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Everything posted by andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!!

  1. I think the deal falling through with Notre Dame was primarily TV related. And its hard to blame them, they had their games on NBCSN just like NHL games and it is a pretty widely available channel. Look at what the NCHC ended up with- CBS sports, which was in far fewer homes.
  2. Good Stuff right there.
  3. Should have went D1 when SU did. For that matter, should have went when Montana did.
  4. How many sheets of ice are currently in Fargo/West Fargo?
  5. Been saying that for years.
  6. Oh that would be excellent!
  7. This is good.
  8. Sam Houston at #4. Need to win that one. They should come into the game with us 1-0 (first game is against prairie view a&m).
  9. Edit: I can't figure out how to embed a twitter link. But it appears that Zimmerman is at the top of the depth chart for QB per I figured we could have a separate thread for fall camp.
  10. It is interesting that they have the logos for the Summit and NCHC at the bottom of the page but not the Big Sky (football). I would assume they would have MVFC logo once the time comes.
  11. Spain v. Portugal was fantastic. What a game.
  12. Mandan is looking at moving their library into an old grocery store.
  13. Hopefully not. Soccer on turf stinks.
  14. Is this what you have heard happened or just speculation? Thanks for the clarification.
  15. I still say Northern Pike was the way to go. State fish, unique name, aggressive creature, lots of positives.
  16. Peregrines would have been a lot more original then hawks.
  17. Maybe by the end of this we will have a decent nickname and/or logo...
  18. One thing that can be said, is that the Ralph buildings are about the only thing on campus that has no deferred maintenance while being nicely updated.
  19. With a quote like that, I wonder if there has been discussions with the Alerus Center regarding the logo.
  20. Maybe, the REA just thinks the new logo and more so the name are totally lame and bland and think that "North Dakota" is less lame and bland. Golly, at some schools, all they use is the school "letter" logo and the school name and you have to dig deep to even figure out what their nickname is. I surely would have jumped onboard with a new nickname/logo a bit quicker if it had been something unique and cool. As it is, I would rather just get UND stuff with maybe the scripted "fighting hawks" in real small print on it somewhere.
  21. Wouldn't it be the Fargo location that is causing the problems? I would think they would want to use the same bread at all locations and with no Hugos in Fargo but a Hornbacher's in Grand Forks, I imagine they were looking to stream line supplies.
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