach who will potentially be around long enough to build the program. At his age, I highly doubt Glenn is going to coach much longer. He is getting paid quite well by USD standards, so a 1-9 record (soon to be 1-10) can't be sitting well with anybody there.

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Downfall of going D1.

True in the sense that the problems are more visible. D2 or D3, or NAIA programs are not without their own problems. The real reason for this "downfall" is the 24-7 news cycle. There was a UND hoops star back in the 90's that had more than one DUI who would have likely been dismissed from the team had the issues happened today.

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True in the sense that the problems are more visible. D2 or D3, or NAIA programs are not without their own problems. The real reason for this "downfall" is the 24-7 news cycle. There was a UND hoops star back in the 90's that had more than one DUI who would have likely been dismissed from the team had the issues happened today.

Did his name began with a G and was from a little town that began with an E?
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  • 2 months later...

So is the GF media simply incompetent or completely in bed with UND's athletic department? Five hockey players charged with a Class A Misdemeanor in early December and not one single article or tweet mentioning it.

This was from the incident before the season. They were already suspended for a game and one player got two games. For a Misdeameanor.

The last thing an NDSU fan should do is wonder why nothing his happening when a UND player gets in trouble with the law. How are those Felonies from September being dealt with down in Fargo - still working on it? Day in court?

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This was from the incident before the season. They were already suspended for a game and one player got two games. For a Misdeameanor.

The last thing an NDSU fan should do is wonder why nothing his happening when a UND player gets in trouble with the law. How are those Felonies from September being dealt with down in Fargo - still working on it? Day in court?

You know the reporting is so poor I have hard time knowing just what was going on legally but with that said I have a hard time believing it was for a misdemeanor considering they were not charged until multiple months after they were suspended. They were suspended for violating team rules though, that much was clear from what was reported.

And they were charged with the same level misdemeanor as the NDSU football players and one player got two games because he also had another unrelated offense. But I don't really have an issue with how UND responded, my only question would be why one player who was charged was never suspended but like I said before there has been such terrible reporting by the Herald it is hard to know what is going on.

I will say again that I don't really have a problem with how UND handled it. My issue is more with the media and how they completely failed to do their jobs. If that had happened in Fargo there is no doubt as soon as the charges were brought on the players it would be front page above the fold.

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I would get a hold of the forum than and ask them. The UND athletic dept. handled this already and will let the rest play out in court to see if anything further needs to happen. Its called getting out in front of the story, not saying "they have already suffered enough" and just waiting for it to pass over.

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As far as we know from a media reporting standpoint, there was somthing that happened involving alcohol and underage drinking, and five players got suspended for 1 game. We had Zero knowledge of any charges filed or that any university discipline would occur other than game suspensions. Suspensions occurred at start of the season to limited impact to players and team, because winning is all that really matters, and boys will be boys. Wasn't it bascially a preseason or non-con game where the suspensions occurred? Please enlighten me on the specific game. Also, according to the reporting, no MIPs were issued to all the underage players involved in the situation, just the 5 players who were of legal age who were suspended. What is up with that, did the cops just look the other way?

In NDSU's situation, we had a suspension (1 player for #1 vs #3), university discipline process discussed openly in a press conf, legal charges filed (at the same level as the und players), and medial stories at the start, the middle, the end and still happening with local, state "and" regional papers.

And shockingly, people on this board smugly criticize the ndsu situation as not being treated seriously enough and see the lack of media coverage in the UND situation as no big deal that it was reported in September when no knowledge of legal charges were known. I guess these types of situations are only important and get media coverage when DI championship teams are involved. I guess UND hockey is not the biggest deal in ND or the region.

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Suspensions occurred at start of the season to limited impact to players and team, because winning is all that really matters, and boys will be boys. Wasn't it bascially a preseason or non-con game where the suspensions occurred? Please enlighten me on the specific game.

They were suspended for the first game(s) after the incident happened. Were they supposed to wait until a higher profile game to suspend the players so that there was a bigger impact?

And shockingly, people on this board smugly criticize the ndsu situation as not being treated seriously enough and see the lack of media coverage in the UND situation as no big deal that it was reported in September when no knowledge of legal charges were known. I guess these types of situations are only important and get media coverage when DI championship teams are involved. I guess UND hockey is not the biggest deal in ND or the region.

Why get mad at the Herald? Isn't the Forum equally capable of reporting about events all around the state, just as the Herald is? It's not the job of the school to pro-actively go to the newspaper and tell them about what's going on. It's the newspaper's job. Maybe the Herald did drop the ball on this one, but the Forum is equally a guilty of that.

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Could the difference be that UND got in front of its situation and suspended a bunch of players and reserved the right to do more later as warranted, and NDSU tried to portray their situation as being victims of their own misgivings and only acted after the pressure (media and public) mounted?

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