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New Nickname



319 members have voted

  1. 1. What name should replace "Fighting Sioux" after it's retired?

    • Aviators or Pilots
    • Cavalry
    • Nodaks
    • Nokotas
    • Norse, Nordics, Fighting Norsemen
    • Outlaws
    • Plainsmen
    • Rangers
    • Rough Riders
    • Other

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I would like it to be unique (no one else has it), is not ethnic based, no one else is likely to adopt later, and is relative to North Dakota (culture, history, etc.). So far the only suggestion I have seen that fits these criteria and I like is "Nokotas"

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I would like it to be unique (no one else has it), is not ethnic based, no one else is likely to adopt later, and is relative to North Dakota (culture, history, etc.). So far the only suggestion I have seen that fits these criteria and I like is "Nokotas"

How about Banana Slugs? Oh, wait, that's already been taken by UC-Santa Cruz.

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I would like it to be unique (no one else has it), is not ethnic based, no one else is likely to adopt later, and is relative to North Dakota (culture, history, etc.). So far the only suggestion I have seen that fits these criteria and I like is "Nokotas"

In this radio segment from Scott Hennen's show, he has on Rob Port and Ruth Hopkins to debate the siouxperdrunk t-shirt issue. A couple of times Ruth mentions that the Sioux represent the Dakota, Nokota/Nakota (sp?) and Lakota Indians. There is a 0% chance that UND will be the Nokotas, even if you're referring to some kind of horse.

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Kyle Thorson, a member of the UND student government and a Democrat running for the state House in District 43, has proposed a resolution that would bar any member of the student government from expressing support for the former nickname.

Wow. I propose a resolution banning you from stating or having an opinion. Kudos to you, Kyle Thorson, but I think the (D) in front of your name should be replaced with a ( C ) or at the very least an (S).

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I agree that the moratorium should be extended. I haven't heard a suggestion that I've liked, and so far I prefer just being the University of North Dakota. Rushing to a decision as a result of a t-shirt or to put another name "behind us" is an idiotic idea.

Did you see the quote from the girl saying that she's embarrassed to be graduating from UND, we'll...then don't.

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Instead of just Hawks.....how about the Ice Hawks! Something a little different that probably nobody else has (well maybe somebody does), although we may not need any for inference that we are in a cold region lol.

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I'm trying to come up with a nickname related to Orion the Hunter.

That's the constellation that appears in in mid-August, dominates the fall and winter and spring, but is out of sight by late April, until the following August.

They put Orion into the ship's patch for the USS NORTH DAKOTA.

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Instead of just Hawks.....how about the Ice Hawks! Something a little different that probably nobody else has (well maybe somebody does), although we may not need any for inference that we are in a cold region lol.

I kinda like it...but I think the argument to be made against it will be that it pertains primarily to the ice hockey teams of the university as opposed to encompassing all athletics.

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I kinda like it...but I think the argument to be made against it will be that it pertains primarily to the ice hockey teams of the university as opposed to encompassing all athletics.

Nope can't have it... logic on this board dictates so. That was the name of Rugby's Junior Gold Hockey teams. We'd just be copying and alienating every other junior gold fan in the state.

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