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A poster on B'ville had a tweet from one of Szczyrbak's parents basically saying they are proud of him for deciding to step back and take another look at all his options. Hashtaged UND, UNI and FU.

Excellent job by the coaches to get him on campus and show him what UND has to offer.

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I think with explosive DEs with 250-type size along with a larger/quicker Sam/Will LBs can wreak havoc for any offensive backfield. There is no doubt that we are getting bigger with the 2013/2014 recruiting classes on Defense. Our LB core and secondary are filling up with many 6'+ players weighing closer to 220-230+ with long arms and quick feet. Don't discount football acumen. I can attest that many of the players we are talking about are smart players. Being in the right place at the right time is as important as size!!

Exactly. More D1 athletes on the field. More importantly they're doing what it takes off the field.

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A poster on B'ville had a tweet from one of Szczyrbak's parents basically saying they are proud of him for deciding to step back and take another look at all his options. Hashtaged UND, UNI and FU.

Excellent job by the coaches to get him on campus and show him what UND has to offer.

like a degree that is worth ten times that of uni and the ndac...should be an easy choice for the young man....

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A poster on B'ville had a tweet from one of Szczyrbak's parents basically saying they are proud of him for deciding to step back and take another look at all his options. Hashtaged UND, UNI and FU.

Excellent job by the coaches to get him on campus and show him what UND has to offer.

Szczyrbak and Jake Disterhaupt were high school teammates, correct? Not to say that is necessarily a huge deal, but it may not hurt, either.

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Like I said, when my child had to make a decision I told him to forget football and the $$$$ on the table. He should go where he would get the best education for what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.... "Then it's UND Mom!"

Sounds like the recruits have the maturity to stick together for 4 or 5 years and be re models. Success will follow!!!!

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like a degree that is worth ten times that of uni and the ndac...should be an easy choice for the young man....

A degree from UND or NDSU is worth exactly the same, get over yourselves. I work at a company that has hundreds of college grads. I asked the HR person in charge of recruiting if it matters where the prospective employee got their degree. I was told it makes ZERO difference. Just that they have one, after that it is all about the personality and what they bring to the interview.

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So, Harvard = St Cloud State? Awesome HR department...said no one!

So UND=Harvard?

And yes, If a St. Cloud grad interviews better and sound more competent than a Harvard grad, he gets the job. Guess what, the person with the best grades in high school doesn't necessarily make a better employee.

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So who do we have for committed DB's so far? I was hoping to hear form some JC transfers by now otherwise next fall could be rough. We really really need Carter to commit.....I could see him starting in the fall as a true freshmen.

We have that Will Lyons guy that nobody knows anything about.

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So UND=Harvard?

And yes, If a St. Cloud grad interviews better and sound more competent than a Harvard grad, he gets the job. Guess what, the person with the best grades in high school doesn't necessarily make a better employee.

I think you missed the point entirely....this is the recruiting thread though, take the pissing match somewhere else.

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Gopherhole interview w/ Payton Jordahl. Classy kid. Had good things to say about new UND staff & his relationship w/ Kostich from his time at MN & now at UND.


Payton Jordahl: University of North Dakota was a half, a partial ride. It is unfortunate, because I really, really liked the new staff and coach Bubba Schweigert and the staff that he has put together. They are a great group of guys . I know that they are going to do good things at the University of North Dakota. It just had to come down to where I truly wanted to go and that ended up being the Gophers.

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When you have won 3 straight National Championships, you don't meltdown. You find another player. Besides do you really care what Bisonville thinks. You make us all look like douche bags.

Really? Cuz when the news of Bohl leaving leaked that place went bonkers. I do care what Bisonville thinks to a point. They assume they'll get every recruit they want and that we're an afterthought. Actually flipping a committed recruit would be a nice serving of humble pie and would be a big step in swaying the perception of the two schools from a recruiting standpoint.

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A degree from UND or NDSU is worth exactly the same, get over yourselves. I work at a company that has hundreds of college grads. I asked the HR person in charge of recruiting if it matters where the prospective employee got their degree. I was told it makes ZERO difference. Just that they have one, after that it is all about the personality and what they bring to the interview.

spoken like a true ndac grad...

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So who do we have for committed DB's so far? I was hoping to hear form some JC transfers by now otherwise next fall could be rough. We really really need Carter to commit.....I could see him starting in the fall as a true freshmen.

We have Deion Harris & Josiah Montague committed so far. Harris is a S & I believe Montague is a CB. Would love to see Carter commit & I agree that he could start from day 1.

I'm guessing if we do have some transfers coming in, it won't be until after spring semester. Would've been tough to get some transfers in here for spring semester w/ the late start of the coaching staff.

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